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 You're so adorable; my desperate, endlessly hungry glutton, the best pet I could ever ask for~
That constant need for more junk takes up so much of your thoughts nowadays, I don't even have to hypnotize you anymore~
Open up, hog, we're gonna make you SO much worse~ >:3c

#fatfur #weightgain 
 Look at you, fatass~
So desperate for praise, so DESPERATE for another "good boy" that you'd let me stuff your gut painfully full of empty calories time and time again, pile more and more lard onto your frame, push you closer and closer to immobility~
Good boy~ <3 
 to whomever wrote "Feathers" for the latest issue of the Orbital zine????
bro,,, you didn't have to hit so close to home,,, 😭😭 
 have you seen the new site? it's bluesky. it's literally mastodon. its furrynetwork with an invite code. it's literally pillowfort. you can probably join weasyl. dude it's cohost. it's a cara original. it's on sofurry. you can follow me on hive. you can go to hive and follow me. open hive right now. go to hive. dive into hive. you can hive it. i'm on hive. hive has it for you. hive has it for you. 
 Y'know what would be neat??
Casual, open, weekly fatfur community drawpiles
Or like,, a doodleordie room, that too c:
doodleordie totally needs a resurgence ~v~ 
 fat pet subconsciously loosening their collar every time it starts to get tight,, just doin it while gorging themselves, without even thinking about it,,

,,one day reaching up and realizing it's already as loose as it'll go,, :3c 
 "A weak whine was all they could muster as the dragon poured in the thick liquid. The fatass stared at the tube cross-eyed as the liquid crawled closer and closer until it eventually flooded their maw. Instantly they were forced to swallow. Thankfully the drink was quite cool, counteracting the immense heat they were struggling with. So many layers of fat were bound to increase their core temperature quite a bit just by acting like insulation. Perhaps their potential future-self had things spiral so far because these shakes were the only thing that still offered a modicum of coolness?"

it's 38 pages of just,, the wildest petplay, corruption, stuffing, humiliation & teasing I think I've ever read, all in this cute lil fantasy setting~ ~v~
if you enjoy my weird hornyposting, there's a good chance you'll find plenty to enjoy in there, as well~

 stop thinking, pig. just eat.
let the dopamine rush of stuffing empty calories down your gullet drown out those pesky concerns.
getting too big? having a hard time walking? worried what your friends will think?
just eat. you'll worry later, you NEED the pleasure, you NEED more. >:3c

#fatfur #weightgain 
 mnmhgn my brain is itching for a hot fatfur thought involving clicker training
but god damn it im coming up dry 😔  
 gosh darn, I gotta remember to use CWs on here
I know it's not as much of a thing as it is on masto, but it feels polite, haha 
 oh my god
cat sona impulsively making biscuits on their bigger boyf's tummy x3 
sneaking lil bites from meals they prep for their feedees!
eating more every day, bc their main reference is their feedee!
stuffing themselves and excusing it, bc "it's just once a week"... twice, thrice, once a day...
becoming victims of the slippery feedism slope! :3c

trying to be all coy and dommy, but finding themselves flustered by how often they find their new gut brushing their feedee's!
having their feedee seize the opportunity to turn the dynamic around on them!
getting teased about how easily distracted food makes them now! x3 
 the ideal relationship dynamic is "tug-o-war", actually :3 
 your feeder should be able to control your food tracking app >:3c
increase the daily calorie goal, mess with the goal weight~
lock your phone until you stuff down X cals~
post your current weight and cal intake to their social media, to show off their piggy~
...or your social media, let everyone know just how much of a hog you're becoming~ :3c 
 Forgive me if my silly fatfur posts aren't quite as well-written as other folks', it's hard to see what I'm typing past the food I'm shoving down my beak 😔 
 you're so hopeless
so addicted to that feeling of being blissfully stuffed

it's been getting harder to reach recently, hasn't it? your portions have ballooned in size chasing it
you know you should cut back, but can't resist the temptation of just one more time~

cute blubbery hog :3c

#weightgain #fatfurs 
 back when you first started meeting up with your feeder, you knew you'd end up with some extra pounds. it'd be silly to assume anything else.

...but god, this?
nothing could've prepared you for this.

you were putty in their hands. all the years of repressed feelings, suddenly let loose by their teasing words left you completely helpless against their fattening machinations.
and now? here you were - more lard than person, their prize hog.

you should've seen it coming... the way their meals seemed a little bit bigger every time, the way their shakes always seemed a little creamier than the last one, how big your appetite was getting, how common stuffings were becoming, how often the funnel was becoming an inseparable part of them... how often you'd beg for it... 
...but it all just felt too good to question, too wonderful to taint the blissful haze you were in with such silly thoughts, your food-addled brain too busy with stuffing more lard down your maw to think about anything else.

you catch yourself kneading idly at your gut. you really gotta cut back, you shouldn't keep going...

...and then, you hear familiar footsteps. just the sound is enough to send a hunger pang through your body nowadays. seconds later, they walk through the door, a cartful of food behind them. your gut rumbles hungrily, silencing any doubts you might've had.

...you'll think about all this stuff later. can't let the food go cold, after all~

#fatfur #weightgain 
 slutty, revealing clothing was made for specifically fat boys ~v~ 
 rub my tum after a stuffing, then slowly, painfully rake your claws across it
pull me into a cuddle, then sink your fangs into my shoulder
lull the birdie into a false sense of security, then desecrate him
fatten me up like a turkey, then carve me up like one
stain my feathers with my own blood ~v~ <33 
 Jake had never been much of a flyer; even before he'd started dabbling in gaining, the pudgy bluejay had never been much for the skies. It never really made sense to him, going through all the trouble associated with flying and exhausting himself when he could simply take the bus, instead.
And yet, when he was getting up that morning, finding himself ever so slightly more out of energy by the end of the ordeal, he felt something pul him outside, tel him to go for a quick fly, just to feel the wind in his wings. And deep down, he knew why that was.

With his boyfriend's help, the bird was becoming rounder by the day; that morning, left having to catch his breath after the simple act of getting out of bed, he knew it wasn't long before he wouldn't be able to take off. His bulk - currently jiggling with each wingflap like a water balloon strapped to his torso, his soft, supple moobs rhythmically slapping against it every time he pushed his wings down - was all too eager to make sure he knew exactly why that was.
...and yet, looking down at the soft ball of flab, swaying side-to-side in mid-air... he wouldn't take back a single bite.

The bird's attention wandered to food, as it often did, lately. All the tasty treats his boyfriend would cook up for him, all the stuffings they'd shared, all the treats snuck in at night, and the messy, chocolate-flavored kisses whenever his partner would notice his absence and seek him out in the kitchen... His belly rumbled, snapping him back to reality.
He was hungry, exhausted, out-of-breath, and all the weight pressing up, shifting, rubbing against his cock wasn't exactly helping.

Jake quickly set course for the ground, only just barely managing not to topple over as the sweaty, huffing bird landed with a heavy thud next to his significant other, who had been watching the feathery ball of lard defy gravity from the ground, a bottle of his latest vice - heavy cream milkshake - ready in hand for when he returns. The heavyset blue jay wasted no time snatching the bottle and tilting it to his beak, gulping down the sweet, viscous mixture like an athlete exhausted after a marathon, despite his flight only having lasted a couple of minutes.

 - "N'awwhh~ How's my big birdy doin'?" - Jake's boyfriend, a short ferret by the name of Max asked as he embraced his sizable boyfriend.
 - "*huff* I-- *huff* god, haha, my wings are so sore, I--" - Jake stopped suddenly, his eyes going wide with realization.
As he stood there, panting, sore and exhausted, it clicked. That feeling in the morning... it wasn't telling him to go for just any flight... it was telling him to go for...
 - "...my last flight."
 - "...j-jeeze, big guy, a-ahah..." - the ferret replied with an uneasy chuckle, idly rubbing circles at his boyfriend's back - "No need to be so dramatic, I'm sure it's not..."
 - "No, it is. I _know_ it." - Jake replied, looking out into the sky, lost in thought - "At the rate I'm going... and with how rarely I fly... by the time my wings aren't sore, I'll be too heavy.
 - "I..." - the ferret went silent for a second - "I mean... we can cut back, if you want to? Y-you don't have to do anything you don't want to, love. I love you for _you,_ not your weight."
 - "...no, I do want it. I _know_ I do, and I knew it would happen, sooner or later. It's... haha, it's always been a bit of a dream. It's just... it's a little scary, knowingly taking that step forward, you know?"

The ferret tried to open his snout, but found no words, and chose to instead pull his hefty boyfriend closer. The two simply looked towards the sky together for a while, watching the clouds drift, the occasional - considerably more fit - bird fly by, until a loud, demanding rumble broke the silence, prompting the blue jay to look down towards the ferret, a smile on his face.

 - "Sounds like it's dinner time."
 - "If you're ready...?"
 - "Oh, I'm more than ready."

#fatfur #fatfurs #weightgain 
 food addiction is such a fun concept :>c

like,, just finding some fast food joint so incredibly delicious, so amazing, that your poor brain, suddenly flooded with dopamine, goes haywire for it, wolfing it down in seconds.
so good, you just can't help but come back the next day... and the day after... and the day after...
eventually finding everything else tastes bland by comparison, nothing else satiates your newfound hunger for grease and calories, catching yourself zoning out, thinking back to that blissful first bite...
and always, without fail, eventually giving in and coming back, promising yourself you'll cut back tomorrow...

an occasional treat becomes a dire, primal need... sometimes becomes every day, becomes 2 meals a day, becomes 4... each meal bigger than the last as it takes more and more to reach that same bliss, to fill that gut...
eventually having to make sure you have some ready on your night stand, knowing you'll NEED it in the morning... having to schedule regular deliveries as your gut's demands grow more and more intense, that hunger more and more ever-present...

completely and hopelessly hooked on stuffing your snout with calories and grease and lard. doomed to become a gluttonous beached whale, constantly begging for more and whining about how hungry you are. doomed ever since that first, blissful bite.

...on an unrelated note, wanna go try out this new place that opened just last week? I hear the food is great~ :>c

#fatfurs #weightgain 
 wha- huh??
nostr is wild 
 being in a queue w/ your fatfur boyfriend,,
his gut bumping into or brushing up against you every time the queue moves forward a lil,,
mnghmn :3c 
 with @dragontzin on twitter making all those wonderful fatfur science infographics, I thought I'd make one of my own!!

...why of course I'm qualified, why do you ask?? :3c

#fatfurs #weightgain
 to my Polish followers I hereby grant a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license to call this the "The Masło Hierarchy of Needs" :^)

(under the condition that you get me a beer at Futrołajki this year :3c) 
 "Piramida Masłowa".
nie, nie w sensie że jest autorstwa dr. Masłowa, w sensie że jest (w dużej części) z Masła. :^) 
 stimming by bouncing up and down is great because it gets a little upgrade with every kilo you gain :33 
 You should always have food within reach.
Woke up? Pre-breakfast snack on the night stand. 
Manage to get up? Good boy, time for a lil treat :3c
Wake up from your post-breakfast food coma? Here's a spread to tide you over till first lunch! 

The thought of not constantly shoving food down your maw should become scary. The void inside your mouth - uncomfortable, foreign, begging to be filled. What was once a craving - now an ever-present need. The thought of being hooked up to a hose - suddenly reasonable, desirable, necessary. >:3c 
 not being able to reach myself past my gut would fix me, I swear. trust me bro, having to depend on my feeder for release would make everything right bro, having them force me to stuff myself to get it would fix everything just trust me bro please I swear

#fatfur #weightgain 
 if 1.5+ liter bottles of cola weren't meant to be downed in one sitting, then why does it feel so satisfying to do so???? checkmate, dieteti-- uUUuuUUUrRRp~ 
 saying "talons", "paws", "wings", "claws"... instead of "hands" is based, actually
saying "snoot", "beak"... instead of "mouth" is fire, tbh
I'm not cringe, you're cringe, shut up 😤  
 proper petcare is making your pet so dependent on treats and praise they'll do anything to get them. vets may disagree, but "big, squishy, pliable ball of putty at the mercy of your whims, whining desperately before giving in" is peak pet health, actually. 
 mfnggfm fatties in skirts and thigh-highs and arm warmers and collars send post

(I would like to be fatties)

#fatfur #weightgain 
 "You can't just— *huff* expect a— *huff* a forest warden to return to the battlefield *puff* after a 6 year break! Of course I'm going to be— *huff* be  a little bit out of shape, those fruits and berries don't— *huff* don't eat themselves, you know!"
 — Voden Gigantic, probably


back when Gigantic first died, I drew an out-of-shape Mozu
now that the game is (questionably) back & I'm obsessed with it again, it seems fitting to draw a lil spiritual successor~ :^))

(dw Voden, doesn't look like it'll be long till you're back on vacation lmao 😭)

 oi, the game from my last drawing?? it's free on epic right now, from the 22nd to the 29th
if you like mobas and hero shooters, give it a try!! it's got some cool ideas and like,, the furriest cast, imo ;>

 hello world #fatfur uwu