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 So this just happened.

"This is absolutely insane, on the first EVER attempt we have successfully caught the super heavy booster back at the launch tower..."

Truly incredible.

From the Ground:

 Incredible. If you can’t get over Elons shitposting in the face of his accomplishments I just don’t know what to say. This is truly amazing. 
 this is IRL shitposting.  fake as a cake in a lake. 
 Pretty much the only thing that gets me excited about humanity’s prospects these days is watching SpaceX pull off crazy fucking shit like this over and over 
 Thank you for this incredible video. Like from another world 👽🛸 
 First thing that popped into my head.

He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Probably nothing. 
 Amazing feats of engineering.

And they nailed the starship splashdown too. 
 I don’t follow this stuff that closely, so must be missing something. 
How is this that much more impressive than the rockets that land themselves? 
 Dude, wut? 
 Legit question. Feel like I’m missing part of the significance 
 The scale. 
 Thank you. Figured that must be it, but honestly want sure. Must be failing to grasp difference 
 And the precision. It has no landing legs so the margin of error is much smaller. If the catch fails, the tower is likely destroyed, thus no more launches for a long time. High stakes. 
 This one lands at its actually launching tower, the tower grabs it in the air, this was the first attempt, and this rocket is bigger than the statue of liberty.

Those other rockets that you've likely seen land themselves are way smaller. 
 Thanks. I feel dumb not appreciating the achievement right away 😅 
 How the heck does the tower absorb that much shock of a giant rocket moving while it grabs it? Also, how does the rocket not fall apart from all the internal forces by being grabbed? This is beyond mindblowing 
 That is insane. Awesome. The better it gets the better it gets. 
 Absolutely mint, thanks for posting the video. 
 I’m speechless. Amazing. 
 I prefer the government way just throw away $50 billion rockets into the ocean each time then increase everyone's taxes 
 When’s the last time Canada launched a rocket? 
 I just got here from Telegram, where footage like this is regarded as fake as fk. 
 If only there were not literally thousands of people (and some of our friends) there, recording it on their phone... 
 Send me some raw footage from someone you know.  Not too difficult to stage a crowd of whooping actors.
 Curious, do they think that starlink is fake satellite internet also, and/or that the rockets that take those up and land back on their landing sites is all fake as well? 🤔

I don’t quite see the point of such an elaborate faking and doing it over and over again thinking they wouldn’t get caught. 
 I've seen the whole launch landing process in person, not fake. quite impressive 
 the point?: milking the taxpayer.  "getting caught"?:  you may have noticed that investigative journalism isn't exactly thriving these days - and possibly never was.  rockets don't land backwards anywhere. 
 Yes.  All fake.  Rockets don't land backwards.   And there is nobody that has both the ability and inclination to "catch" anything. 
 Ok, that is cool 
 NASA is amazing... 
 Not NASA, that’s Space X 
 Sorry...was a bit of sarcasm... 
 Oh lol. Missed that. 🫡 
 Yeah, I should have dropped an emoji when I posted it...(sorry) 
 Whatever, but this is incedible accomplishment. 👏 
 It so incredible that it I get tears in my eyes 
 Just Wow!!!💖
 This is so mind blowing awesome. Seeing this makes me strangely proud that this is an American company progressing space travel for all humans. Not sure how we get the collective public to lean into this more and recapture that 1960’s space race energy. 
 This is a major accomplishment of all mankind 
 ...as a cake in a lake 
 Awesome! Really awesome  
 The shockwave on the clouds when the rocket is close to the lunch tower 🤯🤯🤯 
 Amazing what a world without wars can be.

 Bitcoin returning to 58k again be like 
 reminds me of the rubberband ball & cup toy (>_<)    jk!   good on engineers & all 
 can i believe my own effing eyes? 
 Lyn Alden doesn’t think this is anything special. 
 So? 😄  
 Just calling out she has some weird takes on Musk, just as many other bitcoiners here suffering from MDS. 
 I mean that’s whatever. I legit don’t agree with ANYONE on everything. That does surprise me a little, but I also am not bothered at all 😁👍🏻 
 It doesn’t bother me either. Just here to stir the pot a little and pump the nostr numbers! 😀👍 
 I disagree 
 ha really? Why do you say that? 
 Apparently she thinks Musk is just a salesman and not an engineer. 
 🧐 😂 
 And Lyn is right about that.

 Crazy indeed! 🤯 
y | 2 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 What a day! 
 Just for reference, this isn't perfectly accurate because i can't find exact measurements of the booster only, but the entire starship is a little over 400ft. 

This makes the Statue of Liberty a tad taller than the booster alone from what it looks like, but this should give some references to try to picture the scale of what just happened and why this is a big deal.

This is the rocket that they expect to be able to potentially take humans (back? 🤔) to the moon and further, and it just launched into space, returned on its own, and was firmly and safely placed back to the exact same position where it will take off from for its next mission. 🤯


This is where you can see the workers in comparison...



 Incredible engineering ! 
 Elon is a dickhead. But I agree this is pretty impressive. 

 Every time I see one of these rockets land I am completely blown away. What an amazing feat of engineering!

 I thought everydayastronaut.com would have an article on the Starship specs but I can't seem to find it. I was following this very closely until about 2 years ago... 
 So cool! 
 all those millions spent on fireworks should have gone to feed hungry children in the world 
 One of the most amazing things I have seen in my 63 years on this planet - beyond remarkable 
 Now if the asshole would just concentrate on just doing this kinda spectacular stuff he’d be a hero… But no. 
 Organizations succeed despite, not because of, Elon Musk 
 Do people in his companies say this? 🤔 
 In my experience he’s seen as the source of long term/ big picture direction. 
 In your experience working at one of his companies? 
 Isn’t that gorgeous! Spectacular. 
 Absolutamente incrível. Uma das raras vezes que testemunhamos um evento realmente histórico.

 fucking amazing 
 So cool, been listening to a lot of vintage scifi audio books recently,  recommend if you are looking for great content untainted 
 Holy shit 
 Truly incredible  
 Impressive 🚀 
 This is kinda mind blowing 🤯🚀👏🏆 
 This is like Satoshi figuring out how to convert  @adam3us hash cash into the proof of work system bitcoin is today via  solving of Byzantine Generals Problem / difficulty adjustment.

 So how does this work?
This thing comes down with rapid speed, a jet/booster/whatever fires in the opposite direction in perfect equilibrium without any side thrusters slowing it down in the perfect orientation to enable it to be “grabbed”??
Reminds me of cartoons where this is “possible” in zero gravity and the hero comes strutting out….but on earth? With gravity? With wind? With violent air currents from the air heated by the rockets..?
….Nah! Fake I reckon! 
 Each of the boosters moves independently and you can watch them while they do. And there are correcting thrusters toward the top. You can see them fire every so often in most videos of the rockets landing.

This wasn’t an answer to my question though. So in your thinking all of the smaller rockets that have been doing this for years are fake too? What are your thoughts on starlink internet? Is that just fake or are they just lying about how they get them into orbit?