Too many people in debt.
I'm not American, but past couple years access was great from what I saw. Could get really close to the cars before the start.
Also imsa rules make for very exciting rules.
That should be the Valkyrie debut. Also Caddies moving to a different team I believe. Could be very exciting with all the moving parts.
Don't know if I can advise rawdogging it. Especially for nephews sake. It will drive your head in.
Before sunrise is nicer than after sunset usually. So don't be afraid to call it a day if you think you can make it earlier the next day.
But be adaptable to bad weather to make the most of the time on track.
Anyone else finding themselves using perplexity / yahoo these days? Inadvertently.
Maybe I forgot how to google but I genuinely never find anything anyways.
I was okay with the NFTs cause... ain't it like selling stickers and shi? And I was okay with $DJT cause maybe some people like the stock. But this is getting bit too much Donald.
I could cope and say I'm not a procrastinator but that's another assignment submitted with less than 1 minute on the clock and frankly I don't know if I had much choice in the matter cause I genuinely hadn't been slacking but 🦋
i'm proud of the work I submitted idgaf
Notes by Jose Sammut | export