Oddbean new post about | logout
 In a stopgap attempt to postpone the cold front that's headed our way tomorrow night I've transferred my summer clothes to the back of my closet and moved things for cooler weather to the front.   In the past this usually ensures that we get a hot spell. 🤞 

I hope to spend time reading on the back porch later.  An added bonus- watching the cats jump at the random leaves falling. It's new to them every year.  🍂 

 @51fb1883 Good Morning, Sharon. Have a lovely day. 
Hey. Good idea. And since I just throw my wear-everyday stuff on my bedroom sofa anyway, it won't even interfere with my morning wakeup n get dressed routine! 👍😊 
 @51fb1883 PUt them back! Put them back! I want cool weather. 🍂