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 I feel like I need to read some weird shit soon. Maybe time to finally get around to the Southern Reach/Area X trilogy. 
 @d6c50095 I said for years that the beef between Metallica and Megadeth should have been squashed via a battle of the bands on Sesame Street. 
 I found an account that does alt text for old #MoviePosters.


Anyone aware of an account like this but for #horror movie posters? 
 @b7802b02 Somewhere around 5. *yawns* 
 Whoa the arm pain from this vax is intense. I forgot about that. 
 @7ef555db I got both the covid and flu shots in my left arm so that’s the one that hurts more. The shot for the pneumonia vaccine hurt more when being administered but the arm pain has actually gotten a bit milder overnight. 
 @0c1a9324 Clearly they hired Captain Obvious to do whatever assessment led them to this conclusion. 
 I wish I could sleep but I'm dysphoric 24/7.

My ovaries hurt just like when I used to menstruate... 
 @1b21a1eb Imo it’s always legit to ask for help when you need it. I’m sorry things are so hard for you right now. I hope you get some sleep and that it helps a little. 
 Well, somebody has to break the 5/5 tie on this sometime in the next five hours.

 The pharmacist told me that the pneumonia vaccine would hurt and I didn't believe her because I don't really have a problem with shots. Oof. She was right. That bastard definitely hurt a little. 
 nostr:npub1mm59rjq0u95ay2u0wv44nqyuxt934wacjhjdg4suc2a3z7sdfj9stw9qt8 Yup!

Had to ride with two ... 
 @0b971c67 OMG. That sounds completely nerve-wracking. Got my fingers crossed that you don’t come down with covid. 
 As you can tell, the emergency alert test didn’t turn me into a 5G zombie.

It did however scare the shit out of me even though I’ve seen posts about it on multiple social media sites for days. *shrug* 
 Well, she sewed her field with fucking around and now she’s reaping the finding out.

Link goes to Hollywood Report:

 Was just properly diagnosed with May-Thurner's syndrome. Going to be stented in a few weeks. 

I ... 
 @0b971c67 So glad you were able to make this appointment and that it went well. :D 
 well, went to walk in clinic. Once I got past where is your carer and how did you get here by you... 
 @f169321d Ooh damn. Bronchitis sucks. Hope whatever they gave you clears it up quickly. 
 nostr:npub1mm59rjq0u95ay2u0wv44nqyuxt934wacjhjdg4suc2a3z7sdfj9stw9qt8 I know it really bothered m... 
 @6cd6bd1f I’ve been fortunate to have mostly good neighbors but I also still remember what it was like to live with my family and how it can be really hard to live that close to other people’s tension, especially if it manifests in a lot of fighting. 
 Here’s one I compiled that has all episodes of the BBC dystopian anthology series Dangerous Visions:


Many people spent time and money to find old episodes of the CBC horror anthology Nightfall in good audio quality. I just poked through several different IA collections of Nightfall episodes and compiled this Fourble podcast with all the files in the best audio quality available:

 And here’s one that has all of the DC and Marvel audio dramas that were released by Power Records that I could find. Again, this is compiled from several different collections of uploads on IA:

 @c92884f0 Oof. That shipping from the UK is brutal but I have to admit that I’ve paid to have things shipped from both the UK and AUS before. $36 is still better than $150 by a lot though. Hopefully I can just dig around and find the copy I already own.

I know it’s up on YT but I prefer to have things in lossless whenever possible. 
 Deep Night was a horror/thriller anthology done by the CBC in the early 2000s.

Btw, podcasts you find on Fourble that are created from internet archive pages almost always have a direct link to the internet archive page with all the files included in the podcast, which makes it very easy to download and backup.

 Here’s one I compiled that has all episodes of the BBC dystopian anthology series Dangerous Visions:


Many people spent time and money to find old episodes of the CBC horror anthology Nightfall in good audio quality. I just poked through several different IA collections of Nightfall episodes and compiled this Fourble podcast with all the files in the best audio quality available:

 Here’s another cool discovery I found while combing through public Fourble podcasts.

2000X was a series of science fiction audio dramas NPR did. Each drama is an adaptation of a science fiction short story. The set includes one of only two audio dramas I’ve ever found that are adaptations of Octavia Butler stories. “Blood Child” is the story included in 2000X.

 Deep Night was a horror/thriller anthology done by the CBC in the early 2000s.

Btw, podcasts you find on Fourble that are created from internet archive pages almost always have a direct link to the internet archive page with all the files included in the podcast, which makes it very easy to download and backup.

 This is how I found the Batman: Knightfall special edition btw. I was checking through the list of all public Fourble podcasts and stumbled across it. Fourble is a cool site that let’s you make a podcast out of any list of files that are stored online somewhere. Going through the list of all public podcasts results in some great discoveries from time to time.

Anyway, if you want to listen to the Batman: Knightfall drama as a podcast:

 Here’s another cool discovery I found while combing through public Fourble podcasts.

2000X was a series of science fiction audio dramas NPR did. Each drama is an adaptation of a science fiction short story. The set includes one of only two audio dramas I’ve ever found that are adaptations of Octavia Butler stories. “Blood Child” is the story included in 2000X.

 I did a search out of curiosity to see how much the CD release of the original version of the Batman: Knightfall  audio drama is going for now and, holy shit, the least I saw it going for was $150 used. Glad I managed to keep track of that copy I bought for the last 20 years. That’s kind of a minor miracle for my ADHD ass actually.

I should probably go poking through my CD case to see if I can find it and make a flac rip because I think I only have it ripped in lossless aac and mp3 right now. 
 Founds some cool stuff recently on internet archive.

I remember buying the original release of Batman: The Complete Knightfall Saga audio drama on CD in a small bookstore somewhere in Wisconsin while I was on a family vacation maybe 20 years ago. Some kind soul has uploaded the special edition of that drama to IA. It sounds to have been remastered to some extent or other and there's a slightly different intro sequence.

 Someone threw a dirty filthy liquid all over my door and threw a can at it. 

I heard the can hit... 
 @6cd6bd1f It would be nice if some people would realize that they could just not pointlessly act like assholes. Seems like that would be easier and more pleasant for everyone. 
 I am going to put all of my posts about my family under a "venting about family" CW from now on. ... 
 @6cd6bd1f Communicating is such a challenge. I go through peaks (like I guess the one I’m kind of in now) where I feel confident enough to try to communicate with people and valleys where I feel like saying more than two words to somebody else will only end up in some miscommunication. It’s an understandable struggle is I guess what I’m saying. 
 Ellie got bit multiple times, but Lucy wasn’t physically harmed. Ellie doesn’t have bite mark... 
 @d5f78d74 Oh shit. This is awful. It drives me up a wall how some people don’t know anything about socializing their dogs, either with people or other dogs, and then just let them run around off leash. 
 What I know of this movie before watching is that it’s weird psychosexual body horr, which is cool. I also know that James Wood plays an asshole which seems very fitting. 
 Ah, yes, there is no better way to start the day than by smugly looking at porn and eating a stale pizza crust that you dipped in your coffee. 
 Greatly slacking on my horror movie watching this spooky season so I guess I’m gonna do Videodrome tonight.

My plan was to re-read the novelization and then watch without audio description but now that it has audio description I can just, you know, watch it.

Accessibility is cool actually. 
 What I know of this movie before watching is that it’s weird psychosexual body horr, which is cool. I also know that James Wood plays an asshole which seems very fitting. 
 Sometimes you can find a little gem in the piles and piles of creepy pastas now littering the internet but you can also find a lot of stories based on the shittiest horror tropes. I was just reading one that was pretty good, tense and with good pacing if a bit melodramatic, and the payoff was the old murderer-escaped-from-a-mental-hospital trope that's been around since the fucking victorian era. I would like those 35 minutes of my lifespan back, thanks. 
 I'm going to get treated like a sideshow freak but I still gotta do this. 
 @7ef555db Sounds like what I tell myself before going to the doctor.

Good luck with whatever it is. 
 Making custom ringtones for the iPhone is an awful headache of a process, but I now have the orig... 
 I've never been able to figure out how to do this using garage band. I used to use audacity to cut a section of a song I wanted, export it as m4a, rename it to m4r, and then upload to my phone by connecting it to my Mac. But now the mac wants me to back up the whole damn phone to the mac hard drive before adding ringtones and I don't have enough room for that. 
 Private insurance is without a doubt an active impediment to both individual and collective health. I also find the idea that people should have to negotiate their own medical costs with doctors to be pretty fucked. You thin people working two or three jobs, people with kids, people with complex medical needs (aka disabled and chronically ill people) aren't going to end up on the lower end of that power imbalance? *shrug* 
 Hey #bookstodon  friends. What are some good #audiobooks  to listen to when in a major chronic pa... 
 @e9e023f5 The Discworld books by Terry Pratchett are good for this imo. 
 Nearly all the UK papers today have articles about the rise of shoplifting but they don't mention... 
 @960618d0 Similar in the US right now as well, just switch out "Thatcherite" for "Reaganite." 
 Suddenly I’m not getting push notifications from Toot, so now I have yet another small inconvenience I need to troubleshoot on top of all the other big and little shit I need to deal with. *begins to melt* 
 A couple more days to grab any of this month’s on-sale titles from libro.fm.

There’s not one but two Silvia Moreno Garcia titles on sale rn, and a bunch of other stuff as well.


#bookstodon @b2e37e2e 
 @cb150cf9 So Mastodon has full text search included in the most recent version of the software but only if people opt into it. Many people choose not to do so for privacy reasons. When people post things they want to be searchable, they will use hashtags because hashtags are set to be searchable by default on Mastodon. So you may have better luck searching for those terms as hashtags. 1/2 
 @cb150cf9 You can also write a post introducing yourself and include the #introduction hashtag to help others find you. You can also include other hashtags like #disabled and #entrepreneur so that others looking specifically for those subjects see your post. HTH 2/2 
 Am I not using the search function right or has there really been no one who’s used the words ... 
 @cb150cf9 So Mastodon has full text search included in the most recent version of the software but only if people opt into it. Many people choose not to do so for privacy reasons. When people post things they want to be searchable, they will use hashtags because hashtags are set to be searchable by default on Mastodon. So you may have better luck searching for those terms as hashtags. 1/2 
 People really need to spend less time expecting people with power to have any conscience to act upon and start thinking hard about how we get them to relinquish that power. Shame is only an effective tool in situations where there isn’t a massive power imbalance. 
 The extras in the #Southeastern 10 Year Anniversary boxset are, imo, very good.

All the demos have been fully mastered. Three, maybe four, of them have some unpleasant essing but most sound good enough to have been released as is. It’s appealing to hear most of the songs from the album (there’s no demo for “Super 8”) in a stripped down, folky style, just a voice and a guitar. I was pleasantly surprised to notice that the demo for “Traveling Alone” is a #JasonIsbel + #AmandaShires duet. 1/2 
 The live performance of the whole album included as the third disc is very good. The tempo of all the songs were slowed down just a bit for the live performances. Normally I’d much rather hear tempos sped up a bit (the little ADHD gremlin in my head loves that shit) but having the tempo slowed down for these songs didn’t bother me. There are plenty of the little flourishes in the instrumentation that make a good live performance and some charming anecdotes from Isbel as well. 2/2 
More enshitification of th... 
 @880fa47e Shit. How this affects the employees union contract didn’t occur to me until you said this. I hope it doesn’t but really wouldn’t be surprised if it does. *sigh* 
 Fuck sake. I hear google podcasts is getting nuked next year.

I use overcast for my audio drama podcasts, downcast for short fiction podzines, and google podcasts for news and non-fiction type stuff. Now I have to find something new that's both accessible and whose interface doesn't make me want to headdesk into infinity.

Probably need to manually go make a list of everything I'm subbed to on google podcasts too because I don't think it supports exporting an opml file. 
 Well...my worst nightmare is coming true. Because why the fuck not?

The person that is driving m... 
 @0b971c67 Holy shit. That is the worst possible timing. Hoping you stay covid-free and the other person tests negative before the appointment. 
 “Now,” I say to myself, “I’m not gonna stay up half the night and listen to all three of these discs.”

Yeah fuckin right. LOL

So I did and my early thoughts are basically 🤯. 
 Pretty shit day today honestly. My pre-order of the 10 year anniversary edition of Southeastern by jason Isbell got delivered though, so that was a good thing. I have it all ripped as flac and loaded up for listening. Excited to see how the remasters sound and to hear the nine additional demos that weren't included as bonus tracks on the earlier special edition release, and also the live performance packaged as the third disc. 
 So the dogs were playing with their tug rope last night and Taffy dropped the rope, turned around, and started walking slowly toward the opposite end of the house. Then when Taffy heard Muffing drop the other end of the rope she turned around quickly and came charging back full speed to try to grab it before Muffin could pick it up again. She’s sneaky as hell sometimes. LMFAO 
 I wanted to try that avocado toast everyone is talking about, but, like... how do you fit it in t... 
 @80dfb37c Seems like this might be that rare occasion for which I've kept a rolling pin around even though I don't do much baking from scratch. 
 Let me try that again with the correct terminology. Where might I find movie trailors with Audio ... 
 @86bb23de There are some on this youtube channel from one of the members of Social Audio Description  Collective. They don't seem to have been doing many new trailers lately though, hopefully because they've been getting more paid work.


In terms of trailers for newer stuff with audio description, I don't really know. Sometimes the Marvel youtube channel has an audio described trailer here and there for one of the MCU movies. 
 @6cd6bd1f I can't comment on the art style obviously but the dialogue made me chuckle out loud. 👍🏻 
 Trying to incorporate more positivity in my life, and I’m finding it really hard. I’m definit... 
 @d5f78d74 Relatable honestly. I've learned to appreciate little things though. 
 Hi all! 

It's that time of the month. A #DisabledSocialHour 

I've been feeling very fatigued an... 
 @b78f1a7a Good question for this one. Listening to music is one thing, especially if I've just discovered something new that I'm getting really into. Talking to a few specific people can also have an energizing effect sometimes. Reading a good book that I'm really into or rereading books that I really like also have a positive effect. #DisabledSocialHour 
 Instant brands (who makes the instant pot) informs me via email this morning that “to enhance your user experience” they’re discontinuing the app for my model of instant pot. Yeah, great, to help me out you’re fucking up the already half-assed accessibility of the device I have that still works well enough. Oh, but you’re giving me a coupon to buy a new device I don’t need for only $100.

Not even out of bed and some corporate bullshit is already making my life a little harder. 
 In case anybody was wondering about all the emoji available on the #DisabledSocial server, I found this list. I can't see any of them of course but some of them sound pretty fun.

For example: :skeletonlaugh:

 RSD fucking sucks. That's it. That's the post. :sad_dog: 
 Only a few hours left to add a comment in support of opening up COVID boosters for everyone, as opposed to only older and diagnosed immune compromised people, for this winter in the US. Go to the link and fill out the form. No registration required.

Your comment can be as simple as:

I support opening up COVID boosters to everyone for the upcoming winter.

 nostr:npub1mm59rjq0u95ay2u0wv44nqyuxt934wacjhjdg4suc2a3z7sdfj9stw9qt8 yeah I can't enjoy media wh... 
 @16a8be7a Yeah, that’s how I am more and more.

I’ve recently been able to start watching more standup again after a long time of being turned off by the whole milieu but I’m still deeply skeptical in the vast majority of cases to treat it as social commentary the way a lot of people do. There’s such an aspect of storytelling to it, and also that aspect of people turning themselves into brands. 
 I’m curious about whether others find themselves being more critical of types of media that involve the creator becoming as much of the product as the thing they’re creating, e.g. movies, tv, music, and standup comedy?

I’m still critical of books but it doesn’t seem to me that the authors themselves become part of the product to the same extent, unless you’re the type that follows all the authors you like on social media. I also feel like there’s not as much celebrity surrounding authors. 
 A fun but little known fact about the founders of the US is that they were the people who came up with the idea of changing the name of a certain servant to the ruling class from "court jester" to "President." 
 So the Be My AI app that's coming out for blind ppl apparently uses ChatGPT. Saw somebody complaining about it blurring out faces in pics you upload to be described. I personally think it's good bc anything we upload likely becomes part of ChatGPT's training set and possibly part of some facial recognition database down the line.

I say this kindly, we as blind people sometimes need to care about the larger implications of a piece of tech more than we do about how said tech will help us. 
 This is the last day for public comment on COVID waste  water tracking in the U.S. This is currently essential data for tracking community levels of COVID and planning accordingly.

Go to the link, click "comment" and fill out the form. No registration required.

I wrote:

I support the continued collection of COVID waste water data. This is an important tool for being able to track community COVID levels and planning accordingly on both the individual and policy levels.

Event not found
 Ah, so ISFDB has Blood from the Air listed as a novel when it's apparently actually a shorts collection. It's coming out from Grim Scribe, so the audio will probably take a bit. The pre-order is up though and the ebook versions are pay-what-you-can.


#Horror #GemmaFiles 
Event not found
 @cb150cf9 You’re welcome. Mastodon works a little differently than most other social media and it can take some getting used to, so I’m glad to help when I can. 
Event not found
 This is how I found the Batman: Knightfall special edition btw. I was checking through the list of all public Fourble podcasts and stumbled across it. Fourble is a cool site that let’s you make a podcast out of any list of files that are stored online somewhere. Going through the list of all public podcasts results in some great discoveries from time to time.

Anyway, if you want to listen to the Batman: Knightfall drama as a podcast:
