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 And if he’s sharing this stuff with randos from his club, just imagine what he’s shared with authoritarian goons he admires like Putin, or the Saudis who finance him.

Just over a year until Election Day. If there are any non-Putin loving Republicans left, they can’t govern either. Vote strategically.

Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: 
 This is a victory for democracy.

It was well past time that Black Alabamians had a fair shot at equal representation. The Voting Rights Act is a thing, and Republicans need to stop suppressing the vote.

Now it’s on us to keep fighting for fair maps, ensuring every voice is heard and every vote counts, and showing up to vote.

#Alabama gets court-ordered congressional map with a second Black district-
 I posted earlier in the week about the upcoming #Virginia legislative elections.

If you have the time at 5 pm PT/ 8 pm ET today, please consider joining the Center For Common Ground for a discussion on how Glenn Youngkin is trying to suppress Black and Brown votes in this election. This is a critical election.
Find out what you can do to make sure VA voters are informed and ready to vote no matter what.

The Road to Richmond: Virginia Election Update, October 5-
 This week is #NationalVoterEducationWeek

National Voter Education Week (NVEW) is a campaign to help voters bridge the gap between registering to vote and casting a ballot.

During this week of education, voters have the opportunity to find their polling location, understand their ballot, make a plan to vote in person or remotely, and inspire others to get involved. NVEW strives to help folks overcome common barriers to become confident voters.

Please check it out.

 @71c7a722 Republicans wouldn’t even pass a Child Tax Credit to help struggling families yet they want those families to be forced to have kids they can’t take care of. It’s no wonder the whole thing is crumbling out from under them. 
 Excellent work. Dems take actual action, while Repubs just whine, complain, and cry to their deranged voters and can’t even find a Speaker for their teeny majority.

And still Biden can't get one nice thing said about him outside of maybe one or two MSNBC hosts and at least a couple of complete dorks show up in my mentions a day to complain about Democrats.

Medicare drug costs: Drugmakers agree to price negotiations with Biden administration-
 It's #BannedBooksWeek. With the increase in book banning over last year, we all need to fight for the freedom to read what we want.

Go to your local library. Get involved in local school board meetings.

Ask questions. Fight bans. Stand up for marginalized groups that are most often the targets of bans on books. 

Please take action. #LetFreedomRead

Banned and Challenged Mystery Books to Read Now-
 We should all celebrate the incoming Senator who will replace the late Sen. Feinstein. This comes as Governor Newsom faced a hard decision- whether to appoint someone that was already running for this seat or run 2 whole elections back to back. He made the best choice.

I had to repost this because of some bizarre commenting. If you have bizarre commenting, take it somewhere else.

Laphonza Butler to Succeed Dianne Feinstein's Senate Seat-
 Brilliant choice. Ms. Butler is a respected leader, and has been successful in advocating for workers’ rights and women's rights. She is not running for office, and she has strong administrative skills. It’s great news for the Senate to have the founder of a major political organization that brings women into politics. And Newsom kept his promise to appoint a Black woman. She is qualified in every sense.

What to know about Laphonza Butler, Newsom's Senate pick - 
 The way I look at this:

1) Science has known about the risk of too much CO2 in the atmosphere for over 100 years.
2) We all were warned, publicly, that this risk was upon us over 30 years ago (James Hansen testimony to Congress).
3) Most of us didn't pay much attention.
4) The issue became political when 1 of our 2 major parties decided to reject the science. 


Report: The world’s most critical climate target is still within reach | Grist
 What the media won’t show you this Sunday: President Biden sat down with John Harwood. They covered 17 different issues facing our democracy.

I don’t post many videos. Often, a good 8 hours or so of them pass me in just a single day from those I follow.

This is 20 minutes and vital to what we’re all facing. Nobody else running is confronting these issues. The Republicans running are, of course, making all of them worse.

#ProPublica Interviews President Biden - YouTube-
 Kevin McCarthy: “We're going to be the adults in the room."

Uh, excuse me. Try Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats delivered, while McCarthy couldn’t even get close to enough Republican votes to pass this.

“I like to gamble,” McCarthy also said.

Thanks Kev. It's reassuring knowing a "gambler" is helping destroy our democracy. Awesome stuff, bro.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy gets House to pass bill averting government shutdown:

 I just watched whining Kevin McCarthy try and blame Joe Biden for the looming government shutdown all because McCarthy cannot control his own majority to vote for a bipartisan bill that will pass the Senate and go to the President for signature.

What McCarthy “forgot” to mention is that Biden met him July and reached an agreement that would have, I believe, kept the government open until the end of the year. It’s not Biden's fault that McCarthy can't do his own job.


 Preserving ignorance isn't the same as preserving a child's innocence.  

“Beloved” is a beautifully written piece of literature and an effective way of relaying the horrors of slavery in a way that creates emotional resonance. Taking that learning opportunity away is doing students a disservice as readers, writers, and community members.

With so many issues kids face, imagine if this energy went to one.

She challenges one school book a week. She says she’ll never stop.
 @4e846505 This shutdown is about Kevin McCarthy's ego. When the headlines say he cannot get a deal, they leave out the part that he could get a deal with Democrats, but it'll cost him his Speaker position. He could sideline the wackos in his party, but instead, prefers to cling to the illusion of power, while kowtowing to the worst members of Congress. History will not be kind. Voters shouldn’t be, either. 
 Just some of what Republicans want to cut:

“Cutting housing subsidies for the poor by 33 percent as soaring rents drive a national affordability crisis. Forcing more than 1 million women and children onto the waitlist of a nutritional assistance program for poor mothers with young children. Reducing federal spending on home heating assistance for low-income families by more than 70 percent with energy prices high heading into the winter months.”

Their average cruelty. 

 A good chunk of the military is furloughed. All military training stops. Paired with Tuberville's hold on assignments for  leaders, it will only be a few months before China has the world's most powerful military.

Part of the Border Patrol shuts down. All training stops and they can't hire new employees. So much for GOP “border” complaints.

Part of the National Weather Service is furloughed. They also can't hire or train anyone. Hope you didn't need tornado warnings or hurricane forecasts. 2/3 
 Right now there is a severe shortage of FAA controllers. A #shutdown will furlough all the trainers. Without them, the FAA can't replace controllers. Other workers won’t keep showing up without being paid.

While Social Security payments will continue to be made for now, there won’t be anyone to make changes. You just retired and want to start collecting SS? Too bad. You want to sign up for Medicare or Medicaid? Too bad. Your situation has changed and you are entitled to more money? Too bad.
 A good chunk of the military is furloughed. All military training stops. Paired with Tuberville's hold on assignments for  leaders, it will only be a few months before China has the world's most powerful military.

Part of the Border Patrol shuts down. All training stops and they can't hire new employees. So much for GOP “border” complaints.

Part of the National Weather Service is furloughed. They also can't hire or train anyone. Hope you didn't need tornado warnings or hurricane forecasts. 2/3 
 This is an action with important consequences so of course it won’t be getting much national media attention.

Imagine how much more accurately the public might be informed about policies and things happening if political news desks shifted their work product to prioritize examining actions and outcome and abandoned all speculation and prognostication content.

Biden administration announces $1.4 billion to improve rail safety and boost capacity - 
 #OnePersonOneVote could seriously increase turnout for presidential elections in all areas. Democrats in deep red states would have a better motivation to vote for President, same as Republicans in blue strongholds.

It needs to be talked about more seriously. 

Eliminating Electoral College favored by majority of Americans | 
 It’s not normal for a person to constantly issue threats of violence against people who don’t share his views. 

Disagreements are fine. But threatening to execute people you don’t like with no care for the consequences is a little bit more worrisome than just being 80 years old, in my opinion.

“DEATH”: Donald Trump ramps up the GOP's attack on the military with call to execute top US general | 
 Remember this special election in August? https://apnews.com/article/ohio-abortion-rights-constitutional-amendment-special-election-227cde039f8d51723612878525164f1a

In November, #Ohio now has two ballot issues to vote on that have oppressed folks for far too long. A “yes” vote on Issue 1 will bring logical reproductive rights laws to the state. A “yes” vote on Issue 2 will bring common sense marijuana legalization to Ohio.

Help to make sure every Ohio voter is informed through a very effective organization. #PostcardsToVoters #ReproductiveRights


 The next time you hear "both sides do it," remember that in 2008, after Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, was charged with corruption, members of his own party overwhelmingly voted to impeach and convict him in short order. His career ended. Now he’s on the right, unsurprisingly.

One side holds their own accountable. And it's not Republicans.

Ken Paxton emerges victorious from yet another career scandal | The Texas Tribune
 I wonder how many times someone with sense will write a good piece like this before journalism at large gets the message.

In their efforts to appear “balanced”, most of the mainstream media gives a free pass to the most treasonous anti-American behavior in history—all of it on only one side, the Republicans. Call it out and call it what it is: a concerted attempt by a minority of mostly white people to overthrow and exercise permanent control over American democracy.

 In 2022 alone, Ford CEO Jim Farley had a total compensation package of $21M, 281 times the median annual total compensation for Ford employees.

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares received $24.8M in total compensation in 2022. GM CEO Mary Barra's compensation for 2022 was $29M, and she "has now received total compensation of more than $200M since assuming the top job in 2014." 1/2

UAW strike: 13,000 auto workers walk off-




When executives are making hundreds of times the amount of money as the workers then there is a problem. There is no executive whose skill is such that they are worth that much more than a worker. 

I hope the unions win. And that the companies don’t gouge consumers in return. 2/2 
 This seems counterproductive, from a political point of view. Those who are likely to listen to DeSantis, not get vaccinated, then contract the disease and potentially die from it are the voters he needs to be in office. He is slowly eliminating his own power base.

I know he’s supposed to be the smarter Trump, but I’m not so sure.

DeSantis discourages latest covid boosters, contradicting federal guidance-
 "It's OK to shoot anyone wearing a backpack" is the most Republican thing I'll hear today.

Anyway, cartels don’t exactly line up at the border. Republicans are really out of practical ideas. Nothing left but being more extreme and nutty than the next.

It’s probably a good day to check your voter registration.

DeSantis says he would send military to southern border | 
 Don't tell the haters, but our lovely VP Kamala Harris is commanding overflow crowds at HBCUs whi... 
 @74aff7f9 I find all the criticism of her both intentional (undermine the Democrats) and unfounded. 

It would be great if the general press would spend their time and energy discussing the real differences between the parties (democracy, abortion, climate) and the dystopian hell into which we will descend if Republicans gain anything more than what they have. (In fact, they need to lose big.)

They could also actually cover what VP Harris is doing with some depth. 
 Biden is old, but capable, honest, ethical, and hard working.

Trump is old, but dangerous, lying, treasonous, and a fascist. 

One thing is not like the other.

Please do go away, Mitt Romney. He never could bring himself to admit his party is the worst thing about this country. 

Romney: Biden, Trump should both ‘stand aside’ in 2024 | 
 nostr:npub1sac955537xel5vs9a2r5knejhkq2l9vljj5agsgwa90pj20xf3xqhxapc0 WHAT? What does that mean? ... 
 @3967703f @87705a52 There’s no way anyone could know what he’s doing “off camera.” If one agrees he’s gotten good things done, his age isn’t a factor in that. Ageism isn’t something I’m supporting, either. 
 I was wondering where the last few days worth of primary Biden nonsense came from. Surprise! It’s New York Mag hack Jonathan Chait.

Chait, who thinks It’s completely reasonable to disproportionately focus on Biden’s age because the other candidate for president is an incoherent sociopath. 

In a nutshell, here's why the media love Trump: he’s a lazy narcissist like most of them are.

Why Biden has no credible 2024 Democratic primary challenger-
 nostr:npub1uwtv65s0grk69dnpw5995d9hduyvhlh5r487enaxpu5kjrt3egrs7rp8lz It's a good one with the ty... 
 @3967703f I’m a fan of people following basic logic. More of that. 
 This guy’s career path:

1) Aggressive, self-centered proselytizing in a situation non-believers can't escape,

2) Litigation based on fundamental misrepresentations of facts,

3) Skips town,

4) Abandons team,

5) Cashes checks,

6) “Hero of the Cause”, and now

7) Florida Man.

Republicans on the Supreme Court- still a joke.

Praying Bremerton football coach Joe Kennedy quits, claims retaliation | 
 U.S. voters need to be 100% clear: if we re-elect this man, our democracy is finished. He will turn the weapons of law against his opponents (us), and arrest, try, convict, sentence, imprison and/or execute them. Is this the country you want to live in? 

I hope not. I don’t. 

Trump threatens retaliatory scheme he already tried to implement-
 #Wisconsin is not a GOP state – it’s close to split 50-50. In 2020, Biden won by 0.6%.

The only way that the Wisconsin State Senate is 2/3 GOP is with gerrymandering. They don’t have any basis for doing this. It’s yet another model they’ll try and use in other states, too.

Here the info and how to help from Ben Wikler. 

Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature are threatening to impeach Justice Protasiewicz-
Event not found
 @3967703f I enjoyed this article on that note:

This Biden Age Conversation Is Really Getting Old-