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Notes by 5e653220 | export

 Happy New Year everyone! 🎉

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|         We Love Privacy     ... 
 So, what's up. Cant seem to log in through your app. Says "need to update web 3" phone is uptown date. Several browsers just block my access, says they are blocking you. What browser should I use? Or is it a geographic issue in the US? 
 Halfway through the third book of "Three Body Problem" and I'm already getting anxiety from the p... 
 I saw this a while back was rite in the middle of Leviathans Wake. Have to admit I'm a bit on the fence. Not sure if it is me being a jaded buy the TV or outher series books 
 Not sure about the books sevens has been on my shelf for a while and still not read it. Neil Stephenson can be a bit tough to get through I've enjoyed every book iv read so far but ya... Anatham(not going to do a spell check) was one of my favorite.  
 Iv been wanting to reread diamond age 
 Yes, for someone with an ignorant American 8th grade education. Must make perfect sense. This ty6of propaganda is so tiresome and boring  
 Only about to min of it 
 alcohol is such a shitcoin my god 
 Learnt to lean in 
 It's in my about me "fat thumbs, auto correct, and random punctuation " 
 If man made global warming was a hoax, why would Saudi Arabia be going along with it?  
 You don't have to believe it to give along with it 
 Accepting the premise that they don't believe in it but are going along with it. The Petro-dollar is dead, it's probably the least worst option to transition away from it. The result of a lot of decisions made long ago  
 The ( #NaturalLaw ) #libertarian principle of non-aggression basically sums up the "second table"... 
 Just going to use your post and an excuse to say what I want... the NAP is a mental exercise for secular sociopaths. It's fun to use it as a scaffold to analyze or teach with, but the moment it comes up against power not hindered by the concept it is useless. Religion helps with the societal decay problem but it to will always suffer the death by a thousand cuts any system has. Death and rebirth 
 These retarded companies still investing 100 of millions of dollars into shitcoins drives me nuts... 
 How to spot a money laundering.... 
 Hey aint gotta take the advice of a guy that ran the most popular leftists irc channel for 7 year... 
 Building an information silo does not solve for critical thinking errors.  
 That's nice and all, there are few things to quibble with in this essay, but the unfortunate fact is "might make right". It is upon us as to defend and uphold this rites and elect/appoint/elevate people of like mind to defend and uphold these rights and ideals. Constant vigilance is the price of liberalism. To Conserve them... 
 the primal 24h trending are always the the same people. intentional? 
 Randomness is a necessary spice 
 GM #Nostr ✌🏻
Anyone got a tip on how to recieve zaps live during a presentation/keynote? Wit... 
 I know nothing about these things but.... can you you zapsteam, or nostr as you want? Just tell your audience to do so and then just run an animation, or something, to make it appear it is what you want it to be. Not sure how you work this into a keynote, goodluck 
 I wonder what percentage of No Agenda user have taken at least one jab? I would not be surprised ... 
 Got a chuckle thinking about the No Agenda "user", must be the guys doing it at 1.75 speed 
 "That's the world we live in." 

A profoundly depressing sentiment. It encapsulates a resignation... 
 This is silly, collective action against who? All of the wolds most powerful country's, corporations, and institutions are flying the rainbow flag. Their values align with yours. The only thing left for you to do is start pushing people you don't like off your life raft. They aren't going to gulag themselves  
 You and them are one in the same, two sides of the same coin. You hate them because they remind you of yourself. You and them are the useful idiots that tear apart nations. 
Event not found
 I don't understand this, is being concerned about privacy something we grow out of?