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 Anyone who buys into this bullshit is a fucking moron. That's the nicest way to put it. If you expect to profit off a man whose entire existence is based on defrauding others and declaring bankruptcy, you deserve to be scammed. Because that's exactly what this is; a scam.

 Trump Casino
Trump Airlines
Trump Steaks
Trump Water
Trump University
Trump Presidency, and now... 

Trump Coin

Why would anyone willingly buy into yet another Trump scam?  
 What do you think New Yorkers look like?  
 I assure you, we come in all shapes and sizes!  
 Well don't just stand there! Lol  
 As soon as you allow yourself to believe you are immune to the powers of persuasion and propaganda, you make yourself more open to their effects. As human beings, we are inherently subject to these tactics, and none of us are immune. Vigilance, and the constant application of critical thinking are essential to minimize the impact, and that includes honestly acknowledging our susceptibility.  
 He wants to use the military to oppress his political opponents, and American citizens who oppose him. This is the shit you see in tin-pot, authoritarian regimes. This man will unquestionably lead us down a road to fascism if he's elected. He will have no restraints, and a staff of loyalists who will support his every unhinged whim. 
 There's nothing remotely like this on the other side. I don't think there's any value in pretending that the imperfections and disappoints that are typical with American politics, and embodied by the current Democratic agenda, are the same thing as what's happening on the Republican side with their candidate and agenda. The "both sides" narrative simply does not wash.  
 Lol I think you've been taken in by MAGA media. You're repeating fabricated nonsense.  
 I have no team other than the republic. And I have the experience and education to know bullshit from objective fact. What this Republican candidate, and the party that has abandoned their values and allowed themselves to be captured by a psychopathic, megalomaniac have planned is unlike anything in American history, with the possible exception of the America First movement of the 1930s. There is just no comparing that to the basic bullshit on the other side. Just because both sides generally suck, and bad things happen on both sides doesn't mean they are equal or equivalent in their significance, or in the threat they pose to the nation. What's happening on the right is terrifyingly unique, and unmatched by anything the other side is doing, or would do if elected. These two things are not the same.  
 Assuming you're referring to the FBI's investigation of Trump re: classified documents, framing that as an attempt to disqualify him from the presidency is an absurd mischaracterization. Section 2071, which stipulates that the offender “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.” cannot be a basis for disqualification since the Constitution’s qualifications for president can’t be superseded by a statue. That claim is a thoughtless bit of propaganda targeted at the unthinking MAGA cult.

Putting aside the clear legitimacy of the investigation, it cannot be seen as a real effort to disqualify since no such disqualification mechanism exists. Also, the investigation has certainly helped Trump more than it has hurt him. It has put him front-and-center again. It has made it easy for him to portray himself as an embattled victim. It has caused nearly everyone in the GOP to embrace him and for some to call for his swift and decisive nomination as the party’s presidential candidate again.

As for the assassination attempts, that's just a mischaracterization. The first kid was a registered Republican who happened to have donated like $15 to a single Democratic candidate years ago, but he was a staunch conservative whose activity on social networking reflected an antisemitic, anti-immigrant, extremist ideology, and espoused political violence. Characterizing him as a Democrat by way of calling him a Democratic donator is misleading as it doesn't tell the whole story. You left out the rest which would have been inconvenient to your narrative.

Thr second guy was a Trump voter in 2016, a gun afficionado, and by all accounts, a deranged lunatic. He also previously supported Bernie Sanders, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy. His political views were all over the map. So you see, the full picture doesn't exactly match your characterization. Furthermore, it doesn't appear that political idealogy was the motivating factor behind either attempt. The common denominators were an intense dislike of Trump, access to weapons, and mental instability. Neither of these incidents were the fault of either political party, or any particular ideal.  
 Browser extensions really need to start allowing multiple accounts. It has been 2 years already..... 
 I feel weird now because I only have one nostr profile. Am I the only one? I'm not even sure what I'd do with another profile.  
 Roswell is an unsolved mystery, despite there being deathbed confessions from the people involved... 
 You still hating on UFOs? Lol  
 I'm a Roswell believer. And it wasn't just the one crash site. There was another about 250 miles northwest at the Plains of San Augustin. It's been speculated that two craft collided and went down in two areas.  
 Maybe. Depends on the altitude of collision and how long they were able to stay up before hitting the ground.  
 Already a third alleged assassination attempt on #Trump? At this point, it should become more and... 
 Actually, it looks like this last one was just an exuberant Trump supporter who had no plans on attacking Trump. At least, that's what's being reported and what his friend said.  
 🚨USA 🇺🇸/Iran 🇮🇷: Biden reportedly instructed his National Security Council to make... 
 I think he's a Russian asset.  
 Well, there's no direct evidence for that, but there's certainly a boatload of suggestive evidence that supports that idea. Just as there's no direct evidence of your belief that the two assassination attempts were manufactured, but some suggestive evidence that supports that idea. You can't pick and choose when you want evidence.  
 This is really cool. Lucid dreaming is a skill that can be taught, and facilitating communication between dreamers opens the door to amazing possibilities. This is an exciting topic to watch. 

 I use Obtainium to pull directly from the Aqua repo.  
 Sooo, hi? Trans MtF femboy catgirl unhinged bipolar tech worker golang user. Here you go pick any... 
 Welcome! 😁👍 
 That's an amazing hashtag 😂 
 Don't even waste your time. Just block those people and move on.  
 If you follow cool people and just block the uncool, you'll have a good experience. There are always haters, but you define your experience here, not some algorithm. It'll take a little bit to get used to, but it's worth the effort. There's a great community, and many more good people than bad.  
 I’m stoked to build healthcare applications on #nostr and #bitcoin with nostr:npub1hqaz3dlyuhfq... 
 Is there a plan to make this HIPPA complaint for use in the United States?  
 Oh I missed that. Thank you for pointing it out!  
 SimpleX network: security review of protocols design by Trail of Bits, v6.1 released with better calls and user experience

#SimpleX #SimpleXChat #SxC #privacy #privatemessaging #security #audit #linux #Android #iOS 

 I've been advocating for Unified Push, but the lead dev wants to build his own solution. He's concerned about metadata leaks inherent in Unified Push, and so he's hesitant to employ it. In the meantime, we wait...  
 Nuclear is back. 

1. Google backs the construction of seven small nuclear-power reactors in the ... 
 Nuclear is one of the safest, cleanest, least environmentally burdensome and — ultimately, over the lifetime of a nuclear power plant — one of the cheapest sources of energy available.

 Come on.... There's no reason to be nasty and engage in personal attacks just because you disagree on an issue. I shared factual information. I'm sorry that it conflicts with your beliefs but that doesn't mean it's wrong, and it doesn't mean I'm a shill. This is no way to conduct yourself.  
 You just called me a shill because you didn't agree with what I shared. I have no interest in arguing. I was just responding to the topic. Have a nice day.  
 So I am trying to set up Alby and am at the point where I need to open my first channel so that I... 
 I think he believes that he has to purchase 250k sats, which would be about $165. It sounds like a misunderstanding of how it works.  
 ☀️ GM!  ☀️

Ready for the Bzzzevolution? 🐝

 Setting up Alby Hub is ridiculously easy. I just went through the process. And by "process" I mean one click. Setting up your Alby account (email and password) was more complicated than setting up the hub.  
 Need some networking help here. Tag anyone that might be able to help! 

My laptop suddenly start... 
 This sounds like some DNS-blocking solution is in play.  
 I think he's a delusional crackpot of the highest order.  
 I read some of his books about 15 years ago. I thought he was a crazy motherfucker back then, but I thought he was sincere in his beliefs. But I came to believe he's just another grifter who's selling a story. I never bought into his claims, but I at least had some respect for him when I thought he believed what he was saying.  
 Which should we develop next on Amethyst? 
- a Jobs board where you can offer your services and f... 
 I think you should avoid the urge to turn Amethyst into an everything app. I've seen a lot of good projects go bad when they try to turn it into all things for all people. I think it would be better to focus on its core purpose. That's my two sats.  
Is it moral to bet with sats for US elections? 
 I don't believe morality applies to this circumstance. But morality is entirely subjective, so someone else's opinion would be equally valid.  
 We are talking about opinions because you're asking people for their opinion on whether or not it's moral for someone to bet on the outcome of an election using sats.

I don't believe morality is a relevant factor, so in my view the question is misguided. But as I said, morality is entirely subjective, and so there is no objectively correct answer.

To me, morality the subjective framework we all have that defines right and wrong.  
 “For all that we cherish and justly desire -- for ourselves or for our children -- the securing... 
 I still don't understand how he can be the leading candidate for one of America's two political parties. It must look so insane to people from other countries.  
 How can an authoritarian government defeat a population that has the right to bear arms? 

By cre... 
 The supposed threat to the Second Amendment is entirely fabricated, and driven by an alliance between right-wing politics and the gun industry. Each have their own motivations, but their alliance is complimentary. The goal is to keep a certain segment of the population perpetually frightened, and in constant fear of having their guns taken. The result is increased gun sales, and a propensity for those scared individuals to align with the political right. It's all bullshit.  
 I don't think it's the government that's behind it, but certain political interests on both sides of the aisle.  
 That kid is way cooler than I ever was.  
 What's the point of running for president if you can't use your campaign to grift your credulous cult followers?  
 Look, a fucking shitcoiner.

No water for politicians.

 The grift never ends. These idiots will mortgage their homes and bankrupt themselves just so they can give money to a billionaire, and claim they are part of the cult.  
 It's another exciting day at SimpleX Chat HQ! Stable release v6.1 was just posted this morning. 

New in v6.1:

Better security:
* SimpleX protocols reviewed by Trail of Bits
* security improvements (don't worry, there is nothing critical there)

Better calls:
* you can switch audio and video during the call
* share the screen from desktop app

Better iOS notifications:
* improved delivery, reduced traffic usage
* more improvements are coming soon!

Better user experience:
* switch chat profile for 1-time invitations
* customizable message shape
* better message dates
* forward up to 20 messages at once
* delete or moderate up to 200 messages

The protocols review by #TrailOfBits and release announcement will be published on October 14 afternoon here:

#SimpleX #SimpleXChat #SxC #privacy #privatemessaging #security #linux #Android #iOS 

 I'm sorry for your loss. Your grandfather sounds like a hell of a guy. I hope you and your family can focus on all the great memories, and find peace during this difficult time.  
 what's better... chocolate covered bacon... or bacon on top of pancakes with browned butter and m... 
 I think the one with the pancakes is better. Chocolate covered bacon is tasty, but it's a gimmick. It doesn't stand up to the contrasting flavors and textures of the pancakes and bacon. Just my two sats.  
 When I zapped you, it sent a bunch of 1 sat zaps instead of the single full amount. Weird.  
 Oh, I see. That's interesting.  
 Yeah, I got that error message as well.  
 It's been a busy week over at SimpleX Chat HQ.  v6_1_0-beta5 was released early this morning! Like a fine wine, SimpleX is getting better with age! Embrace privacy. Join SimpleX Chat today!

#SimpleX #SimpleXChat #SxC #privacy #privatemessaging #security #linux #Android #iOS

 Why do you need an fdroid version? You can get the straight version from the repo. There's no practical difference.  
 There are no Play Store or fdroid packages in the GitHub repo. Just the straight packages.  
 No idea. I have seen other projects that distribute fdroid and Google Play variants in their git repos, along with the straight package. I guess if you've already got the Google play or fdroid variant installed but want to start pulling from the repo, it provides an easy way to continue on without having to uninstall the old variant. Because sometimes if you have one variant installed and try updating to a different variant it fails, requiring uninstalling the old variant and then installing the new variant fresh.  
 Typica, you can't directly update one variant to another. The update will fail. For example, if you're using the F-Droid variant, you need to back up your database, uninstall the F-Droid version, install the straight version, then import your database backup.  
 Golden Boy status has its rewards.  
 I used Blitz Wallet for a while. It's a little rough around the edges, but a very nice, reliable LND node wallet. And though I didn't try, I believe it can be linked to your nostr:nprofile1qqsyv47lazt9h6ycp2fsw270khje5egjgsrdkrupjg27u796g7f5k0spzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcprdmhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vfwde3x7tnpdenkzmnf9e3k75xqss4 Hub node like you can do with Zeus. If you're looking for a true self-custodial lighting wallet that runs on Android, it's a great option.  
 I just discovered that my @getalby.com Lightning address can also be used as my Nostr NIP-05 address! They're really packing the value into their service!  
 Jones is a soulless psychopath. If they just wanted to give out a fake vaccine, why TF would they put sugar in it? Why wouldn't it just be saline? I'm sorry but anyone who listens to what this schmuck says is mentally impaired.  
 I just connected my nostr:nprofile1qqsrf5h4ya83jk8u6t9jgc76h6kalz3plp9vusjpm2ygqgalqhxgp9gpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqzyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9ekxzmnyqyt8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfskueq555fk2 wallet to my nostr:nprofile1qqsyv47lazt9h6ycp2fsw270khje5egjgsrdkrupjg27u796g7f5k0spzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcprdmhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vfwde3x7tnpdenkzmnf9e3k75xqss4 Hub. How cool is that? I feel like I'm on the bleeding edge of Lightning technology!  
 SimpleX gets around the need for identities with the use of message queues. Are you talking about a similar system? Wouldn't a nostr-based messaging system ultimately rely on the npubs of the engaged parties?  
 Ya I saw that earlier. I think it would be great to develop a system that provides the practical benefits of an ID-less system on a platform like nostr that is fundamentally based on public identities (pubkeys). You get the best of both worlds!  
 I think they sell hoodies, too! They've got IR blasters sewn around the hood opening, creating an IR halo around your face.  
 I haven't used Habla.news or Highlighter, but I have used Yakihonne. I'm hoping for an app that's solely focused on long-form notes, and a larger long-form ecosystem. Something like Substack, but built on Nostr. Where you can subscribe to different authors and pay for those subscriptions using Lightning. I think it could be huge. It could be a great value-add system that drives engagement, and rewards authors for the quality of their work.  
 I just checked out habla.news on your recommendation. It's a decent site, but the nostr integration is clunky and imperfect. Also, the great majority of articles are about nostr, bitcoin, or other technology. There are very few articles on outside topics. I think we need something that encourages articles on a wide variety of subjects so that it's not a big bro circle. I'm not sure how to best encourage writing on more topics, but it's something to think about. The limited subjects of nostr and bitcoin aren't going to bring in more people, or encourage adoption of Nostr. We need more substance.