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jack | 1 years ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +126
 the primal 24h trending are always the the same people. intentional? 
 here we go again, lol 
 It’s a loop that keeps feeding itself 
 The popular kids, high school all over again  
 I have a hard time finding which table to sit at for lunch. 
 Is Nostr like an unpopular kids union? 
 I’m popular.  Nerd. 
 A popular nerd? 
 Are there any other types on here? 
 you’re always on there popular kid 
 No hue 
 i never see me 
 Noticed that too 
 someone get @Semisol 
 Release the cat! 😂 
 @Semisol is still blocked?? 
 Oh I don’t know. That’s not what I meant. I meant to say “unleash” … like an attack dog but cat. 
 And there is almost no rhyme or reason to why they are up there. 
 Maybe it's hard coded hahahahah 
 Yes, and few of used to be (shadow) banned... look for #freeralf if you missed the drama.
It's fixed now 😆 
 Now on “This weeks Primal controversy” 😂 
 Not surprising, power law distributions for social engagement. Early nostr -> very long tail compared to the top posters w/ high engagement numbers. Rather than focus on overall engagement, perhaps organizing by engagement in different topics to encourage a wider spread of trending. 
 🍿  🤣🤣🤣 
 the nostr KOL 
 The algorithm isn’t smart enough tbh. 

It should also take into account the people that you interact with the most 
 How am I not trending I’m the Miles Davis of nostr. Not ok 
 ⚡️⚡️⚡️ #zap ⚡️⚡️⚡️ #zapathon ⚡️⚡️⚡️ #Grownostr #BeOG

 [[This post is now tending]] 
 we out here creating riffable standards not ephemeral trends— 
 if I aint on there, it aint shit 🤣🤣🤣 
 Must be true. App is lame. 
 The cool kids of nostr 
 Are you saying according to Primal even on Nostr I’m at the freaks and geeks table? That’s like next level achievement. 
 Like to see localized tends.  
 It's true!  I have not tried primal much. https://m.primal.net/HKvw.png 
 weird how this note doesn’t show up on there yet it has more interactions than any other note on there 

intentional ? most likely 
 Yeah… this is a problem. 
 Only the cool ppl 
 We changed our trending algo so it’s harder to game by bots. We are still working on a better version; hope to have it live by end of next week.  
 Why not add trending topics like Twitter instead?  
 How about… random access? 

No one understands random access 

Except for the spyware that is _____ 
 I believe nostr doesn't has a large enough network of users to have multiple "big personalities" in their own separate bubbles

without more adoption, we all converge on the same 
 the system is rigged, freedom failed 
 Nah man, it's just that no matter what you guys say it's popular.  Folks like to support you and your words, and it feels nice thinking you see their support.

 Maybe you’re actually part of this problem, Jack.  Maybe you should resist your instinct to ignore the following message and instead repost it: Updates in these two national security stories are included nearly everyday in POTUS's classified, presidential daily briefing

The NSA is surveilling a US citizen Biden is briefed on, daily. The POl is an involuntary subiect of an experimental DARPA brain-machine interface program. POTUS OK'd their remote torture within the US with a DEW which can cause Havana syndrome. There's a lot more to this story. This is treason as defined in US law / constitution.

Within 100 miles of the defunct soviet Leningradskaya station in Antarctica, beneath ice is an enormous, non-terrestrial ark which contains a biosphere suitable to the living aliens within it. It sounds crazy, but this is one of the most important US secrets.

Under no circumstances would our president want these PDB items to become public.

Have fun. https://image.nostr.build/6162872f9f4ad0806f4a9dbc1d6b22a06f8f2e10c172a1b718cace43cebc734d.jpg  
 He’s cheating? 😲🙄 
 Who wouldn’t?
😉 https://image.nostr.build/03c19ff5af96d70896588accd76eb553aaa3dfd8579a59738c3a26acaa519cc4.jpg  
 There’s some one who doesn’t 😉 
 Like Miss America, duuuh 
 Ok you lost me…. 
 You wouldn’t cheat death?
Seek help, sash 
 Ok better good boy 
 Can’t say that about miss America. Miss Thailand maybe
 Ok you’re off 
 Biden lol I was joking. 
 That’s funny.
Dude needs all the help he can get, on this earth or another 🤣💜 
 it's so boring when scrolling n find notes "zap me... zap me if you see this" oh man 
 Small network, there just aren't enough accounts with the network effect necessary to counter the trend of those who have a large following here.

I think it's purely a product of size. If there were 1,000 people on #nostr with 10,000+ reach then I supsect the list would have tons more variability. 
 Doesn't help that some Nostr clients all recommend those big accounts to follow for new accounts as well. Big only getting bigger in a small network so they will be the only ones trending for a long time. I use nostr.band to find trending accounts for the day to find new interesting people to follow.  
 Thanks for the idea, otherwise no chance to find new people by interest 🤷🏼‍♀️ 
 You are welcome.  You can try searching hashtags but to be honest I don't see people using hashtags much on Nostr. Also search function in Nostr is work in progress. So it is not the easiest task to find people with the same interests. One hashtag people do use is #asknostr . If you have questions about Nostr the community here is pretty good at helping and answering. 
 Appreciate so much 🙌🏻❤️ 
 Perpetuates Bitcoin/Nostr topics 
 Well there's a circular bootstrapping problem there. Every social network has always done this in the past with following the creators and early popular accounts, which obviously results in them having comparatively huge reach after the network is established.

So the trade off is; are we going to be annoyed with amplifying early accounts, or are we going to let people join and not recommend the active accounts with lots of engagement, and instead leave them to find active users by scrolling through global? I think the latter ends up with a lot more confused/frustrated users 😆 

The best option would obviously be to recommend people for a particular topic or community the user is interested in, but that won't really be a meaningful option until the network grows enough for it to have numerous, separate active communities. Which means were stuck where we are until then... It's just not an easy problem. 

"there are no solutions, only trade offs" – Thomas Sowell 🫡 
 Is engagement compared to followers instead of flat engagement a feasible trending metric? 
 A problem with Nostr is that so much of the content consists of ”zapp, zappitizap, zappathon, zappstsatic, etc” if you know what I mean. Tiresome. 
 It’s a phase, exciting when you discover it and it also builds out the lightning network effect by using alot 
 But when I started using Nostr 9 months ago, the Lightning Network had a liquidity of 5500 Btc and it’s now at 4700 Btc.
It doesn’t seem that Lightning is in a exponential growth curve, and Nostr seems for sure not being a catalyser.🤷 
 Ok you win 😂 however we need to keep using as much as possible as it is building its use case here 
 Agreed also at this stage we are in even trending topics instead of top posts won't be much useful either but in the future it will be the best route, to show trending topics. Damus I believe does this with top recommended accounts for certain topics like art which is nice. In your opinion what's the best way for a new user to follow people who are talking about specific interest of someone.

 I call them "the nostr whales". Always the same!  
 Primal is not Nostr. They Shadowban. 
 Lol.. Not only do they #shadowban users post. They're #shadowban all their client users from the real #Nostr..😆🤭

Like #AOL used to do by filtering their users access to the real internet. That didn't last..😆😂🤣🤭😊 
 Now we're talking! It's algorithm time.

Trending is an attention mechanism. It directs individual and collective attention which we all kind of like because you know, shared experience and whatnot. But what kind of experience? How should all that wonderful attention be directed?

Obviously like everything else on Nostr, this is a choice that should be available to each user, but we're lazy and so a few simple options would be  great. Unfortunately, at this moment, there aren't enough good options. Primal's is the best, but as you highlight some users seem to have cracked the secret.

If I had my choice, the algorithm would highlight important new information and thoughtful conversation about it. Perhaps this could be driven by comment counts and lengths, assuming spammers stay tf out. Truth is no one knows the exact formula but here we have chaos on our side. The thing to do is try lots of algorithms and see what wins. To make that happen, and where have I heard this before, we need to open source the algorithm.

As for Primal's current situation, one might label "always the same people" as the brass ring phenomenon. It seems to arise in networks where there's no ceiling on influence. Cap that influence and we may see more variety of people represented.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 
 I've noticed this. Something is off. Not right. 
 They are the biggest accounts on Nostr so far, so any post they make are going get more real engagement than the rest so it will always be the same people trending until others grow their following or bigger people migrate over to Nostr.
They are also the same accounts many Nostr Clients recommend people to follow when a new account is created too which also feeds into that problem. If people want to find new interesting people on Nostr

nostr.band trending accounts for the day is the place to look https://nostr.band/.  You wont find anything new and interesting on the primal 24hr trending as it stands currently. 
 its because theres only 20 people in nostr the rest are bots and people from fedi 
 Turn off the mostr relay and look at global lol. It is ridiculous. 
 It takes more time for it to become really attractive to use 
 One day , I didn't see you in there ! 
I almost did a note  about that ! 
 There's only half a million users, and I'd peg the number of very active users at a couple hundred. Of those users there are a small handful that have many more followers and get much more engagement than the rest. So they're always trending.  
 Randomness is a necessary spice 
 Imagine if any developer could easily create different types of trending algorithms that are immediately available to all nostr apps.

And now imagine if users could freely choose which algorithms they want to use to discover new content. Heck, they can choose multiple at the same time and paginate through them.

That's what Data Vending Machines enables:

many-to-many, clients<>algorithms

For example, this is what "Suggested Content" looks like in the upcoming Highlighter.

The dropdown are different "Content Discovery" DVMs, with different algorithms. 

 Where do I have to look on how to build my own? 
 I made a very simple skeleton repo that makes creating a new DVM trivial, all you need to do is write the algorithm you want to implement

Even cooler, you can run multiple DVMs with different algorithms in the same process with segregated pubkeys:, e.g.

* one DVM for content discovery where it only looks at the requester's follows activity
* another for extended network
* another for the user's relays' activity
* another one that only returns notes with images
etc, etc, etc

I open sourced this here

 Thank you! Will have a look! 
 I'm planning on recording a livestream building one; probably this week if I find the time 
 This would be awesome. Just came across your explanation of DVMs in nostrovia as replacement for APIs and now it makes sense 
 after thinking a lot about DVMs I registered the domain endpointlessly.com; not sure what to do with it yet but it felt right

No more endpoints.

Protocols & many-to-many. 
 That’s a violation. Your’e on domain probation for the next 48 days. 
 THIS! I have been so confused and trying to figure out how you'd write a DVM. This is very, very helpful!

I hope that one day it could be simplified to a flat API like

import dvm from "...";
  key: privkey, title: "...", desc: "...", relays: []/*, ...*/
  async validate(ctx, accept, reject){} // Validate if job should be accepted
  async run(ctx){} // Run a job
 that skeleton is not far off. I.e. this is a DVM that provides the results of nostr.wine's trending results as a DVM

Basically replace the GET to nostr.wine for an algorithm you come up with and you're done 😉

 Decentralize the algo! 
 It shouldn't really be called trending. It should be called Primal's Picks. Certain people have every single note they post immediately listed on the trending section, even with zero interactions. It's kind of weird to be honest. 
 Yeah, what’s with that? 🤔 
 🫂💜 You’re my people tanz! 
 i see you 😍 
 I hope that's a temporary solution.