Ok, so HOW quiet can i get an S9 as a space heater? Could i run one sitting next to me in the bas...
Depends on how much you spend on the box... I guess the design paper is freely available so you can build it with plywood https://dev-upstreamdata-com.pantheonsite.io/products-services/bitcoin-mining-loadcenters/black-box/
I'm narrating a 30-minute video about money, and it's clear why I didn't narrate my full book Bro...
Make it sund like Lyn had 4 beers. The future is bright :)
Folks be going crazy over self driving cars that are connected to a network. It's only a matter ...
Seen it in like 5 movies already
Even my 18 month old son knows how stupid this comment is 🤣
Is this the Panama guy?
I fucking hate pineapples on pizza. That makes me a sane person. If you like it, stop pretendin...
The pineapple pork pizza is food of the gods. However, most people lack balls to even try it
That would be disasterous, right?
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