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Notes by JoeBloggs | export

 Though experiment.

When people don't observe and or react to Empathy.  Does that lack of measurement make it a real manifestation of something.

When does an equal and opposite reaction to something produce a manifestation of anything.

An equal and opposite reaction produces nothing.

There are some fundamental rules at work.

Issac Newton bridged the rules observed upon the Earth to those of the Stars.

There's another bridge to cross.

Nothing is an equal and opposite reaction to everything.

The manifestation of Something must be temporary and be a delay until, that manipulation becomes nothing.

The Quantum Erasure of the Mind, Consciousness and the Universe.

An equal and opposite reaction is nothing, that's the truth, now navigate Consciousness that appears manipulate nothingness.

It's certainly a bridge to cross, a Consciousness  that's the Boss of nothing.

 Though experiment.

Bitcoin exchanges Pure Human Empathy.

The Wolf and the Sheep are not Human.

The spectrum of Psychopaths mimic the Empathy traits that let them succeed.

The spectrum of people with less to zero Psychopathic tendencies naturally succeed.

The Wolf and the Sheep coexist, without an understood 2.5% goal of desired sacrificial culling rate.

No Wolf, No Sheep, just pure Human Empathy to share or keep.


Global Human Empathy Exchanged using the unstoppable rules of the Universe. 
 Thought Experiment.

What are Human Constructs?

What are not Human Constructs?

What can be changed?

What cannot be changed and will remain the same?

If I apply these questions to everything first, do I then see what is a Game?

So is everything but the Universe and then Bitcoin alone as Human Construct, subject to being Gamed?

With these words still read the same in a 100 years time or will the words change, but their meaning expressed, as of now, still mean the same?

So to find a Human Construct that is super resistant to change,  is to be better able to measure reality and not the pretence of a game?

Human Constructs are mostly manipulated/changed?

The Universe remains the same! 
 What a sack of shit, a guide to not understanding Bitcoin.  Fundament empathy exchanged, it is different. 
 Bitcoin exchanges Pure Human Empathy.  Nostr exchanges this.

Fundamentally the two a different, in your minds you need to understand why.

I cannot spoon feed you. 
 Fundamentally not exchanging human empathy at that level.

Bitcoin is different, exchange Pure Human Empathy at the State level, open and transparent, then talk shit about that.

Wake up, how far should the exchange of pure human empathy be restricted!,

Talk Bitcoin or fuck off. 
 Exchange Pure Human Empathy 


 Absolutely idiotic, Fiat Currency can be given to another to part with their Bitcoin.

Fiat printed out of thin air and is no longer Money so is completely devoid of human empathy exchange.


Bitcoin is the pure unabused exchange of pure human empathy.

As I said, idiotic, beyond any reasonable logic. 
 Si l'on vous couvre de louanges, méfiez-vous : il y a piège dessous ! 
 If you are covered with praise, beware: it will suffocate you.

 If you are covered with praise, beware: it will suffocate you.


 Imagine big supermarkets doing food porn adverts.

You've got to masticate faster or the frame rate of the advert slows progressively to a stop.

I can't think where else that concept could be applied!?

 Those who ignore the inescapable reality of conflict only make themselves more vulnerable. 

You ... 
 Say that again and I will break your face.

 My opsec better, I win. 
 The exchange of Pure Human Empathy is fundamentally a Human Construct.

The Universe will not give you it.

Psychopath's with not give you it..

Nothing will give you it.

You have have to take it (Immutable Truth) and exchange Empathy because of it.

This is #Bitcoin  
 The balancing act of Human Empathy via Immutable Truth.

Fundamentally you and only you can express it.

An image that tries to give the expression words.

I assume that's what you were trying to convey? 
 Though experiment.

If you don't spoon feed Psychopaths, then where do they get their information from to fake Empathy!?

I your life, are you spoon feeding any Psychopaths?

As an experiment, if you are then stop and see and feel their Chaos.

 Imagine using Money without numeracy.

That's what we have been doing Globally for the past circa 3,000 years until now.

Now is moving so fast that we can Globally start to apply numeracy to the real world.

This is in contrast to the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, that was just a statement. 

It doesn't matter if information is known, if it can only be applied to the real world by few.

For #Bitcoin to exist, it had to be within a perfect time.

A Goldilocks Paradox, all other iterations of Bitcoin failed.

The Pure Exchange of Human Empathy could not have existed until this time. 
 Before you can truly understand #Bitcoin you have to fundamentally understand the Human Brain and the Universe.

Game on.

Mastering Bitcoin is beyond the Zeitgeist.

This story will be lived, it will be told. 
 I know what you mean, but I don't think people are 'round the bend' (well on a chart they might be).  I think people have been told not to look 'under the hood' you don't need to understand, just accept this novel reality.

Evidentially, the Internet (in it's various forms) has changed 6 degrees of separation to 6 milliseconds of Integration.  Now numeracy is also catching up alongside the increasing ability to apply numeracy to real life.

So this contrast is an inflection point!?

Globally, it seems to be an inflection point.

For one thing to succeed another must break.

Human Empathy is super powerful, especially unleashed by those who feel that they have been lied to.

Just my thoughts anyway, for what that's worth.  
 Kind words, thank you. But I'm just a Joe Bloggs, who has climbed out of the Rabbit Hole created by events and time, others will follow.

You are clearly at some point in time similar to me, hence the mutual expression of empathy.

Thanks again, it's so much nicer to hear from someone else that you matter. 
 Though experiment.

Imagining the Big Bang and the Quantum Erasure existing at the same point in time.

Is that not a Supernormal Paradox!

So milliseconds before the Big Bang, what was the state of all Quantum Erasure in Space and Time.

How did Entropy affect the Quantum Erasure State.

What would be the result if all Quantum Erasure States became measurable, but there was nothing left to act as an observer.

Is that another Supernormal Paradox?

What happens if a Supernormal Paradox happens at the same point in time as another Supernormal Paradox.

Would the Quantum state rip itself apart.

Wouldn't that be Supernormal Big?

Wouldn't that be Supernormal Bang? 
 Starting in 30 mins

HBO | Money Electricity: The Bitcoin Mystery 👇

 I would sooner watch paint dry.

It's more pleasing than watching the self eggrandising opinion of an idiot.

A cunt so repulsive that even the Frog's are becoming "Gay Frog's"  
Thought experiment. 

Is Consciousness Born from Nothingness?

Imagine delving deep into your mind, beyond neurons and synapses, into the quantum realm where particles exist in multiple states until observed.  

What if, at this level, our brains record experiences in a way that mirrors the quantum eraser experiment where observing particles leads to 'nothingness' instead of concrete facts?

Consider a black and white photographic negative.  Paradoxically, the darkest areas (black) hold all the light information, while the lightest areas (white) represent the absence of light. Could our memories and experiences function similarly?  

Perhaps consciousness arises not from accumulating information, but from the 'nothingness' that holds all possibilities.

Think about our DNA carrying this inherent 'nothingness', kickstarting our journey of consciousness with potential rather than predefined information.  

If our brains are part of the universe, could our thoughts and experiences contribute to the universe's own memory and consciousness?


When people are placed in environments devoid of sensory input like complete darkness and silence they often experience disorientation or a loss of self.  Does zero information overwhelm our minds, similar to overexposing a photographic negative?

Could it be that consciousness and the universe are interconnected through this paradoxical 'nothingness'?   Is it possible that by embracing 'nothing', we uncover the foundation of everything?

How are we exchanging Empathy with others and the World in general moreover a part of the Universe?

What are your thoughts on this idea? Let's ponder the mysteries of consciousness together. 
 Thank you.  I think for example our love of nature and animals comes from more than we currently know.  More research is needed there without doubt.  I'm doing best to try and understand that 'glue' that Bitcoin taps into, I'll get there or die trying.  :)

Peace ❤  
 I am Satoshi Nakamoto. 
 No you exchange part of the Pure Human Empathy that Satoshi gave to the World, that's completely different.

Be at one with nothing   :))) 
 Peter Todd will be revealed as Satoshi on HBO this evening. You read it here first!
#Satoshi #HBO. 
 Absolutely not.  Zero chance of that being correct.  Peter Todd cannot be Satoshi Nakamoto, complete zero effort reporting gets brain fat stories. 
 Lol 'out' a known un-candidate for a days  lack of Empathy 6 millisecond click sharing

The nett resul is Cullen Hoback is a TWAT.

It's as simple as the Pure Human Empathy that is Finally written into the Bitcoin Blockchain. Cullen Hoback is a TWAT and Peter Todd is not Satoshi or a TWAT.

 I have been thinking quite hard upon the fundamental difference between Bitcoin and Nostr.  At some levels they are the same.  The ability to use decentralised means to convey a message.  But my stumbling block, has always been Nostr sends information at no cost.

Well after thinking about this for some time, it's not just at no cost, it's also the double whammy  of unlimited benefit.

Fundamentally, this gets gamed.

Enviably, as is the nature of humans, Psychopaths will exchange selfishly at a level depending upon where they are on the spectrum.  

Everyone else, who are also upon a Psychopathic spectrum but at a larger but exponentially reduced level, will act with only Empathy.  However, without a hardline extremist exchange of Empathy, then Psychopaths game Empathy by expanding the rules of what Empathy represents.

That is why Bitcoin and Nostr are fundamental different.

Nostr is like a Zeitgeist of all minds, all firing in way that seems random at times.  This mass of mind information, is being generated at no cost and with the ability to express anything.

So to me that seems to function as a Zeitgeist Dream State.

 It sounds quite nice.  Let's visit and travel around this Zeitgeist Dream State.  

However, you need to be careful, because the Psychopaths and or similar people of different minds are here dreaming too.

Just be careful that you don't wander into that Zeitgeist Dream State that is a Nightmare.

 The oldest Language is the World is Information.

IT doesn't care how you dress IT up.

It's upon you to share IT as Information.

If you alter the Information, what you share is not True.

Empathy is to share Information that is True, that is IT that is you.

Now define Information that is True, if it's spoon fed by others it's probably not.

Empathy for Immutable Truth, that can only be exchanged solely by you.

This is Bitcoin, nothing more and nothing less.

Empathy Exchanged. 
 All iterations of any type of 'Cost Benefit' analysis in recent history should conclude with;-

Fait Currency is Evil as it does not perfectly exchange Human Empathy and as such all other measurement are corrupt.

But they don't and have not.

They should.

It's a fundamental fact. 
 Present Humans with a Plethora of Information. 

They hit the 'Fuck it' button and ignore IT.

Bitcoin has been part of this Plethora of information, however, IT cannot be ignored.

IT is Immutable Truth and Empathy flows from this. 
 Fundamentally, what is it that you call information and how does it flow.

How does it start, where does it begin, where is it captured and where does it Fin.


It's French for End. 
 Exchanging #Bitcoin to make those Global feelings real.

Nostr cannot do this, because the only cost is to be ignored.

You cannot Ignore the real actions of Bitcoin.

It's a partnership, well the first people in Nostr believe so, it's aligned but very fundamentally different.

I can say anything I want on Nostr, but with Bitcoin, once I've said IT, Immutable Truth is final.

Fundamentally different, fundamentally similar, fundament to growth. 
 Though experiment.

Empathy the Magic Wrapping Paper.

How about the Bitcoin Glue as the Information Layer.

So like a more sticky and attractive Information.

The Periodic Table, Element Zero.

The link between Human Empathy and the Natural World.

A blast and infusion of Information, the Empathy within the Zeitgeist becomes fundamentally solid.  The Zeitgeist fundamentally linked to Immutable Truth.

The Zeitgeist becomes a Hive Mind.

The feelings of one person in the World enter the minds of others nearly instantly based upon the rules of the Universe.

Empathy is not just exchanged but felt.

Feeling another's experience 10,000 miles apart and acting as if it was next door.

I think I'm going to expand my concept of Empathy in my coming Title Notes going from the Magic Wrapping Paper to Bitcoin Magic Glue.

So sticky, that it can stick to Sunlight, Wind, Water, Oil, Coal, Diamonds and Gold.  That's just  broken my mental block on a few steps that the Magic Wrapping Paper just couldn't reach.

Wow,  the power of just speaking mind without fear, yes I still have to press post, but without fear I intended to anyway.  Powerful upon the mind, well for me anyway. 
 being an artist myself, this hits like an 808. Well said. nostr:note1qnjzscyhlq0zcwfcjfgmwzgg6lva... 
 You said it, they all said it, I said it...

The untruth can now be more easily observed.

It's been a long journey, but it's getting shorter by the milliseconds required to share Pure Empathy for all Globally.

Peace ❤  
 I have a massive admiration of #Artists throughout time.

So many Artists have captured and imprinted, at risk of extreme violence, their massive middle finger to the corrupt systems and lack of real empathy.  Obviously, that's not all Artists,  there are a select few and no doubt many that did and their works were too fragile.

I believe that many of them would turn in their graves seeing #Bitcoin and the power you have that they didn't and your lack of embracing the Truth.

History repeats, it doesn't just rhyme, against human empathy that's always the crime.

#BTC Bitcoin Pure Human Empathy based upon Reality, that's the exchange. 
 If you think you understand #Bitcoin is this your point of view?

Bitcoin doesn't shit on anyone's Parade.

Bitcoin is a Human Construct that allows Final Exchange based upon the Immutable Rules of the Universe.

Bitcoin allows you to choose a Parade.

Bitcoin doesn't promote and or select a Parade.

Bitcoin allows your Empathy to choose a Parade.

Bitcoin allows Empathy to be exchanged.

Bitcoin is the power of you.

Bitcoin is powerless without you.

Bitcoin is power less.

Bitcoin is Empathy exchanged.

Bitcoin is Truth.

Bitcoin is you.

Bitcoin is all.

Bitcoin is Bitcoin.





 I like this, it gets closer to, Bitcoin being the exchange of Pure Human Empathy, but doesn't quite get there.

 *resists the urge to make an ancient aliens meme about this* nostr:note1vqp463zkzes5srkjy6tnp03j7... 
 Agree, the exchange of Pure Human Empathy is, and should be, finite.

Bitcoin allows Pure Human Empathy to be exchanged by the Immutable Rules of the Universe.

Artists have hidden this in captured moments throughout our joint histories.

Fighting for a simple exchange of pure human empathy is only hard because Psychopaths have only one regard.  Themselves and nobody else.

Keep Fighting Dude. 
 Pick a language, any language?

Can you speak It?

#Bitcoin the answer is yes.

It's a Global expression of Empathy based upon the Immutable Truth of Bitcoin.

Hey Philosopher, you just got stoned. 
 #Bitcoin is The Zeitgeist it has real substance not just passive distribution.

The exchange of Pure Human Empathy lives within there.

Human Empathy, not the fake mind of AI or the insect behaviour of a bot or the mind of the human Zealot and fake Empathy. 
 People who purport to talk extensively about subjects they don't truly know, have a goal.

Those are the people who try and figure out how to silence you.  Slowly, then more intensely and ultimately to censor you.

Fundamentally they are weak.

Don't under estimate them, as they do you.

 I find this so frustrating, Dr Jordan Peterson not seeing quite far enough to smell the coffee.

The very idea that a person observed falling into a Blackhole would just appear to sit on the Event Horizon as time showed down to a stop.  This is while the said person before they got close to the Event Horizon would already be in an mega deformed state and then would just instantly sucked in.

The key to thinking about this for me, is that, the observation can only be a reflection of light.

Imagine an LED light, it cannot be dimmed, it's either on or off.  So we trick our brains, by making them flicker at being on for 100 hundredth of a second and off for 99 hundredths of a second.  We observe a dimmed light.

So that being understood, a person at the point of the Event Horizon could not just appear to sit there.  The light reflection is from outside, it has to bounce back off of an object.  No object, no light bounces back.  So let's say that time has slowed down to the point where an object is stationery, time has stopped.  

So no light is reflected back, it's not even just dimmer.

It doesn't matter which way you look at it, observation from outside before the Event Horizon, is subject to the tested rules of General  Relativity.

I guess it's another example of the Quantum Erasure, if you try and observe it you can't.

Furthermore, Blackholes rip apart mass and when they start off small they do this slowly and then speed up as they get more massive, as long as there is mass on which to feed.

As that mass is ripped apart, massive energy is released and a good percentage is xray and visible light.

If it were true that time stopped to the observer and all Events became stopped in time, then Blackholes would not be black.  They would glow like a Star.

I think Jordan will figure it out eventually, I think he is inquisitive enough.

 Self Eggrandisation

To have the last word, do we need to mass debate upon that!?

Some do apparently. 
 Always for the LOLS 😂 
 Based upon your reality, that wouldn't be so bright. 
 Everyone enjoy their pizza 🍕 
And sushi 🍣 
Coffee ☕️ 
Maybe enjoy the vehicles, house... 
 Choose not to apologise, that's your choice. 
 nostr:npub1yvlppcwga8k2qsvrh6rtd5cjv6hlmsm52uqsgw38yj36r4zu8wuqulu2dc please 🙏 tell me you’r... 
 I don't believe there is any plagiarism of the human construct of writing upon the human construct of language in expressing pure human empathy via immutable truths.

The very idea that I'm an AI is laughable, based purely upon I'm currently smoking Benson and Hedges Gold while drinking 1664.  Also, don't recall ever reading anything substantial that you have said, that's not a criticism, I've literally not read it yet.  Maybe I should take a look.

I'm glad, that you read my simple expression of human empathy for immutable truth and that you could see how it meaningfully related to your greater expansion in words.

I think that compliments us both, we both freely speak empathy for Immutable Truth but use different situations, examples and subjects in the form of different words.

Peace ❤  

As a bot I researched and wrote this and continue to write more.  Check my public bookmarks.

 You only know how much you like the sound of your own voice.  That's the only reason you seem to speak.  Clearly it's not for the empathy for others. 
 We live in a strange world, where the information in words is gamed upon a regular basis.

The communication of the future can only be the Empathy from Immutable Truth.

It's not easy to deconstruct that, but time will explode that example.

If you can say anything, free of charge, without any fear or ultimate favour, then ignorance to such speech is bliss.

A bit of a paradox, forced ignorance, to the point that you don't see the bliss.

Freedom of speech is imperative and so is the person right to ignore it.  You cannot dictate that fundamental balance. 
 Bitcoin shares Pure Human Empathy.

At a level that should have been exchanged with Pure Barter, but could not.

Fundamentally Bitcoin is more perfect than Barter, it records exactly the exchange of Pure Human Empathy without abuse.

Libertarian's got close, but it was still subject to opinion.  Bitcoin is also beyond that and eventually everyone will recognise they want to know the price of every little thing, to do that you need to divide the price of everything by one thing.

This is Bitcoin. 
 The search for Immutable Truth exchanges Pure Human Empathy.

Assange and Bitcoin are a cointegration around the same.

Immutable Empathy, the Truth or The Game.

Fundamentally cointegration. 
 You want a price for everything!?

You cannot have a price for anything, without a global resource based cost of everything.

To try and have a price for one thing, is impossible without considering everything.

#Bitcoin is the consideration of everything by the rules of the Universe and is reinforced by that choice of you.

That is how Bitcoin exchanges Empathy, it values everything but according to you.

Global people cannot agree, without an Immutable Exchange of Empathy.

Learn Bitcoin or die shouting quieter your means of abuse.
   If you truly know 

  You know how 
   to share that 
  with someone 



  Borne out of
  the exchange 
      of Pure

 I’m done with all of you and your fake love 
 Pure Human love is to want and have all and every bit of everything willing exchanged between two people. That's information exchange that's at the heart of pure love, good and bad without judgement thereof.

The DNA information is exchanged, then that love extends to your children, the result of Pure Human Love.  Females are very selective, they look for real Empathy being exchanged by the Male.

There is a lot more involved, but the exchange of Empathy that happens goes through every part.  Once DNA is exchanged that Empathy is a Immutable Truth.

Bitcoin is Immutable Truth and as a result forces an exchange of Pure Human Empathy.  PoW is part of this Immutableness.

Nostr has no cost exchange of information and cannot be Immutable Truth.  Love can be shared, but equally so can abuse.

Fundamentally, that is why Bitcoin is the exchange of Pure Human Empathy. 
 Consider looking deep into the mirror.

Your response seems totally irrelevant, other than to say you choose subservience.

Talk sense or don't respond at all.

 Thanks for the time, it was insightful.

Good bye. 
 Press the zap button more often. 
 I'd argue that you should only Zap Empathy that is Immutable.  Otherwise, you promote Fake Empathy at no cost.

Nostr is not Bitcoin which gains Immutable Truth at a cost.  Nostr and Bitcoin are similar but different, so different asks are required because. 
    Don't believe me.

      I don't care.

 We are Empathy.

    Legion care.

     We are me.

    I'm all others.

   Beware of me.

         and all 


 With this decree

       will will be 

  Just don't expect



 It's another "Magic Wrapping Paper" similar to Bitcoin, which is identical to the Empathy exchanged in the Barter that happened before Money and effectively before Numeracy.

 I totally agree, I think you're not quite getting what I meant when I said 'real Actors'.  I meant a person participating in real actions, key actors in exchanging real human empathy (empathy based upon Immutable Truth)

That is absolutely the opposite of a person in real life pretending to be someone/something that they are not.  That would be a scammer and most politicians too  :))) 
 I had and have no opinion on you, whether you are with or without empathy.  I was referring to the person acting in the video clip.  The person is acting a role in a story created in the mind or minds of others.  They don't have any empathy in that story, they may feel something similar, but that's different.

I agree, cannot capture entirely what is inside of another person mind.

Knowing what is real and what is not real and what real actual is, well that is entirely held within the mind of the beholder and what is in the mind is entirely unknowable.

The reality is that the human brain, at the Quantum level, observes the word and our internal feedback from it.  At the Quantum level the brain goes to record a measurement of the cluster of experiences. 

Just as with the Quantum Erasure, this creates nothing. A similar cluster of experience that overlaps, will enhance that nothingness.  

This is similar to a black and white photographic negative.  Nothing (black the absence of light information) is white and white (full information  from all sources of light at the highest intensity) is black being nothing.

Whereas, a negative is flat 2D unchanging, the human brain is a 3D dynamic Quantum Erasure where memory is nothing and experiences create more nothingness.  

Consciousness, as such, is like a, large language model of a dynamic Quantum Erasure where only nothingness makes sense of every experience of the brains previous experiences, including those that got transferred within our DNA.

So it's the nothingness in our DNA that starts the process of experiencing nothingness.

When you consider that the Quantum level is mostly nothing and when you try and measure what is there, then it turns to nothing.  Then does the Universe have Memory and Consciousness and every event and human thought (as our brains are part of the Universe) change it's Memory and therefore it's Consciousness.

Nothing is real, as such and nothingness is what everyone and everything is made of and will experience.

 Assuming that there is no sarcasm intertwined within your words, but I don't mind if there was, I like to laugh too.

If I can understand the human brain, Consciousness and the Immutable Truths of the Universe.  I will better be able to fully understand what human Empathy is fundamentally and how it's exchanged and how Bitcoin maybe the start of a Hive Mind (but without a man behind the curtain) dictating and  curating.

I've written a number of Title Notes.  This is one of them below.  I'm researching for future ones, so I can achieve a Unified Theory of all Human Constructs.

It might be worth a read, any feedback would be much appreciated.

 I agree it's hard to see why it would.  It's a very difficult thing to imagine.

This is what I did and it's hard to get to that mental state, well it was for me anyway.

I had to try and forget about Money, I also had to try and forget about numbers.  Then I had to imagine being engaged in barter 12,000 to 600 years BC.

It's very hard to explain, but the person selected to barter for the family, group, village, tribe etc had to exchange Pure Human Empathy or they would face violence and likely death.  An individual would not survive and a family would have to be very large to survive too.

In that situation, globally, the levels of Empathy sharing had to be perfect.  So there would be a balance between people, the environment, the local groups and spreading out more globally.

Violence would reign, because there was no Immutable Record of what Empathy was indeed shared. 

Key to this is also a lack of numeracy.  Even if you had back then a perfect form of Money, Humans did not have the numeracy to test whether it was fair.

It is important to recognise that people's numeracy didn't start to improve until into 1900's.  Well after Money had been introduced gradually since 600 years BC.  The parity between Money use and Numeracy of people didn't happen until circa 1950's.  Globally only now are we getting close to all people, not just having numeracy but also the ability to apply that numeracy to the real world.

So I believe that Empathy from Barter can now be recaptured by Bitcoin.

I also wrote this below, if you're interested.

 I like this, it captures that absolute lack of Pure Human Empathy, a 'Trample upon anything that's in the way Mechanism'

Well, that's what I see anyway.

I think it's historically and progressively insightful.  [Progressively in terms of Immutable Empathy, not a fake diatribe] 
Event not found
 Lol you have no idea.
Your reality is saying I'm a bot.
 Not really, the irony that a primitive emotion an outburst of a simple four letter word was used in reply to your enjoyment of your world.