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 I just watched whining Kevin McCarthy try and blame Joe Biden for the looming government shutdown all because McCarthy cannot control his own majority to vote for a bipartisan bill that will pass the Senate and go to the President for signature.

What McCarthy “forgot” to mention is that Biden met him July and reached an agreement that would have, I believe, kept the government open until the end of the year. It’s not Biden's fault that McCarthy can't do his own job.


 @e396cd52 Biden made a deal with Republican McCarthy to keep our government open. McCarthy and House Republicans then reneged on the deal McCarthy made.  

Republicans then came up with another bill that was so bad that even Republicans voted against their own bill. That, and political theater, is why our country will be forced to shut down.

Thank Republicans for once again making working Americans, new moms and little children suffer. Doesn’t seem pro-worker or pro-life to me. Does it to you?

I KNOW it’s not acceptable to appreciate (or even reference) Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” but we are seeing the kernel of Rand’s philosophical truth in real life action with this rag-tag Republican Party.   

🔺Basically, you get what you put up with (‘sanction’ as she termed it).🔺

Somewhere along the way over the past couple of decades, we Americans have put up with - accepted - sanctioned - complete dereliction of their sworn duty from GOP Members of Congress.  And, by not holding Jan6 MOC insurrectionists accountable for their complicity, we are also sanctioning their sedition.

Dammit!  These ELECTED PUBLIC SERVANTS have the power and responsibility for the public purse - yet time after time we come down to the wire of this  STUPID CR fight. 

Plainly put - they don’t have another damn thing to do in their position that is as important as funding the Gov’t, yet they diddle around with busy work on the taxpayers’ dime. 

So why the hell do we put up with it? 


