@3967703f My friends and I have been talking about how to protect each other, especially one friend who got citizenship recently. They talk about how that doesn’t seem like full proof protection if republicans gain control and it’s not difficult to them stripping citizenship from people. I don’t know if things will get that bad but it’s not impossible.
@23f3b5a9 In DVD commentary for Return of the Jedi Lucas said Anakin had help from Obi-Wan and Yoda. I interpret that to mean they anchored Anakin’s spirit within the Living Force which allowed him to manifest. Something I don’t think would have been possible if he hadn’t rejected the Dark Side in the end.
@2fd7551e Doctor Who has always been more science fantasy aimed at children. It wasn’t even trying to compete with Star Trek. If it had tried to it probably would have failed and faded into obscurity.
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