Nephilim? .....
Like, what, are you saying there have been non-human bipedal mammals on this planet with intelligence similar to ours but who are prone to evil, but then they got wiped out?
I wonder if there is another example of that nowadays....
I'm not going to go along with your racist pandering.
But yes, nephilim. Who, for the record, are more associated with white skin and red hair.
So... You might want to check your idiocy meter against yourself.
Well, I don't base my based racist pandering on the a Hebrew book, but rather, in reality.
Your reality is a pretty awful place.
Idk man. It seems that in general I am safer around Whites than around niggers. Almost as if it's an obvious part of reality. Good reality.
Your blanket statements really are gross.
I guess reality is gross to you, ok. Perhaps moving to Nigeria or Haiti would make you stop being a pussy and accept reality for what it is. Or maybe you would perish before that.
I could point you to various white majority places that are quite awful, too.
Sure, Haiti and Nigeria are bad. That's get very little to do with race and a whole lot to do with culture and faith.
Not a single White country will ever be as pathetic as Haiti.
Wow. You're very blind. It's honestly impressive that you're so blind! Cool. Thank you. I am learning a lot from you. 💪🫂❤️
@Low Information Voter emanating nigger worship. Very pathetic.
Worship? No.
My bad. Nigger love. You love niggers.
It could be said that I do love some that you call that. And why is that supposedly a bad thing?
Because they are demonic and non-human. And if they could, they would invariably decimate you.
No, they are not.
And no, just some of them would.
Why don't you try moving into Haiti? I am sure the residents will treat you so well.
Speaking of which, how did the Nephilim get created? I thought God created all living beings.
They got created by The Watchers breeding with human women.
.....the watchers? Are you trolling me?
No. I am not. That's the title given to that group of, I guess you could call them spiritual, beings that sired the nephilim.