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Notes by Stacy | export

 There are nice ways to wake up in the middle of the night.  A leg cramp so bad you shriek as you grab your  muscle in agony is not one of them  😩 
 I have an assistant who is a *clears throat and gags* Dallas Cowboys fan.

She scheduled a client session for 15 minutes before the Eagles game today.

I'm not saying she did that on purpose to mess with me....🤔

#FlyEaglesFly #NFL 
 Is 1:15 pm too early for a drink? 
 Things are painful in the world. 
Things may be painful in your own home.
There are days when it's painful to just be
Life is beautiful, but it's also painful. Just as you don't push the beauty away, you can't bury the pain. It hurts, it's awful, and it can be as intense as the joy and wonder we feel when things are wonderful - only with a huge dose of helplessness. There are things we can do collectively, but right now, in this moment, reach out, tell someone you love them, and connect. 💜 

Sometimes it even takes me a second to figure out who is perched. 

It's the beginning of the nesting season, so it's a rather interesting time. Bonded pairs are preparing for eggs, single eagles are looking for mates, and couples without a nest are looking for a nest. This means conflict. A single eagle may challenge a partner, or a couple may try to take over a nest. For an established eagle couple with a nest, vigilance is required to hold onto their nests (and each other)

 Good morning. I hope you find a reason to love and laugh #today  ❤️ 😊 
 I was texting a friend and auto-correct changed 'tomorrow' to 'tomfoolery' and 'gadget' to gaggle'

What the fuchsia?? 
 Had lunch with a friend. She's married, as are most of my friends. We were talking about another woman in our neighborhood (who is divorced). My friend said single people shouldn't live here and that it's for families or couples.

I said, "I'm divorced, I live here."

She changed the subject.

I tooted something earlier about people in my demographic. I've encountered this a few times, the notion that the unattached should only live in apartments and not around families. WHAT is that??🤔 
Well, maybe on a couple of... 
 I am working at my neighbor's house until the workers finish at my place. My neighbor's cat loves TV and has it on all day. I have the volume down, but it's not low enough for me to avoid being assaulted by the "Jardiance" lady every half hour. 😬 Whatever ad agency came up with that commercial deserves an award for the most annoying drug commercial ever. 

Snaps from yesterday. They'll be spending more time at the nest tree the closer they come to eggs. Beautiful rainbow on the picture on the left, and a good idea of size comparison on the right.


 In a stopgap attempt to postpone the cold front that's headed our way tomorrow night I've transfe... 
 @51fb1883 PUt them back! Put them back! I want cool weather. 🍂 
I don't want to diminish m... 
 @51fb1883  Agreed. Women overall tend to face challenges that men do not. That alone makes all of us stronger. Personally, as a divorced woman over a certain age, I am a bit choosier when it comes to partners because I know I can continue to handle things by myself if I need to. I have that perspective of independence much more than I did when I was young. 
 If you're married or have a life partner, be grateful for having someone in that foxhole with you when you need them.

If you're single/divorced/widowed, ESPECIALLY if you're over a certain age, be grateful for the badass strength you have developed from dealing with it all on your own. Let's hear it for the middle-aged and above women who have massive strength because of this.

Men, you're badass too, but nothing is more badass than an older woman who faces greater odds on her own 😉 

F23 perched on the attic branch of the nest tree. M15 brought two huge sticks to the nest and is now perched beside it, watching the traffic. 

They can be hard to tell apart. See the alt text to learn how to identify them!


 I'm older than the USPS, but younger than UPS 
 nostr:npub1qmf3z25nay68rzy46wepvh2klnarxhp8x34jrafnc2feuucnw5msvsunzr I let my social anxiety mak... 
 @a3fff623  counts. Hugs. 
 Just to be clear. When I was 11, my best friend told me a secret. I kept that secret through junior high, high school, college, and adulthood.

Trump was out of office what, a year or two? And he spilled sensitive US national security information with a Mar-A-Lago member (according to ABC news)

#uspolitics  #politics 
 Anyone else have a challenging day today, anxiety-wise? ✋ 

Show of hands. There's comfort in  company - don't leave me hanging😊 


Six-minute video of M15 and F23 working in the nest and getting it ready for eggs.  M15 arrives with a stick, and F23 flies in about a minute later. It's fascinating to see them work together with the nestorations. 

 If you are a (skincare, not a k95) face mask person, how often do you use them? 
 @a3fff623 Once a week for five minutes. Any more than that, and my skin tends to react. 
 Having a hard time focusing today! Could be working in someone else's house, could be other things. 🤷‍♀️ 

Yes, she’s more than qu... 

Grazer for Speaker! 
 The Fat Bear contest is happening at #Katmai National Park. Just sayin', one of the bears may have some free time when the competition is over, and the Speaker of the House doesn't necessarily have to be human. Grazer could get the GOP in line pretty quickly before she goes into hibernation, just ask any of the bears she's 'grazered' over the years. 🐻 🤷‍♀️ 
We have some big ones out ... 

Yep. I was driving once and thought I had hair getting in my eyes. I looked in the rear view mirror, and it was a daddy long legs in my bangs!!!! 
Oh well, forget that. 
 @51fb1883 The kitchen too, but I'm fine. I'll fight the tidying urge. This will be good for me. 😅 
Do you have a room that do... 
 @51fb1883 The bathroom! 
 The movers had to reschedule, so they'll come by tomorrow morning to measure the furniture, etc. So, one more night with yellow stickers on the stuff I'm taking. As a tidy Virgo, it's testing every ounce of my will not to rip them off.

 This is the time of year I can't walk through our woods without waving a stick in front of me.  T... 
 @51fb1883  I'm terrified of spiders. I'd scream and run out of those woods like I was in the "Blair Witch Project" 
That's nice that you were ... 
 @d187cbce  A perk of working for myself, but also a risk. So relieved. 
 I took two weeks off to tend to family issues, my move, and my parents moving out of their house. Today was my first day back, and I scheduled the rest of my clients going forward. I was so afraid I'd lose clients. I didn't lose a single one. Exhale!!!!

 FEMA's alert went off two minutes early. They're obviously testing their link to a time machine that is tasked with sending alerts back in time to warn us of impending danger, a project run by a strange guy with maniacal eyes and a Delorean 🤔 

 Hello from the other side.

Bookmark this. Print it out. Stick a spike in it and nail it to the wall. 

Twice a year, go through all your sh** and purge. Get rid of stuff. You will move someday. If you do this now and continue to do it regularly, you will spare yourself weeks of wondering why the Hell you have two melon ballers, three drills, and six thousand mugs when it comes time to move.

Please. Heed my warning. 
 Sixth-grade student council has more maturity and emotional intelligence...🙄 

The interim House speaker ordered Nancy Pelosi to vacate her office. It's been tradition to house a former Speaker in a larger office. Nope. She's been evicted, as has Steny Hoyer.

#politics  #uspolitics 


First visit of the day from M15 and F23. The lady is in the nest, fluffing up the center, where the nest bole will eventually be. She's learning the art of building a nest from master carpenter M15, who is one of the best I've seen. Yesterday, they placed more rails along the sides, had a few arguments over where to place sticks, and continued to build their rapport.

See more in alt text about the physical characteristics of the bald eagle, especially grip strength!

 nostr:npub1mvk3zdsdszcmyc227yhrej5zyd2erkqw7adsypqyp737vxgcyg3srjps6j nostr:npub1qmf3z25nay68rzy4... 
 @51fb1883 @db2d1136 

I think M15 sounds like a secret British agent! 🤣 

As far as the eaglets, I'm guessing they will be E23 and E24, but my overthinking brain is wondering if they would be E1 and E2 since they're F23's first eaglets. 

Looks like the Pritchett's have decided on what to call M15's partner. Evidently, they decided against giving them human names. This nest gave them names until one of the eaglets died, then they decided to name the adult eagles "F or M, " followed by the year the adult arrived. Eaglets are "E" followed by their numerical order. 

So, M15's new mate is now F23. I personally don't think a human name makes us anthropomorphize them more than a number, but that's just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️ 
I suspect M15's fans would... 
 @51fb1883  They were upset last season when other eagles tried to take advantage! Remember the people who violated federal law and put food by the tree, thinking they could save M from leaving the nest tree to find food? 
 Phone app reminders are great when you're busy, but I'm finding that a big ole Post-it note stuck to my laptop with "EAT" written on it reminds me to do so more than a brief reminder on my phone. When belly rumblings don't work, the Post-it usually does! 

No, this is not an ad for post-its. It's just an observation 🤷‍♀️ 

M15 surveying his territory, which is about two square miles. This is the beginning of the nesting season, and it can be a bit chaotic as those without mates race to find a mate, and couples without a nest try to take over another couple's nest. Harriet and M15 were quite a force and worked well together. Fingers crossed, he works just as well with his new partner. 

This nest is also a tourist draw. See alt text for more!

 Dad's been moved out of the ICU - one step forward! 👍 

I circled back to the ICU nurses and gave them a cookie tray. I thanked them, and, once again,  I was reminded of how recognition for their hard work is not as common as it should be. In my experience, the nurses have been the ones who kept me from feeling alone and confused. They have enormous workloads, but most have the hearts of a lion and take time to talk to me. They're angels. Recognition should be the norm, not the exception. 
 Equating Hunter Biden's situation with Donald Trump's is like equating shoplifting with armed robbery. The media may be all-in for the false equivalencies, but those of us with the smallest of critical thinking skills can tell the difference. #Politics #uspolitics 

M15 and his 'partner' just arrived with a stick for the rails. When Harriet was alive, nest work would be done in the morning, then just before sunset. It seems M15 is keeping the same schedule with his new lady. 

If all goes well, eggs will be laid in mid to late November. If no eggs are laid, it won't be from lack of trying! They are definitely putting in the effort! 🤣

I’m here.   Every muscle... 
 @51fb1883  Ugh, rest up today!!! 
 Good morning, all. Little sleep, too tired to find a meme, so how about just sitting and having ☕ ☕ ☕  with me? 
 Mastodon, I love ya.  You've created a space where an outsider like me can gather with other outsiders and be our geeky and wonderful selves. We've stumbled into this space after years of birdsite chaos to find respite, fascinating people, and all the cat pictures we could ever want. We have a good thing here if we can keep it. 💜 
 Some things are HARD. 🤦‍♀️ 
 Listening to:

Body And Soul - the great Billie Holiday❤️ 


 If massive, soul-sucking negative energy had a face, it would be Trump's. He's always been that way, but lately, he has devolved into a black hole level of darkness. There are women who actually find him attractive. 🤢  If he were the last man on Earth, I'd demand a recount. 

Well, M15 and his lady friend have been bonding (mating) quite a bit over the last few days. They're right on schedule for the nesting season! She's the one! I can't remember when M15 was given a designation when he arrived. It might have been when eggs were laid, I'm not sure. It's up to the Pritchetts to decide. 

There was some discussion over whether they'd give the eagles human names, but I haven't heard it brought up again. For now, I'll refer to her as M15's partner. 
 My sympathies are with KC Chiefs fans. We have to hear about the Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce thing on a national level, but I can't imagine how frustrating it is to ignore it during Chief's games. #nfl 
 My red-tailed hawk came to visit as I filled the bird feeder. He perched on the patio ledge and watched as he always does. Ever since I rescued him from getting run over by traffic on the street over the hill, he's come to visit. I will miss him in ways that are hard to articulate. I highly doubt I'll get to hold a hawk again, nor will one visit me at my new place. 
 And before I forget:

#NFL  #flyeaglesfly 🏈

South Philadelphia String Band - Fly Eagles Fly


Cam 2. M15 flew in with a rather large branch and had a bit of difficulty weaving it into the rails. However, he has a real talent for nest building, so he eventually got it to fit. His lady friend did some aerating earlier before taking off.

#birds #birdwatching


 Ugh. I was going to relax today but I forgot I promised my dog training client I'd see them today. Fortunately, they are supposed to come here for an outdoor session. The dog needs work on dealing with distractions, so we're introducing him to different settings and situations. 🐕 
I'm finding that if I swit... 
 @51fb1883  Yeah, it is. Donations have fallen so much since the pandemic that they needed to go to ads at the start of each video. Hopefully, they'll go up again. In the meantime, when I'm watching, I keep the website on one browser and another camera from YouTube on another, so I can switch back and forth easily. 

Camera 1 and 2 are live! They are still working on the other cameras!

M15 and his lady should be at the nest any minute to do their usual morning 'nestorations' in preparation for this season! 

Note: Donations have fallen, so there will be ONE ad when you log on (that you can skip). No ads after that. 

Website: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/southwest-florida-eagle-cam/?cam=1

 DEM Rep Bowman says he 'accidentally' pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol today. He is currently under investigation by Capitol Police.

The Capitol has gone full Animal House. 

Looks like Cam 2 at the nest is live. They're testing Cam 1. 
 The House is about to pass the CR, and it will be kicked over to the Senate. Dems came to the rescue on this. 

Ukraine aid is not in the CR, which would kick the can down the road for another 45 days. There are also no spending cuts, a concession by McCarthy. 
 Had a quick lunch, got my COVID booster, and mom is getting hers now!! 
Next, I have to hope I don’t get the same awful reaction I’ve had to every COVID shot 🤞🤞🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏 

I'm picking Mom up for lunch and getting my COVID shot after lunch. Unbeknownst to her, I scheduled a 4th one for her since she canceled the other 3. I figured she might change her mind once she saw me getting the booster.

She just texted - "Jane (a friend of hers) has COVID. Do you think I could get the shot when you get yours?"

I didn't tell her I already scheduled her. I said, "Sure, I'll schedule it now"

🎉 🎉 🎉  I'm not a praying gal but.....

 The GOP that is shutting down the government tonight is the same GOP that thinks childcare and food are extravagances for low and middle-income earners.  Child care credits and SNAP have been cut, leaving struggling families with pre-pandemic burdens during post-pandemic inflation. For these people, the GOP says "No one wants to work anymore", and "We can't afford such programs". But they certainly found the money for "struggling" billionaires in 2017.

 My feeling as I check the #SWFLEagleCam site every morning to see if it's gone live yet.🦅 

All FOUR cams go live for Season 12 any day now!


 Cherish the people who remember your reaction to your last boosters and text to say they'll be by later to see if there's anything you need. 😷 💉 🥴 
 Do yourself a favor. If you can't do this today, try to do it tomorrow. Take your to-do list and limit it to just three things. Let the rest go and give yourself a break for a change. If you want to crash on the couch and watch movies, do it. If you want to read all day, do that. Saturdays and Sundays don't have to be about doing exciting things. Sometimes, they need to be about just recovering and being low-key and that's PERFECT. 
 Boost to show you like something. 

Boost to show you respect someone's words.

Boost to show you see someone.
It's like holding up something and saying, "Hey, everyone, look at this!" and it makes people feel seen ❤️ 
 Hey Masto friends it’s #TGIF for many it’s #DGSIF (don’t give a shit it’s Fri) 🤭
This ... 

Have fun at GBB! 
Where’s your minders whe... 
 @48471ca1  i set a reminder on my phone but my phone was silenced 🤣 
 I remembered to do everything but eat 🤦  And I was just sitting here wondering why I was tired and a little grumpy. 
 So, I have to call my father's carrier. I called at 8:00 a.m. on the dot, which is when the office opens. Okay, maybe I called at 8:00:01. The second I called, a recording said the wait time was 45 minutes. It's like calling for Prince tickets back in the day, only at the end, you're rewarded with a cranky agent who has no idea who Prince is and repeatedly asks for your account number 

Short yet beautiful eleven minute video of M15 and his female friend as they prepare for nesting season.  I have a hunch this is the lady M has chosen, but we'll see for sure if she lays eggs!

Cams go live any day now!!

BTW, The Real Saunders Photography calls her 'Maybelline'. The female does not have a name or designation yet. 

I cannot believe the big b... 
 @51fb1883 The average eagle's nest is about 3 tons and 6 feet in diameter, and even deeper than that. This is small for now since it's new. They'll keep adding to it. 
 I am going to miss this the most when I move.
This is my running route every day - at least part of it.

New Hope Pennsylvania walking tour video


Trust me on this. It's a 40-minute video, but it's entertaining as anything. M15 and his lady friend are working on the nest. M15 brings huge sticks, while the inexperienced lady brings tiny branches. They place the sticks and have disagreements over where to place the sticks. It's fascinating and gets your mind off your troubles for a bit.

Cams go live any day now!

 Stop scrolling

Are you clenching your jaw? Blow a raspberry and relax your facial muscles.

Are your shoulders tense? Shake out your arms and let the shoulders drop.

Are you hunched over? Sit up straight and stretch your arms over your head for a few seconds

Have you been sitting for a while? Walk around, stretch, or move what you can to get the blood flowing.

Take a few deep breaths and let the breath out in a sigh.

Carry on 😉 
 The plumber that I forgot about - twice- just texted to remind me about tomorrow's appointment. If I hadn't trained all of this guy's dogs, I don't think he'd be so forgiving for ditching him twice! 
 The woman with the coffee cart remembered what I usually get. She saw me coming, got my coffee ready, and picked up a chocolate chip muffin. I mean...that's the kind of kindness and perception that means the world to people. 💜 
 I'm sitting in the waiting area at a hospital. CNN is on. They are talking about the House GOP-led hearing on Hunter Biden. Before this, they talked about the GOP debate. 

They spent a total of two minutes on what seems to be a likely government shutdown in 72 hours. 

And not once in this conversation about the Hunter Biden hearing did anyone mention "Hey, THIS is what they're doing when we're three days from a shutdown?"

 This is one thing I love about the Fediverse. 
I needed more information on something and asked a Mastobuddy if they could point me in the direction of some decent resources. They did, and I'm about to review it now. This happens far more often here than it ever did on the birdsite, and it's one of the reasons I love it here. 
I agree. One time it chang... 
 @48471ca1  It is evil and it must be stopped. 
Event not found
 2/ Lastly, if you're having an anxious episode and can't reach out to someone at that moment, remove yourself for a few minutes. You're anxious. Your heart is pounding. It's scary & lonely. Pushing these feelings away will just add to the stress  & add another layer of anxiety. Feel what you're feeling. Don't fight it. Remove yourself for five minutes and let the anxiety pass through as you take deep breaths. Hand on your heart, tell yourself you'll be ok. Comfort yourself as you would a friend. 
Event not found
 @48471ca1 what that must feel like! I can’t imagine