Oddbean new post about | logout
â–² â–¼
 Excited to announce the preview of Lightning Addresses for Mutiny+ users! No more invoice requests needed when paying friends by name directly on Mutiny Wallet.


Providing Lightning Addresses to a non-custodial wallet can be challenging, as they require a web server and constant online presence. To solve this issue, we've integrated Federated Lightning Addresses!


Inspired by Kody Low's Hermes project, our new feature uses ecash locked to your pubkey so only you can spend it when back online. Your wallet listens for DMs on nostr and unlocks tokens once received. Keep an eye out for a deeper dive soon!

To sign up: add a Federation, subscribe to Mutiny+, pick a unique Lightning Address name. Feedback appreciated as we stress test and work out kinks!

Thank you for your support in making this feature possible. We'll integrate it into the sign-up flow at a later time, open up randomly generated Lightning Addresses for everyone, and add more flexibility to change federations. 

Enjoy your new payment experience on Mutiny Wallet!

â–² â–¼
â–² â–¼
 anyone have any good fediment suggestions I can use for this? 
â–² â–¼
 The app has a built-in recommendation system. They should be ranked by most recommended among the people you follow 
â–² â–¼
 Any idea why every lightning address name I try comes back as already exists?
â–² â–¼
 Can't have capitals in your name, that's probably the problem 
â–² â–¼
 Yes I was able to fix going all lowercase. Question when someone zaps my lightning address it should show up under federation balance? I just test zapped myself three times and it showed up nowhere so far its been five minutes. I have restarted app multiple times too. Federation balance is 0 and Lightning balance did not go up either. Weird.


â–² â–¼
 Yeah that's suspicious, can you send your logs 
â–² â–¼
 Where should I send it doesn't seem like I can send txt file through nostr DMS.... 
â–² â–¼
 According to amethyst, it still shows your old alby lightning address. It should be broadcasting the update out once you create the lightning address in mutiny. Could you manually update your lightning address in your normal nostr client?  
â–² â–¼
 Yea on Nostr I still have my old lightning address but from Alby wallet I sent a payment directly to ivan@mutiny.plus and it showed up in the section where payments and receives are but Federation balance shows 0 and lightning total balance went up 0.  So not sure whats happening that balances have not updated.

â–² â–¼
 The same thing is happening to me...the latest zaps are not being added to my balance 
â–² â–¼
 Question did your federation balance ever show a balance? I am using the same federation as you. The freedom one. 
â–² â–¼
 Mine never did always stuck on 0 
â–² â–¼
 Yes I have a balance, but it has stopped being added… 
â–² â–¼
 Okay thanks for the reply I guess there is an issue with the federation starting today because mine never showed a balance  
â–² â–¼
 Do you think I should transfer everything in federation to Lightning? 
â–² â–¼
 Seems like they are working on it.

â–² â–¼
 Think we found the issue. Will be testing and then hopefully shipping the fix ASAP. 
â–² â–¼
 Sounds good. I'll test and report back. 
â–² â–¼
 Do what Ben said, or can also go directly to bitcoinmints.com and filter by fedimints. 3 different ones have ratings already, 4 have recommendations. 
â–² â–¼
 thanks bro, I picked one that was recommended by some followers but I think it doesn't work😂think I'm stuck with it for now haha 
â–² â–¼
 Which one? 
â–² â–¼
â–² â–¼
 Ha I think that's called Odin Federation. Probably best using either free Madeira or freedom one (run by the Mutiny guys?) right now. They're the top 2 on that website. 
â–² â–¼
 If you need help moving to a new one lmk 
â–² â–¼
 "Fedimint is required for this feature to work, so you must add one before adding a Lightning Address. For this first MVP, there's also a requirement that you do not change the federation you had when you added the Lightning Address. We will support this in a later release. If you change it, you'll stop receiving funds from your Lightning Address, and you'll have to change it back to the original federation."

I wanna keep the address I picked out so ima wait for the option to swap federations and keep the same address :) thank you though! also I only have wallet of satoshi to test and that wasnt working but apparently neither is strike so maybe it's an issue on those wallet's ends and not the federation itself  
â–² â–¼
 Hm OK. I tried zapping you through NWC on the freedom one federation so maybe it's on their end. 
â–² â–¼
 Freedom one 
â–² â–¼
 F.R.E.E madeira is a good one: 

â–² â–¼
 First impression: the landing page has a bunch of awesome and inspiring npubs on it. Immediately put me in a better mood! Sweet 
â–² â–¼
 Really really cool feature! Innovative and elegant solution too. Thanks Mutiny team! 
â–² â–¼
 Nice this seems cool! 
â–² â–¼
 I was waiting for this update! â¤ï¸ 
â–² â–¼
 So much happening with ecash 🤯 
â–² â–¼
 This is the way 
 Feedback in DM for you 
â–² â–¼
 This is awesome 
â–² â–¼
 Still can’t receive zaps for some reasons. 
â–² â–¼
 #Zapathon, we have a new target for this week. Mutiny needs to be stress tested 😬

â–² â–¼
 Kee rockin guys! @Mutiny Wallet 
  Ecash on Mutiny Wallet 🤔

Inspired by Kody Low's Hermes project, our new feature uses ecash locked to your pubkey so only you can spend it when back online. Your wallet listens for DMs on nostr and unlocks tokens once received. Keep an eye out for a deeper dive soon!

â–² â–¼
 Heads up for some reason I can't make a lightning address every name i try says name already exists.... Very weird tried real weird combos nothing worked.

â–² â–¼
 Investigating. Can you send logs too?  
â–² â–¼
 Registrations are coming in, could be something not working on your wallet side. Could you restart and try again?  
â–² â–¼
 That happened to me too, use only lowercase letters 
â–² â–¼
 Good advice! Yeah looks like we are not handing that correct. Will fix it.  
â–² â–¼
 Going all lowercase fixed my issue. Thanks.
â–² â–¼
 Tony, I tried sending you 10 sats, and got an "Unknown Error". 
â–² â–¼
 Sweet!  Can someone zap test me pls. Just updated mutiny with nb@mutiny.plus   I want to see if it works and understand what I'm getting... Seems like an ecash zap rather than LN payment. 
â–² â–¼
 Unfortunately still not working in Lockdown Mode (disabled on Website and App) 
â–² â–¼
 We believe it's an issue with iOS 17.4. Do you know what version you're on?  
â–² â–¼
â–² â–¼
 Damn you Apple 
â–² â–¼
Will it always be only for mutiny+ users?  
â–² â–¼
 Rollout details in the blog.  
â–² â–¼
 If you've added a federation, make sure it works first. It looks like there's some federations that exist without lightning gateways. If you're experiencing issues, let us know and we can help troubleshoot these. Fedimint is still new and early. 

â–² â–¼
 Not offering me the option to create a lightning address. I have a fediment and Mutiny+. Do I need to shake my phone? https://i.nostr.build/M56j5.jpg https://i.nostr.build/gZMDB.jpg  
â–² â–¼
 Fixed. I’m using PWA. Killing the app didn’t work. Restarted my phone. 😆 Then the PWA offered me option to Reload the app. 
â–² â–¼
 this really puts a big onus on clients to support NIP-42 (and fuck that NIP-44 shit just NIP-4 kind 4 messages ffs)

the sender is a big red flag for "money inside" right here

â–² â–¼
 Mazal tov ! ðŸ‘ðŸ¾ðŸ‘ðŸ¾ðŸ·ðŸ¤˜ðŸ¾ðŸ˜Žâš¡ï¸ 
â–² â–¼
 âš¡ðŸ´â€â˜ ï¸ 
 Anyone have a working Fedimint with reliable lightning gateways?
I think the confusion from the plebs is that Mutiny themselves do not provide this.
Please correct me if I’m mistaken. 
â–² â–¼
 This is huge, congrats mutiny team! 🙌🙌 
â–² â–¼
 Congrats to the Mutiny team! This is an amazing upgrade to using lightning address.

Looking for a fedimint to trust? Check out www.BitcoinMints.com and filter for fedimints. The top fedimint currently has almost 100 recommendations and four 5-star ratings.

â–² â–¼
 #mutinywallet #nostrgrowth

â–² â–¼
 No idea  how to create a Mutiny address?  
â–² â–¼
 Congratulations guys. Good job. 👠✊  
â–² â–¼
 Huge!!! Congrats! 
â–² â–¼
 Do you lose your address if you stop your subscription? I'd happily pay for a custom address, but can't afford the ongoing subscription for ever.  
â–² â–¼
 It's in the blog, you keep forever.  
â–² â–¼
 Interesting solution for the self-custodial wallet + LN address problem. Nice to see the interplay of lightning, ecash and nostr (and ofc, bitcoin)
