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Notes by EZ | export


Bull markets are mentally tougher than bear markets, at least for me.

Need a few days to tune out, reflect and regroup. 

 that's life, I guess 😂  
 no cap on god is the funniest thing on YouTube right now 😂 

 Its a nice block 
 Block Height 870,000 
 maybe it just reached the maximum 😂 
 Signal gets group video chat!

 You don’t “buy” BTC.
You sell 💩 
 Sell Fiat, Earn Bitcoin, Study Bitcoin are better stickers than Buy Bitcoin 
 GM RgU 🔅  
 anyone have a playlist/directory with all quality bitcoin movies/documentaries to date? 
 Satoshi tried to warn us. If there is a head, it’ll be cut off. 

Don’t give them a head to c... 
 Yeah, except we have no idea what the head looks like so this head will have to take one for the team 
 Roman Sterlingov's Sentencing Hearing in Bitcoin Fog mixer case is set to take place today. They seek 20-30 years.

 Magellan is so much cooler than Justin Bieber  
 this looks like a Nostrified Strike logo 
 It's nice to see the NPC programming complex take another complete L.

It's a big win for internet media and independent content creators. 
 Pollerama got it right, better than all polls 😂
 Free Ross Day 1 nostr:note1vhmx6cj2mx9g68q2frzdf800gky4vrwulauj9wrlj6hf3nx7vv5qt57y2u 
 Free Ross day 1

 Any live streams happening at the moment? On Amethyst there's just music. YouTube just crypto scams. 
 not really, just a fun meme. The Trump Pump is all fun but it remains to be seen whether any of the campaign promises come true 
 Yeah the title explains why you're shaddowbanned on YouTube 😂 
 Pubky looks promising. The more freedom tech pillars are out there, the better. Looking forward to what people will build with it, test what works well and what doesn't, and see how it complements other existing tools out there, especially when it comes to Bitcoin and Nostr.

It's still early and some skepticism is warranted. Build working tools that everyone can try and easily integrate into their stack to shatter all the doubts.  

 "This man beside us also has a hard fight with an unfavouring world, with strong temptations, wit... 

Reject daylight savings time. Just another form of government control and gaslighting you int... 
 The latest time switch completely messed up my schedule. Absolute bullshit. 
 source? who tf knows but its provocative 
 Do any clients allow for note scheduling yet? 

This is needed 


Nostr is digital Atlantis. 
 It is yet to thrive for many years 
 Bitcoin only needs to go to $2.31M per coin for my standard 42 sat zap to be worth a dollar. 
 YouTube has gotten progressively worse at providing what I am looking for.

Classic memes, gone f... 
 Top Halloween pranks of 2024 

fasting good 
 Atlas Shrugged more like Atlas Rugged lol

2/3 done with the book, absolutely love it. 
 How is this different from Nostr?

 Ardoino says he's unaware of any new Tether investigations.

 Solo Pool mined another Bitcoin block. Awesome! Oh. It's a miner with 150 PH 😂 Back to mining ... 
 It's getting quite competitive out there 😂 
 So do we still call it Twitter or X? 
 Well its not Twitter anymore, it still resembles it but is a different product 
 GM 😂

convincing your nocoiner friends to DCA into bitcoin be like:


Humble for longer 🫡  
 unlikely to pass but crazy that this is even on the table 
 yeah it seems like they already have it for stocks and other TradiFi assets 
 The trouble with Saylor is not his corporate pitching, that’s his business. It’s just he’s ... 
 spreading Bitcoin with love*

*except for these crypto-anarchists 
 I call bullshit on the Denmark unrealized gains on bitcoin news. 

It's a proposal they will consider next year, and, though highly unlikely to pass, would come to effect on Jan 2026 the earliest 
 this haven't passed yet, just another terrible law up for consideration 
 no one was questioning whether Saylor supports the right to self-custody, or whether Bitcoin benefits from all kinds of investors and entities.

the fuss was about the risks of holding your bitcoin with large custodians and 'inflammatory' comments made towards certain groups of Bitcoiners and hardware wallet developers.

Throwing unwarranted shade on people making Bitcoin secure is not "spreading Bitcoin with love."

Other than that, I couldn't care less what he says or does, but if it comes at the expense of others, it should be and will be called out.

Do better.

 I feel like the books you need to read tend come to you at the right time. If it comes via all sorts of magical internet protocols, that's even better. So who am I to question the #GoingGalt people.

 Took me almost 2 months to go through the whole book but I loved it, especially some of the speeches. It will probably take some more time to fully digest it. #GoingGalt
