Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Aria 🏳️‍⚧️ :therian: | export

 I've already done over 40 hours this week.


I don't know how I'm going to get through tomorrow... 
 anxiety levels peaking.

have no choice but to say something tonight. she'll be thoroughly pissed if i wait until tomorrow to say anything about going.
not going to be happy about it tonight.
should have said something yesterday. anything at all. even just a simple "hey i've got plans this weekend" didn't have to go into detail. now there's going to be so many questions. when did you plan this, why didn't you say something sooner, what is it you're going to...

*panicking dracogryph noises*

 Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe my current state. I should have known life would find a way to fuck me even harder than it already had. 

I checked my bank this morning to see if all of the unexpected early bills had cleared yet, and see how much I had left. I wasn't expecting that more bills had posted while I was asleep. 

I thought overdraft was disabled. No, that was "only for debit transactions" and "for your convenience, ACH transactions will still be processed"

Thanks, really fucking convenient.

So now, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. 

Like I said before, I'm not asking all of you for any help this time. You've done far too much for me already. This is more of an informational post, so you know what's going on.

 and it wasn't simply about the money. It's the whole collection of things that have happened in the last few days that nearly pushed me past the point of no return. I can only take so much at once, and my limit recently is far lower than it used to be. 

I got distracted. Forgot I was supposed to stream tonight. Also forgot about time apparently, as it's now... 4:40am... Whoops. 

Going to bed now. 

Stream tomorrow hopefully? If I don't forget. Sorry about that.

Anyway, night y'all. :dragon_heart: 
 Finally done with everything. If I were to start setting up the stream right now, I could be live in about 15 minutes. Going to the time that I originally planned on ending, that would make the stream...

About 10 minutes.

So, yeah...

Hopefully tomorrow works out better. 
 Sorry, stream isn't going to happen tonight.

Going to try again tomorrow night, if I'm not at work too late.

 Stream won't start for another two hours, minimum. If that makes any difference to anyone. 
 I think I want to do an nsfw art stream. Ideas? 
 Despite my earlier concerns, today has actually not been too bad. 
 Off to bed now.
Actually getting to bed before 1:30

(Yes it's the second 1:30 of the night, but it still counts damnit)

Night y'all :dragon_heart: 
 "I wanted to (do xyz) today, why did you get up so late?"

I'm so sorry that my illness has caused you any inconvenience. I'll go tell it to fuck off so the world can get back to revolving around you. 
 Setting up a LinkedIn profile, I hate it but I figure I'll need it to have any chance of getting a job. Doing their little "skill assessment" things.

What? If I'm in the top 5% the bar must not be very high.

 Not a big fan of how the only medicine that actually helps also knocks me out for 4-6 hours. 
 Oh hey.

I'm awake again. 
 Work has ended.
Physically, feeling worse now. Was definitely not recovered enough to come back.
Emotionally, meh. Could be better, could be worse.

So tired.
Just want to go home and go to bed. 
 Still at work.
Still 3 hours left.
Still feel like crap. 
 Good night, you wonderful creatures.

I'm going to go cry myself to sleep and resume this dumpster fire I call a life in the morning.

 the green owl has been defeated for another day 
 Oh hey, it's November now...

*throws peanuts*

It's fine, they're not nuts, they're legumes. 
 Work has ended! Earlier than expected! 
 mustn't make lewd joke 
 It has come to my attention that I do not have an umbrella in my locker or car. 

am now wet. 
 *shakes water everywhere* 
 now it's raining.
was not told to expect rain. 
 Night y'all :dragon_heart: 
 I need some weird thing to work on...

But what? 
 im genuinely scared 

I'm so mentally exhausted 
 maybe I should build a windmill... 
 Alternatively, the size of houses. 
 Or just imagine gryphons in general. Any size. 
 Imagine if gryphons were the size of housecats. 
 Alternatively, the size of houses. 
 Forgot to post it, but I came across this earlier. Just odd to see in a thrift store in a small town in Illinois. Some tokens had Japanese on them, many did not.

 *highly agitated hissgrowl" 
To draw on stream on no.... 
 Now I need some other time wasting project. 
 *deep breath*
(whisper) i will not scream... 
 Mrawrning :dragn_mlem: 
 But can I post from the thing? 

*opens eyes, blinks a few times*
Nope, still here.

 It's so late. Why am I still up? Really should have gone to bed like two hours ago. 
Definitely not intentionally distracting myself, trying to avoid that anxiety and existential dread, nope not this critter.
 gggrrrrrrrrr ò.=.ó 
 I should make some telegram stickers 
 Sorry, being negative again. 
 I want to take it to the show, but at the same time I don't want to drive that far with no heat. 
 It's like 10 miles away, and this is a 60 year old military jeep that doesn't like going over 40mph. Add in the fact that it has no doors, no heat, and it's like 50° today, and I'm starting to feel like maybe I shouldn't take it. 

I just remembered that I didn't fix the heater on the m151

...and there's a car show today. 
 and I'm sure both batteries are dead (stupid 24v military system) because I also forgot to plug in the battery maintainer. 
 I wish VRChat had a messenger other than "invite" or "request invite" or at least a way to reply ... 
 @aa6da199 yesss. For something made for communication, that's a pretty basic feature to be missing. 
 nostr:npub1vy968eaj4yah83zw9rzjkprm64pprlzy0ft9p7tn3jt4zvpwa74qeh7wtc *Throws another blanket on ... 

critter is cold

*buries herself deeper in blankets* 
 Anyway, night y'all :dragon_heart: 
 *growls in general direction of the clock*
Why do you do this to me, oh infernal contraption? Taunting me with your numbers. You claim it is late, but it doesn't feel like it. You say I need to sleep, but then you wake me, mere hours later, with your digital yammering. 

While I do not approve of your doings, I fear I must abide by them, for the sake of my own sanity and that of those around me.

(various rude sounding grumbles and chirps, including one that you get the sense suggests an inanimate object should perform unlikely acts upon itself) 
 Had planned on doing another art stream tonight, but work went on longer than expected. Add on the fact that I've got to get up early to take care of some things at the bank (yay for horrible Saturday hours!) It means I'm not going to be able to do it tonight -.=.-

Maybe tomorrow night. 
 I can't get out of here soon enough. Just being in the same room with my mother is enough to make anyone depressed

 I genuinely can't remember the last time she said anything positive about anything. 
 I was thinking about it today at work, and I've realized that once I get my financial situation sorted out again and get back to my own house where I can actually pursue the whole trans thing without fear of consequences from my family, I honestly have no idea where to even begin. 

Like, do I just go to a psychiatrist and be like "yo doc, I think I'm trans" or what? (Obviously saying it a bit more seriously. I use humor as a coping mechanism, in case you haven't noticed) 
 Work has ended: good

I was not prepared for this temperature (47f): less good.

Current status: mildly chilly 
 I like the idea of this, I don't like the idea of a Kickstarter. Too many of those just take the money and disappear :dragn_sad: 

 🎶Stalks to the left of me, cobs to the right.

Here I am

Stuck in the middle of corn 🌽🎶 
 What if...
We just make wizard robes a completely normal thing for people to wear...

Pointy hats optional 
 I'd prefer a hood actually. 

What? Just because I'm awake, that doesn't mean I have to wake everyone else?


*Scree-ing resumes* 
 Night y'all! :dragon_heart: 
 Thanks again everyone for stopping by the stream! :dragon_heart: 

For those of you who didn't, you missed this lewdness being drawn.
#furry #dragon #gryphon #nsfw



Get in here and watch me draw lewd things. 

 Sorry, snack acquisition (snacquisition?) took longer than intended. Starting stream shortly.

I actually remembered my picarto login!

 If teleportation is an upgrade to transportation, does that mean I can get an upgrade to telegender? 
 Ok, looks like vrchat is a no-go anyway. Don't have access to the space I generally use for vr tonight.

 Might still do it if the right critters say they're in, but leaning more toward art stream now if I do anything. 
 and I think I need to do something. Anything, really. feeling that darkness creeping back, and i don't like it. 
 Feeling mixed about doing vrchat now. Almost all of that positive energy I was feeling earlier has dissipated. 
 Might still do it if the right critters say they're in, but leaning more toward art stream now if I do anything. 
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 Getting some food right now, then... whatever... 
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 @aa6da199 my biggest concern is that without going the therapist route my insurance will refuse to cover anything. 
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 What am I even supposed to do? 
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 If I really even know who "myself" is anymore. 
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 Mind out of the gutter ò.=.ó 
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 and that was back in 2014 
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 FML I don't need this right now 
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 *THUNK* It's time for some serious computing