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 So..... why are laughing that soyboy was dead? because he got murdered by the niggers he loved to defend?

are you gringos in that level of fucked that you feel vindicated by a dude that got murdered in cold blood, regardless if the murderer is a nigger or not? 
 @f2f9d8a3 traitors should die, yes 
 Here you go Spic-Fag
 Because friend-enemy distinction. What is even your point?

>you have to open your heart even to traitors who want to murder you or else there's something wrong with you
>if you're not willing to save 100% of white people then "you're fucked" 

This wasn't some fucking "soyboy". He was a violent antifa and it's debatably better that he got gutted by a nigger because now it won't be an innocent white guy going to jail for putting that monster down. 
 >enable and support criminals
>get merked by said criminals anyway

LMAO, yea it's hilarious, got what he has coming. Hopefully it's not the last time it haopens 
 I don’t just feel vindicate, I am vindicated. 
 @f2f9d8a3 Xhe’s a very angry Latinx. 
 Yes. Now fix my Toyota so I can get out of here. 
 @f2f9d8a3 aber retrasado si un weon se dedicara su vida a difamar a tu raza mientras aboga por una raza que es un su mayoria salvages tu no the pondrias aunque sea un poco feliz cuando ese weon se muriera?

pinche ridiculo ve a que te mate un negro

 shut up puto, whenever a leftoid, lolbertarian, cop or soldier dies in the hands of a nigger god celebrates.

 2/10 for this /pol/-tier trolling where you totally pretend to be one of the opposition and speak like them in the most unconvincing fashion.

Go back there with your gay Redditjak meme and don’t come back, and I hope you’re also murdered in the same vein that Carson was for being this retarded. 
 BTW, I think more than one nigger-lover died this week, so remember to laugh twice as hard. 
 @f2f9d8a3 An Enemy dying is a good thing, yes. 
 It wasn't in cold blood. He accosted one of the exalted ones and received his due comeuppance. 
 Stupid should hurt.  He advocate for, and helped propagate that stupidity and got excess what he deserved.  QEMFD 
 Are you... are you assmad about a "soyboy" being killed???

@2985d5e0  vindicated yet again. 
 >why are laughing that soyboy was dead?
ESL-kun, I'm laughing because he, shabbos goy commie i.e. a traitor,  got killed by his own foolishness and by the golem creatures he has poured his heart out for. And yes, traitors deserve to be ridiculed, more so than my basic enemy.

Also, you to need to go back.

 Yes, I enjoy seeing dumb communist cucks murdered by the very niggers they try and help. 
 Yo quiero taco bell mane 
 I need niggys opinion on this 
 @f2f9d8a3 I'm just happy he was murdered, I don't see  why you have to bring race into it. Not cool. 
 The arrogance of people who support black / jewish causes and then end up killed or something, compared to how these same people dehumanize and degrade people warning them about such and so, well... that's comedy. Maybe this guy's death will warn others.
It's a sacrifice he was willing to make.

Also when does life actually have value to people who do defend the jew / nig life wrecking system? When trump was in office there was a hurricane, and loads of the same types of people were saying all people in the South East deserved to be homeless and die because one or two people in their midst voted for trump.
If someone like me brings that viciousness up about their past behavior, it usually turns into a dark situation. 
 Oh it looks like it's bullying time