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Notes by midway | export

 Watching the eclipse with a bunch of Mastodon users. 
 They are fans of blocking so I can see that (or I could if I wasn’t blocked). :) 
 I opened a new 2-lot ratio fly centered at 5270C 10 points wide on each side.  I like this idea as we had a decent run up this morning near all-time highs again so having no downside risk is appealing.

 Unions are entirely disingenuous. They're the first ones to avail themselves of some trickle-down... 
 So glad to live in a right to work state. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1cuscsrz6efq99ptk... 
 It doesn’t have to be a rape situation. In fact most of the time it isn’t. That doesn’t make the system any better. 

You are presupposing the that you can know with certainty how she will react given the situation before any consensual sex occurs. You can’t. Throw in sperm jacking and lying about birth control and it gets even worse.  And those are not crimes. Heck there have been case where a woman had sex with an underage boy, gets pregnant, and the kid is still out on child support. So I’m that case a statutory rape victim is still on the hook. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1cuscsrz6efq99ptk... 
 Right but as of today in the US at least  you can be forced to be involved in her poor decisions. That’s the crux of my point. 
 And it can be today.  The courts get involved when an agreement cannot be reached privately. That’s what civil courts are for. 
 But watching most women get upset when you bring this up speaks volumes about them. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1cuscsrz6efq99ptk... 
 And it can be today.  The courts get involved when an agreement cannot be reached privately. That’s what civil courts are for. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1cuscsrz6efq99ptk... 
 I’m not saying no child support. If you want to be a part of that child’s life and have parental rights you should be expected to support the child. Again, authority linked with responsibility. 
 nostr:npub1zx4nsay889fcjrlk0zmpywe9y7pz6fflphwdcyzkjad4hmyk09asw6s6fq she MAY opt to abort. but t... 
 This may be an unpopular opinion, maybe not but I believe in balance and linking authority with responsibility. 

In this case if she can choose to abort unilaterally, then men should have the option to terminate parental rights and not be on the hook for support.  

If she can choose to be a parent or not post conception, then so should men. 
 Haven't done this in a while. With the big up move today I added 4 calendars (5 days apart) centered at 4355C.  This flattens my deltas and gives more upside room in exchange for some downside risk.  Going into a weekend I think this is a good idea.  The only risk today is a big pullback before close.  We'll see.

 Keep up the good work.  I just recently broke 200.  I haven’t noticed any degradation in my timeline. 
 nostr:npub16jcxvyjwmfmqwllnznjh54493x27tgnwnrm96uh77pftc5p9vvdqslta3v Freedom of speech does not ... 
 I’m not a Trump voter but how can you can consider yourself a credible news source and not cover the poll leading Presidential candidate?  It would be one thing if he were polling in the single digits, but he’s not only in first place in his own party but he’s polling ahead of Biden.  To not cover anyone in that position would simply show extreme bias.  What are you afraid of?  If he’s that horrible, let him speak and let everyone see and hear how horrible he is.  That’s how elections are supposed to work.  The media is free to any commentary they like about him and in the case of an interview they can ask whatever they like.  That’s what a free press should do.  

Or do you just want to squash speech with which you do not agree?  That’s far more fascist that anything Trump has actually done. 
 Leatherman - a useless tool that everyone carries 
 The wrong tool for every job.  :) 
 I was tempted to go with a balanced fly but I went slightly unbalanced to hedge my delta risk so I put on 2-lot 65/70 fly centered at 4060P.  A nice balance for this environment. Were we a bit higher vol, I would have likely gone balanced.  We'll see.

 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1ks4j70qusuv7hnaq... 
 My money is on Scalise, but I think Jordan is the only declared candidate. I say Scalise since Gaetz has said he’d support him and he’s already in leadership so the caucus may get behind him.  But we’ll see. 
 She wants a traditional man but doesn’t want to be a traditional woman.  Yes, that’s basically wanting one’s cake and eating it too.  

Go long box wine and cat litter, folks. 
 You aren’t being asked what women can bring to the table.  You are being asked what you specifically bring to the table.  You want your independence in a relationship, you want to be an equal.  That makes the question relevant.  If you were willing to take on the traditional female role, then the answer would be obvious and the question would not be necessary.  The fact that you don’t want that makes it a legit question. 
 nostr:npub1ks4j70qusuv7hnaqcrr3azks95fxjpz4sx29sy9h35z3vltwaunsmdx88p Not exactly. #Trump support... 
 But it likely took those promises to get the Speaker job in the first place lest we forget the 15 ballots. 
 With the drop today, I got 10% on the put diagonals I put on yesterday.  I'll take it.  I will likely put on something new tomorrow

 Lisp is the future.

The faster you accept this the faster you can ascend.

Sorry, but:

 L ots of
I nfuristing
S illy
P arentheses

 My latest trade review video is up on BitChute and Rumble.

So as we wrap up the week/month/quarter, I had a very busy week of trading closing 3 trades for target profit and, thus, making my goal for the month. This week was all about patience...the market was a bit crazy but by waiting and being patient, my trades did well. Lots of good lessons here so take a look. I also do a monthly/quarterly review of my progress.

 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1v62k8k90uekadxwy... 
 Well, there is Lindsey Graham.  :) 
 I went back and forth a bit on whether to do this trade this week but I kept it to a 2-lot to keep it small.  I put on an 11-day put diagonal with the shorts at 4315P and the longs at 4325P.  If we keep doing down it will be fine.  If we pop, I'll consider adding a call diagonal to flatten it out and give more room.  Will look at a bigger trade likely on Weds.

 I thought that was a new drug from Pfizer. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf ;-) 
 Yeah I saw a game at Wembley several years ago. Fun day. The Brits knew the game quite well. 
 That is a good recipe for expatriation of the very wealthy.  The thing about these kinds of crazy tax rates is that they are for show to the masses.  No one actually pays them. 
 There is an NFL game being played in England today at 9:30 am. I don't understand how the players... 
 That’s 9:30 ET.  That’s 1:30PM London time. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf nostr:npub1cuscsrz6efq99ptk... 
 My point is that it didn’t “just happen” but that’s the rationalization option she needs to have. 
 When the market opened, I thought I was going to have to adjust my flies at some point today.  But I waited and they came off for 8% in two days and with that trade I made my goal for the month on the last day.  Patience pays off....

On to next week/month/quarter!

 nostr:npub1lyytws8s0p0a52m6dmpha0py7vly3jq64z8fn9nfymx2w6w965fq7cc00z stop calling it Reagan! DCA... 
 “National Airport, doors open on the … top?” 
 Why is it cell companies offer you a feee phone to add a line, but if I am a longtime, existing c... 
 I held out and around a year and a half ago Verizon offered me a decent upgrade deal so I took it.  Of course they apply the discount monthly so it doesn’t make sense to pay off the phone early, but that’s fine.  

If your phone is that old, call them or go into a store and see if they’ll cut you a deal.  You should be a free agent with a 4 year old phone.  Find a deal for new customers at a competitor and get them to match it.  If your phone is paid off, they might do it. 
 I opened a 2-lot unbalanced fly (65/70) centered at 4275P.  Still want to be short vega but I like the relatively flat deltas with the movements we've been having.

 Before: Never logged into Pinterest
Now: Still never clogging into Pinterest.

Not sure this is good marketing 
 Yet another reason why I like running my own instance. I can laugh when people report my posts…to me. 
 Did they finally realize no one noticed there was a strike?  That could make them settle. 
 If you're not bullish on nuclear I don't trust your commitment to the true mitigation of global w... 
 Anti-nuclear environmentalists are like watermelon

Green on the outside, red on the inside. 
>Some of his critics, part... 
 He’s also a good human being.  When Congress isn’t in session he regularly travels to 3rd world counties and performs free eye surgeries. 
 Why don't they put classic movies in theaters? There are classic movies I have not yet seen that ... 
 Look for small independent theaters that usually show art films.  Many of them will have film series for classic movies, sometimes genre based.  Sometimes a bunch over a weekend, other times a monthly series. 
 Nothing like a quick win to start the day.  With the drop today I took off my long put diagonals for just under 13%.  Not bad for an overnight trade.

 My latest trade review video is up on BitChute and Rumble.

This week was the long awaited FOMC announcement and it definitely shook things up a bit. But I weathered it well and made money. One of the ways I did this was to flip a trade from long to short vega as IV spiked. I don't always do this but I think it's a nice tool to have in your trading toolbelt. So take a look and feel free to ask questions, comment or otherwise reach out.

 My butterfly from last week finally came off for 8%.  It was bouncing around all day, but it was easy to be patient as it was ig good shape all day.

 I used to laugh at this too until I started traveling internationally.  If you cross a bunch of timezones your eating schedule gets off. 

It's a contributing balan... 
 But how does one determine the “profit”?  

You’ve got it backwards. Inflationary forces (like massive money printing, increases taxes/fees/regulations/etc. and restrictive zoning laws) drive up demand, increase costs, and suppress supply which drives up prices. The landlord is responding to market forces and should try to get whatever he can for his property.  His cut of the rent is not a fixed variable. 
Sad that the college I wen... 
 I’m actually surprised that mine isn’t on there. 
 nostr:npub1w55lvngpq74f38c3m2ftalc4l0ywuplqc8uptrjzklm7psgkt42qqexmcf Hi, is there any way that y... 
 A quick update.  I think I found a way to do it.  I'm in the process of testing it now.  No promises.  Like I said, if it works I'll set up a separate bot that will do this.  Testing could be a few days..and it might not work.  We'll see. 
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 War crimes only apply to losers. 
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 Unlike some renamed airports I think the Reagan name is sticking.  I’ve yet to shear people call BWI Marshall. 
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 Or maybe they don’t file reports because they know these cities won’t prosecute them anyway. 
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 Given the situation I got a vasectomy at age 28 (many years ago now as I’m on my 50s) so as to avoid the trap. I may have made a different had the system been different. 
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 Unlike the Broncos it can get into the end zone 
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 $80M and they couldn’t put in a LoJack?  :) 
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 As you wish… 
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 Using the Brave browser still works. But I agree with your point in general 
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 Vape and a hand job…

2 bits! 
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 What we got was Cyberspace Sluts.  Not as cool 
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 Those folks aren't her voters....Muslims in the US on the other hand...