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 Here's a concise summary of Jack Dorsey's interview, focusing on his reasons for leaving Bluesky and his views on social media decentralization:

Background on Bluesky: Initiated as a project to address limitations and liabilities faced by Twitter as a public company, aimed to develop a decentralized protocol akin to HTTP or SMTP to alleviate corporate control and liability from the platform.
Development and Shift in Bluesky's Direction: Jack Dorsey's intention was for Bluesky to operate as an independent entity focusing on creating an open-source protocol. However, concerns arose when Elon Musk attempted to acquire Twitter, leading to fears about the project's continuity and independence, pushing Bluesky towards a more traditional corporate structure with VC involvement and a board, which Dorsey disagreed with.
Departure from Bluesky: Dorsey left because he felt Bluesky was deviating from its original goal of being a truly decentralized protocol and was becoming too similar to Twitter. He also found a more suitable project in Nostr, which aligned better with his vision of a decentralized, open protocol without corporate or board oversight.
Views on Twitter and Social Media: Despite changes under Elon Musk’s ownership, Dorsey believes fundamental problems still exist with centralized control over social media platforms. He advocates for a shift to protocols over platforms to reduce liability and censorship potential.
Dorsey’s Perspective on Decentralization: Emphasizes the need for platforms like Twitter to move away from centralized business models (like advertising) that compromise platform autonomy and content neutrality. Supports transitioning to decentralized protocols that are inherently resistant to censorship and corporate influence.
Current Involvement and Beliefs: Dorsey is focused on supporting and funding Nostr, a project he believes truly embodies the principles of decentralization and user control over social interactions online, without the influence of a centralized authority.
This summary encapsulates Dorsey's motivations for leaving Bluesky, his critique of current social media structures, and his ongoing commitment to decentralized communication technologies. 
 Did anyone make an auction site for nostr yet? 
 Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing Noticing 
 maybe just retreat and lie about it, should come easily  
 I love #cats .

But it's absolutely fair to say that they can be some of the biggest assholes on ... 
 They tend to pay a hefty cost for that mind you, the ones that live outside do anyway 
 X/Twitter are doing the same thing with trolls and bots
 Have any other ethnic groups even been kicked out of five or more countries? 
 I'm doubling sats for the next 24 hours !!!!
Send 100 = 1000 sats
Send 1000 = 10000 sats
#BTC #Sa... 
 what's the point exactly?
 I'm doubling sats for the next 24 hours !!!!
Send 5 = 10 sats
Send 100 = 1000 sats
Send 1000 = 10... 
 what's your plan here? 
 Yes it's better to speak the truth about Jews we're still at the heavy cost stage on that one  
 Not many Bitcoiners have died for their cause however, I think Twain was talking more about death and injury
 make and adl hashtag maybe? 
 Price of stuff doesn't go up. Value of money goes down. Few understand this.  
 actually price of stuff goes down and manufacturing gets vastly more efficient, govt. put a load of friction in for nothing. also things can be built to last much longer.  
 OK, you did not mention the country in the post :)

have a read of this.....

what is "war is a racket"?
"War is a racket" is a phrase that was popularized by Major General Smedley Butler, a highly decorated U.S. Marine Corps officer. Butler wrote a book titled "War is a Racket," in which he criticized the military-industrial complex and argued that war is often driven by profit motives rather than noble causes. He expressed disillusionment with his own role in military actions that he believed served the interests of corporations and the wealthy elite. The phrase has since been used to describe the view that wars are often manipulated for financial gain by those in power.

ok, in that book can you list up to 50 points he made and the logic behind the, keep it concise, my brain's not as good as yours
Certainly! Here are up to 50 concise points from Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket," along with the logic behind them:

War is often driven by economic interests rather than noble causes.
The profits of war are concentrated in the hands of a few.
Many wars are fought to protect and expand corporate interests.
The military-industrial complex promotes and benefits from war.
War leads to the destruction of lives and property.
The costs of war are often borne by the poor and working class.
War is a tool used by the wealthy to maintain power and control.
Politicians and corporations profit from war at the expense of the public.
The military is often used to advance the interests of corporations.
The true costs of war are hidden from the public.
War is glorified and romanticized to justify its horrors.
War creates a cycle of violence and destruction.
The arms industry profits from selling weapons of war.
War leads to the concentration of wealth and power.
War diverts resources from social welfare programs.
The propaganda of war is used to manipulate public opinion.
War enriches the few at the expense of the many.
War is a means of exerting control over other nations.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a culture of war.
War is used to distract from domestic issues.
The true motives behind wars are often hidden from the public.
War leads to the erosion of civil liberties.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a cycle of war and profit.
War leads to the displacement and suffering of civilians.
The financial costs of war are staggering.
War enriches corporations that profit from reconstruction efforts.
The military-industrial complex influences foreign policy decisions.
War creates a culture of fear and violence.
The true beneficiaries of war are not those who fight it.
War perpetuates a cycle of violence and revenge.
The arms race fuels the profits of the military-industrial complex.
War is used to justify the expansion of military power.
War leads to the destruction of communities and cultures.
The human costs of war are immeasurable.
War creates a climate of insecurity and instability.
The military-industrial complex undermines democracy.
War is used to justify the erosion of civil liberties.
The arms industry profits from selling arms to both sides of conflicts.
War is used to justify the suppression of dissent.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a cycle of war and profit.
War is used to justify the expansion of military bases.
War leads to the militarization of society.
The true costs of war are often hidden from the public.
War is used to justify the concentration of power in the hands of a few.
The military-industrial complex profits from the perpetuation of war.
War leads to the destruction of natural resources.
The arms industry profits from selling arms to oppressive regimes.
War is used to justify the expansion of military budgets.
The true motives behind wars are often disguised as noble causes.
War is a racket that enriches the few at the expense of the many.

These points reflect Butler's critique of war as a profitable enterprise that benefits a small elite while causing immense harm to society as a whole. 
 Today marks 25 years since my country was bombed, in the operation called “Merciful angel” or... 
 The real pandemic is the woke mind virus
 A story that illustrates why I will never orange pill anyone ever again. 

2015- Attempt to orang... 
 To be honest someone prepared to hit on your wife/girlfriend was always as arse 
 how would you do that if you were never taught them? 
 The majority of people have a strong tendency to want to be part of something that is bigger than... 
 Well unfortunately race (dna pools) matters a lot, but that aside consider this...... what's happening now is a new situation in all of human history but with some echoes of the past

All organized human groups require a narrative to keep them stable, typically this was done with a religion, religion is basically a narrative perpetuation system, now religion and media compete for this role, it's notable that LGBTQism is merging with religion in the west to some extent

All organized human groups have natural and/or narrative enforced hierarchies

Hierarchies require more violence to enforce the less of a natural meritocracy they are as that makes them more unjust

Races and countries can also have unifying narratives

If you have race, religion and country all aligned then you have a very strong and stable situation for as long as it holds

The holding of the narrative and thus the group together requires narrative control, typically this is done by the elite class in any group

Typically narratives support an elite group that act as parasites on lower groups typically by causing division by implying one lower group is exploiting the other as a distraction from the elite group who's actually exploiting all lower groups and the more the narrative drifts from the truth the greater the exploitation. These systems can stack in tree form so the elite in one country and still be the bitches of a greater outside force

Now what's happened in simple terms is these narratives have all been shattered by the internet as top down narrative control has become impossible. We're now trying to form, organically, an objective reality/truth based global narrative and all hell is breaking loose

Whoever is a the top of the narrative tree knows this, maybe whoever is at the top of subordinate narrative trees feels the same, this would explain why the likes of prince Charles for example is going against England's narrative because it was mostly a lie anyway. We all thought the royals loved all their subjects when in fact they stole all their land and allowed the entire country to become hocked up to global bankers

99.9+% of history is just missing totally and what's left is doctored into narrative to suit elites

Science has drifted more from truth or best guess to just fabricated narrative in many fields

Many if not all major institutions started out as or drifted into fabricated narrative

Most people can't live outside of narrative control because it's too psychologically painful or they simply have a material interest in complying. The ones that find it too painful have reactions ranging from inability to form logical conclusions based on hard evidence to full on identity disassociation disorders leading to some level of psychosis, your typical blue haired SJW type is this.

Many ordinary working folk see through a lot of this even though they might not be able to put the whole picture together as their normal days activities involve multiple clashes with the narrative so they feel something is wrong even if they can't finger it and they simply don't have the months or even years of rumination time to put all the pieces together like this.

You're welcome
 Courtesy ChatGPT

Certainly! Here are up to 50 concise points from Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket," along with the logic behind them:

War is often driven by economic interests rather than noble causes.
The profits of war are concentrated in the hands of a few.
Many wars are fought to protect and expand corporate interests.
The military-industrial complex promotes and benefits from war.
War leads to the destruction of lives and property.
The costs of war are often borne by the poor and working class.
War is a tool used by the wealthy to maintain power and control.
Politicians and corporations profit from war at the expense of the public.
The military is often used to advance the interests of corporations.
The true costs of war are hidden from the public.
War is glorified and romanticized to justify its horrors.
War creates a cycle of violence and destruction.
The arms industry profits from selling weapons of war.
War leads to the concentration of wealth and power.
War diverts resources from social welfare programs.
The propaganda of war is used to manipulate public opinion.
War enriches the few at the expense of the many.
War is a means of exerting control over other nations.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a culture of war.
War is used to distract from domestic issues.
The true motives behind wars are often hidden from the public.
War leads to the erosion of civil liberties.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a cycle of war and profit.
War leads to the displacement and suffering of civilians.
The financial costs of war are staggering.
War enriches corporations that profit from reconstruction efforts.
The military-industrial complex influences foreign policy decisions.
War creates a culture of fear and violence.
The true beneficiaries of war are not those who fight it.
War perpetuates a cycle of violence and revenge.
The arms race fuels the profits of the military-industrial complex.
War is used to justify the expansion of military power.
War leads to the destruction of communities and cultures.
The human costs of war are immeasurable.
War creates a climate of insecurity and instability.
The military-industrial complex undermines democracy.
War is used to justify the erosion of civil liberties.
The arms industry profits from selling arms to both sides of conflicts.
War is used to justify the suppression of dissent.
The military-industrial complex perpetuates a cycle of war and profit.
War is used to justify the expansion of military bases.
War leads to the militarization of society.
The true costs of war are often hidden from the public.
War is used to justify the concentration of power in the hands of a few.
The military-industrial complex profits from the perpetuation of war.
War leads to the destruction of natural resources.
The arms industry profits from selling arms to oppressive regimes.
War is used to justify the expansion of military budgets.
The true motives behind wars are often disguised as noble causes.
War is a racket that enriches the few at the expense of the many.
These points reflect Butler's critique of war as a profitable enterprise that benefits a small elite while causing immense harm to society as a whole. 
 This I assume will mean Revolut will demand to know where any BTC deposits come from I guess 

It's all been done before and had we been told the truth in school we'd have seen all this coming!
 How would a normie buy a large sum of #Bitcoin , i.e. anything over $10k?

Is this even possible?... 
 a lot depends on which country you are in to start with, there are several options i can think of 
 they have a corporate exchange account, they have vast limits on them and they could have made deals with miners  
 email >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> slack 
 x >>>>>>>>>> twatter 
 Bear trap?
Thoughts anyone? 
 every comment within 24 hours
gets 2121 sats 
NO double comments allowed
feel free to share 
 how much to repost something? 
 to all the tiktok’ers

set up your zap wallets. fastest way to feel nostr. 

primal client on i... 
 i don't understand this, can you elaborate please?
 search holohoax on tiktok and see what happens 
 ok, you won, i'm waiting for my sats on wallet of satoshi, once i figure out how to get them on here i'll zap you 😉  
 soon i will try my first test zap, first to reply gets zapped
 Why can't I just buy lightning LBTC on an exchange? 
 so what do i need to do to zap people?
how do i set it up?
 Fractional reserve banking, in which banks hold only a fraction of their deposits in reserve and lend out the remainder, has been practiced in various forms for centuries. However, it became more widespread and formalized with the development of modern banking systems.

In the United States, fractional reserve banking emerged gradually as the banking sector evolved during the 19th century. The First Bank of the United States, chartered in 1791, and its successor, the Second Bank of the United States, chartered in 1816, both operated under fractional reserve principles.

However, it was during the Free Banking Era (1837-1863) and after the establishment of the National Banking System with the National Currency Acts of 1863 and 1864 that fractional reserve banking became more prevalent. The National Banking Acts provided for the creation of national banks, which were required to hold a portion of their reserves in the form of government bonds but could also engage in fractional reserve banking.

The Federal Reserve System, established in 1913, further institutionalized fractional reserve banking in the United States. The Federal Reserve Act empowered the Federal Reserve to regulate the banking system, set reserve requirements, and act as a lender of last resort, facilitating the expansion of credit and the practice of fractional reserve banking.

Overall, while fractional reserve banking had roots in earlier banking practices, it became more formalized and widespread in the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly with the development of national banking systems and the establishment of central banking institutions like the Federal Reserve.

Courtesy ChatGPT 
 HODL Bitcoin and you're claiming reoperations for the fiat money scam and all the death and destruction it enabled 
Even the "gold standard" was a lie, once your money is paper you're fooked! 
 have you listened to his other interviews? 
 if cynics were correct we'd not have made it this far ;) 
 "legacy friends" :))))))
i'm stealing that 
 apart from the rather large intrinsic value of being able to hide your money from the communists, with your family, anywhere on the planet  
 Soon there will be a fuck load of dollar trillionaires just as it won't matter, I propose converting everything based on gold. We can call them bullionaires. Also it should count if you have kids and real world skills. Just measuring people by how many assets they have is dumb. 
 I left a long time ago, I would not even risk a return visit now given they're prone to arresting people for speaking the truth 
 #Bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange cannot be ignored. Without the ability to transact Bitcoin perm... 
 how do you mean? it's not possible to stop private networks from trading