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 @d4b06612 Freedom of speech does not mean that major TV networks have to give you an interview. 
 I’m not a Trump voter but how can you can consider yourself a credible news source and not cover the poll leading Presidential candidate?  It would be one thing if he were polling in the single digits, but he’s not only in first place in his own party but he’s polling ahead of Biden.  To not cover anyone in that position would simply show extreme bias.  What are you afraid of?  If he’s that horrible, let him speak and let everyone see and hear how horrible he is.  That’s how elections are supposed to work.  The media is free to any commentary they like about him and in the case of an interview they can ask whatever they like.  That’s what a free press should do.  

Or do you just want to squash speech with which you do not agree?  That’s far more fascist that anything Trump has actually done.