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Notes by Kenny Blankenship | export

 Hey guys remember all the warnings about the tsunami of mental illness coming from aging, unmarried millennial thots as they approached the wall?

The schadenfreude has begun. Seriously, this is like the third or forth vid like this I've come across over the last several weeks, and I avoid TikTok vids like the bubonic plague

 Disney fucked up Star Wars so bad they somehow managed to rehabilitate the prequel trilogy

 Never expected the arch-heeb in charge of Black Rock to confirm what Zero Hedge and ShadowStats have said for years, but here we are

 If you wanna know why Bitcoin is at all time highs, well…

 Only gonna get worse as the millennial cohort begins ramming into the wall 
 this is why I keep saying there are people who would rather be rich in a poor country than poor i... 
 Man that just sums up the tribe to a t 
 BurgerLand is such a controlled and stifling country that pretty much every creative medium has been run into the ground through a combination of poz and shortsighted corporate greed.

Cable TV is a wasteland. Movies are dead. Pop music has been dead for so long I barely remember it exists. Now video games are entering their death throes.

 Honestly as crazy as it sounds there’s a nonzero chance of it being true in Piss Earth 

 I hope Jeff Cliff and Emma Faber never stop fighting the good fight against spergs everywhere 
 Imagine if they married and had a kid. Good lord 
 No way this is real 
 The fuckin nerve of these kikes 
 The Yenta of Kibbutz 
 You just know the normies will eat this shit up 
 Thank you fren

We are happy to be here and grateful you gave us a home

We appreciate you, graf-... 
 In a world of Elons, be a graf 
 is we getting another green new deal high speed rail project 
 Hey man that Green New Grift aint gonna fund itself 
 I'm humoring my dad by watching Ashoka with him and I have to say that if I ever get my hands on ... 
 It’s jarring watching a film from the 80s or 90s and hearing characters talk like actual adults instead of bratty 16 year old girls 
 The true system of government in modern America can essentially be described as Woke Neofeudalism

 That screen lcap leaves out that her kids are fighting over it. 

And Dianne got honored yesterda... 
 That’s woke neofeudalism for you, goy 
 It’s Friday guys, and you know what that means.

No doing any work before noon, maybe longer if you can swing it

 Completely organic protest I'm sure. There's nothing that salt of the earth Iowans care more about than the Donbas and Crimea 
 They just gravitate towards it because it’s nostalgic to the aging millennial and gives a vibe ... 
 We’re now seeing the oldest millennials hit middle age, and man it’s not pretty 
 As Zog’s decline becomes more and more obvious, expect the regime to become that much more repressive. They can’t admit they’ve fucked up, can’t admit things are crumbling, and can’t bring themselves to change course, only if temporarily.

 So..... why are laughing that soyboy was dead? because he got murdered by the niggers he loved to... 
 >Russia has actually gained more territory than it had before the counter-OOFensive started 

 Who knew that entrusting foreign policy to a cabal of rabid neo-cohens would have such disastrous results (for Zog anyway)? 
 The more I see of old television the more it appears that pretty much every show about people liv... 
 Gotta say regression to the heeb is most obvious in Hollywood. When you're bringing back shows that have been off the air for 20 years, well, you're pretty much at the bottom on the creative barrel 
 I would like to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my current pinned poast

 Got an interview at another place tomorrow for more money, wish me luck

 Good luck borther, life‘s hard for a wagie 
 Wait, what's that last one? 
 Well, Scott Adams is okay for a boomer now. Admitted his generation fucked up and that it's up to... 
 Interesting redemption arc for Dilbert Man 
 Politics is goyslop but at least it can be entertaining. If Scalise gets in as speaker and dies f... 
 The more dysfunction, the better at this point 
 And nothing of value was lost 
 To the contrary, this was a classic case of addition by subtraction 
 look at the eyes of these motherfuckers. Like looking at Jones Town cult members

 I’ve seen a lot of tweets/vids with the same sentiment lately. Seems normies have realized en masse that they‘re trapped in a never ending spiral of downward social mobility 
 Ah black lives matter, whatevah.

You do what you like to do, I’ll do what I like to do, ok? But you’re a suckah. You’re getting fed this line about being an ally but you’re not. Some nig will kill ya. Some nig will stab ya with a knife.

Make sure you got your Bernie 2020 shirt on, you wanna look good. You wanna be on the right side of history when you get stabbed with a knife

 Courtesy of @mullvad  

This country might be more close to being totally fucked than we realize

 the new color scheme has me craving a pumpkin donut for some reason 
 the diversity brigade thinking the doors in the capitol working on DOOM logic where you gotta fin... 
 Now I’m thinking about a DOOM mod where you kill shtetl goblins and zombies of color in the US capital 
 If Elliott Rodger hadn't killed himself, he'd be drowning in conjugal visit pussy. These are the ... 
 When I goof off I prefer to listen to Motörhead myself 

 why should I care that my country collapses if i can't get pussy, labor doesn't pay enough to bui... 
 I’m kinda looking forward to it tbh 
 BWAHAHAHAHAA, i spent a year preparing for food self sufficiency I AM BEATING YOU 
 Well the good news is that my Kid Rock American Caesar idea is becoming more realistic by the day 

 So BurgerLand might have a sovereign debt crisis on its hands. Foreigners aren’t buying treasuries anymore, largely because they no longer trust Zog.

Regression to the heeb has consequences

 nostr:npub1us9dccw7kdy9y0e5tktd50dc7fwzr843v46a6uu28fgkx3gkk6usyqguep apparently Japan fertility ... 
 It‘s still incredibly low and getting worse iirc 
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 You just gotta work harder at getting that BlackRock ESG money! 
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 lol she’s about as Mexican as the Frito Bandido 
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 Or to put it another way, regression to the heeb 
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 How reliable is Two Majors? 
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 Matt Gaetz was deep undercover /ourguy all along 
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 Happy to have donated to you twice good sir 
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 Inshallah brother 
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 Israel worship will die with the boomers I think 
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 Is… is it happening guys??