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 Kann man, für Dritte, hier nicht lesbare Nachrichten posten?


Wie man sieht, ja! :-) 
 Seitdem ich Gemini kennengelernt habe, nutze ich kaum noch das WWW. Bin daher auch weniger hier. Schade ist auch das #Nostr mir deutsche Artikel als Vorschau zeigt, obwohl die mich gar nicht interessiere. Nun ja, schaut euch doch einmal den #Geminispace an, mit einem passenden Client, wie #Lagrange, #Kristall usw. Ihr werdet begeistert sein!

Wenn ihr das getan habt, könnt ihr euch gerne in mein Gästebuch eintragen: gemini://tilde.club/~pollux/ 
 In case you have a #webpage, is it #environment #friendly?

Mine is! https://www.websitecarbon.com/website/tilde-club-pollux/ 
 It would be very nice if the #Nostr #protocoll would support #Gemini URI's … !!! 
 I am amazed, how nice #Gemini is. It reminds me of the beginning of the WWW, when everything was non-commercial, with no tracking and other things. I would appreciate it if you sign my guestbook (Gästebuch) at:


 https://tilde.club is pretty cool, if you like to have a free shell account, with a homepage and other goodies. 
 Tucker Carlson Interview mit Präsident #Putin am 09. Februar, um 02:00 Moskauer Zeit.


 Two hands massaging the back of a person, I see in this #InkblotArt. 
 Just saw this in #Bitmessage chan 'general':

“The Chinese biology lab in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which (accidentally) owns Pfizer” (the one making the vaccine against the virus that was (accidentally) started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and that was (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) managed by the financial division of Black Rock, which (accidentally) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which (accidentally) runs the French AXA Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur, which (coincidentally) set up a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought out by the German Allianz, which (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, which (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages around a third of global investment capital.

Black Rock is (coincidentally) also a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates who (coincidentally) is a Pfizer shareholder (He sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of WHO Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the ENTIRE PLANET”  
 base26 kodiert, auf gut Altdeutsch. :-D

 #PGPfone works also under wine, with Linux. :-) Worth a #Zap, IMHO.

#PGP #OpenPGP #GnuPG
 #PGPfone 2.1, for Windows. IMHO, worth a #Zap. IIRC, you have to open UDP Port 4747, for Internet usage. #Cryptography #PGP #OpenPGP #GnuPG

 If you like the Diana Cryptosystem and want to
use it with a foreign language, on an offline
Computer, you may find my base26 Encoder/Decoder

 GnuPG is a cautionary tale. I had a recent mishap/collision between the homebrew-installed OpenPG... 
 That is probably the reason lots of people switched to 'age' ... 

The author, for example, has more followers on X than GnuPG.org, and he is also a security lead for the Golang programming language, from Google. 
 Well, it has an -a parameter for ASCII armor, same as GnuPG has, but no signing capabilities. So you can paste encrypted messages into your email client.

And thanks for the zap, much appreciated! 
 ˙ʇno ɯǝɥʇ ʞɔǝɥɔ ʎldɯᴉS ˙ǝƃɐd qnHʇᴉ⅁ ʎɯ uo noʎ ɹoɟ sɯɐɹƃoɹd ƃuᴉʇsǝɹǝʇuᴉ ǝɯos ǝʌɐɥ ʎɐɯ I 
 Wer #OTP Verschlüsselung auch auf einem #offline Computer nutzt, kennt ja sicherlich straddling checkerboards. Diese sind sehr praktisch, jedoch begrenzt, was das Aufkommen an Zeichen betrifft. Eine Möglichkeit z. B. Umlaute oder andere Sprachen zu verwenden ist, wenn man die Nachricht als Hexwert konvertiert und dann nach Dezimal. Ich habe das mal mit einem Freund probiert und es funktioniert.

 Obwohl man #OTPs eigentlich nur mit Papier und Stift nutzt, habe ich mal das, damals beim #BND verwendete, „Dein Star“ System in #Golang erstellt. Wer Lust hat, es mal auszuprobieren, hier die URL:

 My public age key, eIDAS certified
and time stamped in the blockchain.

----Ed25519 Signature----
 For all those who use the #Usenet group alt.anonymous.messages I have provided the following tools for download. They all run under Windows 10.

suck.exe, hsubgen.exe and f-hsub.exe.

With suck.exe you can download all articles from the respective Usenet groups and read them offline.

With f-hsub.exe you can then search for the anonymous articles you want offline in the file created by suck.exe.

hsubgen.exe is for when you want to send your hsub messages to friends in alt.anonymous.messages with YAMN.


This workflow is intended to be used if you use other programs to extract hsub messages that work online, and you are not sure if you have caught a state Trojan.

 In this #InkblotArt I see at the bottom, in the center, a clown face. 
 GG sci.crypt is now read only … :-) 
 nostrdirectory Verifying My Public Key: "stefan_claas" 
 Let's see if this works, with mirroring to X. 
 Released today my 'f-hsub.go' program, which finds
hsub messages in saved suck files and then extracts

This workflow does allow one to download a.a.m messages
from Usenet and on an offline computer, to extract the

Useful, IMHO, if you create outfiles with YAMN, on an offline

----Ed25519 Signature----
 Gramm Kamin Eimer Boxer Kader Hirse Honig Insel Boxer Junge
Hirse Kader Index Ilona Kehle Boxer Haube Ilona Jacke Keule
Boxer Jutta Hirse Junge Boxer Klotz Jacke Ilona Hotel Ilona
Kehle Boxer Kiste Kader Kerze Ilona Kehle Boxer Hagel Reuse
Platz Kehle Keule Ilona Kehle Hitze Kiste Honig Insel Anzug
Hitze Ilona Kader Kiste Keule Knick Ilona Kader Engel Boxer
Geste Hirse Kader Boxer Insel Hirse Keule Boxer Jolle Hirse
Boxer Kerze Kamin Kader Kerze Keule Kerze Boxer Kader Jacke
Honig Insel Keule Kerze Boxer Klotz Ilona Jacke Keule Ilona
Kehle Boxer Knick Kiste Boxer Keule Kiste Kader Engel Anzug
Doris Haube Kiste Jutta Jacke Kader Hotel Ilona Kerze Keule
Boxer Jacke Honig Insel Boxer Kader Jacke Honig Insel Keule
Boxer Engel Engel Engel Boxer Feder Eisen Fritz Duden Anzug
Anzug Fulda Kehle Reuse Qualm Reuse Mixer Ilona Anzug Gramm
Keule Ilona Imker Hirse Kader Anzug Anzug
----Ed25519 Signature----

 My Ed25519 pub key: 43e6681c5cf3cdc2f9ccf975f8a01b18c5e84bf0ba00605faba9cc0f8757a117

My age pub key: age1m2e0uj8l4xej4kxv6n0yuhs76qljf0nlpwvcfz75w27dd20ma3hq2srpul

----Ed25519 Signature----
----Ed25519 Signature----
 #Usenet is still alive and kicking. If you like
to use a free Usenet Server, I recommend these two:




----Ed25519 Signature----
 Updated my Ed25519 Signer. Here is also my pub key:

(save it in a file without CRLF, if you like)

----Ed25519 Signature----
 Created today a little #Ed25519 utility, in #Go, which allows to sign/verify messages, in #Usenet or #Bitmessage chans. 
 #NIST #FF1 #FPE Just a test with format-preserving encryption. Used here, a 256bit key and a 64bit nonce.

$ echo "a little test ..." | xxd -p

$ echo "a little test ..." | xxd -p | ff1 -k key2 -t tweak
 I have created some #NFTs in the past, but must admit I do not like the way how the whole #NFT stuff works. It would be much cooler if we could #Zap images, so that the person who send a #Zap could also own the image of the poster, but not the Copyright. Well, just a thought ...

BTW. Here are my NFTs:  https://rarible.com/individualist 
 So, you send encrypted emails to your friends, with #GnuPG. What happens, if you have a #Government #Trojan, on your online device, which you can't detect?

A solution to this problem, is to send/receive encrypted #SMS from a device, which is not connected to the #Internet. Under Linux, you can archive this by installing #modem-manager-gui, with apt-get. Then you only need a surf stick, like a #D-Link DWM 222 and a small portable device, like a #GPD MicroPC.

And as software, you can use #FPE (Format Preserving Encryption) with a base(x) encoder/decoder, with a line length set to 0. 

If the SMS is longer than 160 characters it will send multiple SMS.

And as SIM card one can purchase those cheap #Allnet flat cards, so that you don't have to pay for each SMS, you send.

Hope you find this tip useful! 
 #Voronoi Diagram of my profile picture.
 Follow my boy on #Nostr # Inkblotart 

 I see in this #InkblotArt a face of a little puppy. 
 Make #InkblotArt not war nostr:note1k58mxepk6kqdgfzmgw9wvcl7dt3t8vf6xyj597p8qq00036743ksrd0705 
 Two girls, with cats, looking at each other. #InkblotArt 
 Registering a #nostr account via #Tor is possible too.

 #Tutanota or #ProtonMail does not allow signing up via #Tor. Well, if you use #Bitmessage, try the following: Right-click on your BM address and set up a free email account at the #Mailchuck email Gateway. Once you received your confirmation, fire up #Tor Browser. Visit mailfence.com and use your Mailchuck email address to register. Voilà, now you have a free email account, usable with Tor Browser. 
 Hello World! 
 Hello again ... 
Event not found
 Yes, it works! :-)

The #Go source code you can find at: https://github.com/stefanclaas/sv 
Event not found
 I think so. More and more people switched to 'age'.