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It's non of your business how others perceive you or your expression, it's always more about them than you.

Focus on connecting your mind to your heart & authentically expressing the wisdom that arises from this connection.

You have no greater purpose here than that expression.


 I guess the only thing that concerns us regarding the perception of others is how we feel and what we think when in contact with that perception. 

By facing what we feel and think, we can really look at the other's perception as an expansion and not something limited by our projections. 
 How you perceive their reaction to your expression is definitely illuminating.

If it ilicits a strong emotional response within you, there's probably a hurt part within you that needs acknowledging. Your reaction to their reaction shows you more about yourself than them.

Observe your emotions & your thoughts. Examine your beliefs that are sitting behind them. Let it all flow through you. 🧡 

Sometimes I repeat what bothers me about what others say (or what I imagine they said) about my expression as if I were saying it. that makes me inevitably see within me what I was not facing before.

thank you for bringing all that. 
 As long as you're aware when you say it, there's value to be had.

Just don't judge yourself.

Thank you too Polyanna. I've enjoyed this exchange immensely. 🧡 