Oddbean new post about | logout
 im like extremely depressed this week. I still miss my ex :( its been over a year and i want her back so badly but she wont even respond to me 😔😢😞. It sucks so fucking much. I fucked up and lost the love of my life and now i am struggling so bad mentally. I need some advice 😞😫😫 
 I’ve lost mine a few times. You’re young. You’ll find another. Just don’t look to the fire for answers. In my experience, it’s better to sift through the ashes. 
 my advice would be just move on. 

practice meditation and just observe the sensations that arise in your body with equanimity. 10-20 hrs of this practice will help you move on. Don’t drink or use other substances as clutches, they will only make it worse and reinforce a vicious cycle of misery. 

Happens to all of us

You'll find someone else but the memories and feeling of loss will remain 

Just don't put that burden on your new girl 
 +1. Go pick up something heavy.  Repeat until you can't do it anymore. Everything else will sort itself out from there 
 This is the way. Lift weights. Set a goal to get a six pack. Once you do, report back to let people know if you still feel the same way. 
That’s how I got better. I followed starting strength: 3x5 squat, 3 times a week, for 3 months.

It’s addictive. 
 See you at the gym bro! 🫡 
 Read the stoics.

Let her go.  Become the best version of yourself.

Work towards improving yourself daily.

The rest will sort itself out. 
 There is another someone out there that is lonely out there. Get out there and meet people. Takes effort but I guarantee there are more amazing people that you will be able to connect with in a similar way. 🤙  
 The person who cares the least holds all the power. DO NOT CONTACT  
 Do something physical to release stress.

Exercise, lift as others suggested, run, etc and stick to that.

It helps.

Might try talking to someone. It might help too.

Stay safe 🤗 
 She ain't deserve u bro, move on. Lift and run, it will help u feel better. 
 Alternative: shoot some beers with the bros 
 You’re 24. Don’t waste anymore time on this girl. Focus on yourself king. 
 I've been there. I was your age and had an ex that broke my heart. It was hard. But the cliche saying that time heals all wounds is true. Do dumb shit. Have fun. Do things that make you happy to get your mind off of her. Rely on your support system, friends and family, and start dating again, eventually, you'll be alright.  
 as hard as it sounds, pour your energy into yourself and becoming a better version of yourself. not for her or anyone else, but for yourself. 
reflect on what went wrong, but don’t ruminate. take up some extra hobbies, exercise in moderation, etc. get outside when you can. and try not to let the sadness keep you from enjoying life. 
 Stop trying to get her back. You aren't letting go and that's why you're depressed. Stop reaching out too. It's weird and certainly isn't going to make her want you. You're just making yourself look weak and needy and women generally don't want that. It's just reality. Chasing women does not work. Allow yourself to be depressed and actually move on. Friends, hobbies, work, etc will all be a better outlet and will get you right again. That's my advice. Take it or leave it. 
 Time will heal the broken heart. Fill up the vacuum with self improvement activities. Lift, eat really well, no junk, hike, get to bed exhausted. Keep it up. Its gna be rough the first week, but in three weeks you will barely recognize yourself at this moment. 🧡🧡🧡⚡️⚡️⚡️ 

Go to the gym lift heavy shit

Do not sit on your ass. 

Go running 

Use the shitty energy for your own gain. 

 Wow, you already got so much of terrible advice. I guess people are telling you what would work for them and not necessarily for you. So let me provide you with some bad advice. 

Accept reality. Relationships do sometimes end. It is sad, but it is true. 

Don't beg unless there is something to forgive. If you just grown apart there is nothing to do about it. Treat her with love, let her know how you feel and close this chapter. Refrain from calling her names, blaming her and similar stuff. Apologies if you already did. Remember that ideally you want to stay friends.

Year is already long time, but still allow yourself to grief. There is nothing bad on feeling sad, melanchic or depressed. Don't hide from it, process your feelings. 

Once you start feeling better, put yourself out there and start looking for for someone new.  
 Find a physical outlet. Gym, Jiujitsu, climbing, whatever you enjoy. Keep at it as much as possible. You’ll feel better with time but you have to start and stick with it. No excuses. 
 Get yourself out there and meet someone new. It'll pass eventually. I know it's easier said than done but that's life. Most of us have been there before.  
 nah its the weed you haven't been taking messing with you. you doing fine young king. keep going . take a moment to reflect and notice the areas youd like to change . 
 Get out and date. Who knows maybe you’ll find someone else you like better? 
 Me four years ago basically,had it bad even went to .....well then realised it was because I was thinking about her , and going over and over the shit and it was that,that was getting me depressed and feeling shit, so I fn just stopped thinking about it and things got better, go enjoy what ever your into and just let it go ,just stop thinking about it 💯 
 Bro we got you! 
Hit the gym and work on yourself 💪🏼 
 One lost, 10 found !
This might not apply to you, but I used to say fok it so I’m going to flirt around.
Needless to say that working out, walking in nature, having some sunshine on your face will help.
Be strong 💪 this too shall pass !
 It hurts for a while, and then you realize that you have to man up and face reality:
The Rational Male https://a.co/d/evpGaIl 
 just listen to music, it goes away eventually 
 Focus on yourself. How do you want to be? What are your goals? 
Be a better person and inspire others around you. Take this as a chance.
Show yourself and thus everyone else. Take responsibility.
Trying to convince him/her of anything is not going to do the job. Good luck 🧡 
 She is human. I went through a similar experience. I was only able to overcome it when I trained my mind to find happiness and enjoy life without relying on others. 
 Take it as a challenge that life has given you and that you must overcome, as best you can. From the past you can only learn so try to focus on the present moment. Life is an adventure and can be lived even without her. It will not be easy but you have to do it. 
 man I'm there too. I'm at over 5 years now from my divorce, even though we were together for about 5 years, married for 2 of them, it hurts, a lot, often. what helps me is remembering the bad things about our relationship. also just knowing that she herself deserves someone else, as do I.

hang in there, we got this <3 
 Move on. Hate to be so blunt but it won’t do you any good to wallow in it plain and simple. 
 Hang in there.  I lost mine about 25 years ago.  It hurts for a very long time, still does, but it gets easier.  Silly question, do you pray at all?  If not, I suggest it.  Let God fill in the void.  I did, and I have not been disappointed.  Far from it.  Life is so much better now. 
 Get some exercise to get your blood pumping (testosterone). Find a hobby to entertain, exercise your mind (neo cortex). 🤠  
 Get outside, touch grass and lift some heavy weights. 

Eat meat, don’t eat the rest. 

Delete her contact. It’s over, get over it. 
 The love of your life won't fail to recognize your true value. It sounds like this one has. 
Remember to assess your value system and priorities. 
No one but you truly knows the answer to your own problems. 
 Feels like the end of the world now… but in the future you won’t even be able to imagine why you felt this way. 
 Stupid advice #1: buy a motorcycle, as you’ll struggle to keep it on 2 wheels you won’t be able to think about something else 🤙
Stupid advice #2: find yourself a bartender girl to date, at least you can save on drinking while you forget about your ex
Advice #3: don’t follow any of my silly advices, it was just meant to make you smile 😀 
 she is not special and you will get through this.
you are likely reminded often since separation, that one of the worst parts of life is things are temporary.
it'd behoove you to remind yourself that the low you feel now, while its lasted a while, is temporary too. 
 Kid, 24 years old is WAY too young to know if your ex was the Love of Your Life! 

It sucks that you’re still not over her but the BEST thing for you to do is stop contacting her, so that you can emotionally heal and move on.

She’s still in your brain and heart now.

Channel your angst into getting fit and creating things.

Heartbreaks usually fuel a lot of excellent music albums. 

And actually *process* the breakup and try to figure out why it happened and what your role was in it. 

And try to learn from the demise of that relationship.

It could have been that she just wasn’t a good longterm fit for you. 

Don’t rush into dating someone else until you’re FULLY healed. You will KNOW when you are ready!

And if she was truly the Love of Your Life, your path will cross again and you two will end up together. 

If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen!

But date around to figure out what you like, don’t like, look for a girl who is compatible with you in interests, values, goals/dreams, SUBSTANCE stuff and not just a hot girl or cuz you’re lonely or want to hookup. 

Take care and hope you’re feeling better!

(Also, your brain is probably not fully developed at 24 so you may want to consider not doing so much weed cuz it does affect it! If you’re doing it everyday, it’s a crutch for your body.)