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 #WritersCoffeeClub 07
comp show/movie?

Admittedly, I watch little of either, but I’m always al... 
 @7b682b86 similarities are handy to see, 'readers of x may like my', but I'm finding even those tricky at this stage! 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku alas, having ME/CFS means e... 
 @68a44c70 so many things that bloody virus has taken. 
 >enthusiastic! It's wonderful hearing from people who genuinely enjoyed my works!

I'm looking fo... 
 @68a44c70 I hope you get there! Its such a struggle finding the balance and actually getting the energy to write.

I'm on a path to diagnosis (leaning heavily towards fibromyalgia), am cutting exercise right back and carefully balancing work, rest and a little exercise. Even on a terrible day, it seems 30 mins dawdling round the block is what helps with my fatigue, though more sleep than I currently manage with work is needed to keep the pain levels down. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 6/10 
Trad published? Self-published? How's that working out?

I'll be honest,... 
 @9f1caa36 that all sounds very realistic to me, though my financial goal for about the next decade is for the books to pay the cost of their editing and cover design and advertising... which feels a little ambitious at the minute 😉 (not that I've so much as dipped my toes in the advertising waters yet). 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmy... 
 @a3976b27 @7b682b86 I enjoyed my time casually teaching teens in England, but I enjoy working with younger kids just as much. (My ADHD seems to keep my energy levels and enthusiasm for life at pace with younger kids.) And its nice spending a full day with the same class, and getting to know them well. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Do you teach at a level tha... 
 @7b682b86 no, I'm much more inclined to laugh with teenagers for saying inappropriate things than to tell them off, so I'm not a good fit for teaching teens (they shatter my poker face 😉 ). Though I hope to work with kids just under that age group (last two years of primary school) next year, which will help. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 6: Self-pub or trad? How's it going?

Spent 6 months in the query trenches, sent out less than 35, got bored, went #indieauthor, haven't looked back!

I've published 2 YA Fantasy novels in 2 years, & a novelette as my newsletter reader magnet.

Between full time teaching & poor health, maintaining a blog, newsletter & getting books out has taken my all. I hope to start advertising & selling to any effect (I'm published wide, so no KU page reads) next year (when book 3's out). 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Oct 5: What are your writing project goals?

Unfortunately my brain keeps chur... 
 @5a43dd67 are you a writer if your brain doesn't turn out book ideas/ entire series faster than you can write them? 😉 
 #WordWeavers 3: How do you convey your characters' emotions?

Draft 1: dialogue (which comes most naturally to me), and interior thoughts (especially for characters who consider carefully before opening their mouths, like Heir/ Regent Ruarnon).

Draft 2-3: more internal thoughts/ dialogue. Insert & highlight lazy body language/physical emotion cues.

Draft 4+: add proper, differentiated by character body language (usually the last thing I fix because everything else distracted me earlier 😉 ). 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 3: Should a writer have a face shot on their book cover or within their book?

I like seeing an author photo in the About the Author section, and putting mine there too. It makes the author page feel more personable and feels most relevant on that page. (I mostly read and write SFF). 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Oct 1: What's your WIP about?

According to myth, servants of the gods (the Guardians) won the Sorcery War. They drained all sorcerers of their powers, then vanished. The myths lied. My characters are finding out just how much 😉 

Heir Ruarnon seeks to free their family from unexplained abduction —and an enslaved army.

Aussie Linh just wants to get home (and NOT die in a sorcery war first 😉 )

War in Sorcery's shadow is YA #Fantasy with Aro-Ace MCs & 🏳️‍🌈 rep.

 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Odd as it may seem—or not... 
 @7b682b86 I suppose making you think is part of the point of these prompts, though maybe not quite blowing up our own minds 😉 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Let's give it up for Uncle ... 
 @7b682b86 and then I remembered Ruarnon has to give multiple very formal pep talks as regent 😆 (and with Omah's influence they're good at it 😉 ) . 

This another of those things my upbringing is biased against, so I can't easily make connections with it. 
 #WordWeavers 29: Who in your story gives the most pep talks?


Michael provides the most insights.

Linh makes great connections.

Fiona's the most empathetic and understanding.

Troy makes the most wisecracks and encourages anyone who doubts themself.

Ruarnon just dives off the deep end. 

Lenaris just draws her blade and fights.

...yeah NOBDY 😄

Oh wait, Uncle Omah did early in book 1 (I'm mid book 3 now & I forgot!)

 #WritersCoffeeClub 29- How do you format scene breaks?

[Indie FYI: if you use Word, don't just hit 'enter' (it may format as new paragraph, not a new section!)]

On the rare occasion someone blacks out, vanishes before the end of the scene or I need to leap location & pov, I use small versions of my chapter heading art (using Styles to format them centred) as scene breaks. Eg ⬇ Art by GlintofMischief 

But more often I use transitional paragraphs.



I upload the latest versi... 
 @a3976b27 I've been lucky with what I could recover. I once fired up a dying desktop computer to rescue a ground zero draft of my first ever 'book' (entirely for sentimental reasons 😉 ), by floppy disk 😆 . 

Your system sounds well organised. My back up system is more chaotic, and every now and then I think I should fix it, but my ADHD disagrees 😆 . 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 28 Kill your darlings?

Yes. Letting novels sit for a few months before editing, then sit a few more months with beta readers, helps me realise some things I thought mattered may not be best. 

There's ALWAYs too many characters for my betas (its epic fantasy -big cast).

And while my knowledge of ancient warfare (pikes, chariots as mobile archery platforms etc) is good and I find battle scenes fascinating, the average fantasy reader doesn't need QUITE that much detail 😉 . 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 28
Do you practice "kill your darlings"?

Each of my books goes through se... 
 @a3976b27 I used to do the same. Nowadays I tend to create a new copy of the document for each editing pass, because I know I'll change a lot. I re-write with whatever changes I want then. (Something changing a few pov chapters, then realising I actually need to change them back, as may happen this week 😅 ). 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52dd... 
 @7b682b86 @a3976b27 I'd do the same if I wrote series, but with trilogies I'm inclined to not discount book 1, or not much, and just put it on sale now and then –especially when I'm counting down to launch the next book. 

From what I've heard, tra... 
 @a3976b27 @1abd43c1 absolutely. I met two fellow Aussie authors who said their slice of the marketing pie was so tiny that they got of their contracts and published indie so they could control and get more marketing. They made more money that way, but this was via 20booksto50k FB group who know their stuff, and throw money at it to make money. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 17

I publish next year.

Ongoing is my social media presence. My co... 
 @7b682b86 soft promo seems to be the go, especially on social media. I see a few people have mentioned prompts like this one as part of their marketing approach. I find this more enjoyable and have bought 2 books via prompts this month (prompts with 4 questions on the same tag in an hour so someone would say something that hooked me twice and the second time I knew I had to buy it), so it can work. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 17: How do you promote your writing?

Not much -yet. A little on social media, on my website (I blog monthly –the main source of traffic there) and in my newsletter (blogs & NL make a few social media appearances).

I've paid for a few ads in genre specific newsletters & got few sales.

Ads are my next venture (when book 3 in my YA Fantasy trilogy is out), on Bookbub. I deactivated my FB page (don't like it much more than birdsite) &am not fond of Zon. *consults Bookbub notes* 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 9/17 How do you promote your writing?

I have a website where people can find ... 
 @2433bcdf definitely agree with you on the latter! I forgot to mention BookFunnel -that's given my newsletter quite a boost too. 

I tried Fussy twice and the people who run it are lovely but I got too few sales for it to be worth it again (for this book anyway). 
 @c09f86d3 I feel the same way about having my own website, though I should get better at SEO with my pages and posts. Social media can be hit and miss at the best of times anyway. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku This is literally the lens ... 
 @7b682b86 I've always liked an element of mystery, and one surrounding the antagonist's identity and motives (when he presents initially as garden variety meglomaniac) was a lot of fun. 
 #WordWeavers Day 16 - How are people like your antagonist viewed?

Oh, no-one's quite like my antagonist! But the key here is when? In book 1 Nartzeer is a shadowy, little known figure from a land of myth, deploying monsters east for reasons unknown. In book 2 he still appears that way to Ruarnon & co. but his followers view him as saviour of sorcerers, and a kind and generous ruler. In book 3... *spoilers* (he's more complex than anyone guessed) 😉.

 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Thank you! If I'd had more ... 
 @7b682b86 I bet that's fun to write though! I don't have anyone do that too deliberately -for mine its more precious few people know of his deeply personal demons, he presents a certain way to his followers (and home continent) and comes across drastically differently to my characters (overseas). 
 #WordWeavers 16
views of Kurss Rendcide

To most, he’s a wealthy businessman who donates to cha... 
 @7b682b86 love all the different perspectives here! 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 16: Do you have prologues?

My first book does. It introduces the MC (Ruarnon), the enemy (the Zaldean Realm) and the delicate peace between them. Chapter's 1&2 introduce the portal fantasy characters (in Australia), chap 3 introduces the antagonist (back on Umarinaris) and chap 4 sees Ruarnon return home to the inciting event (& is where Act 1 unfolds).

I could call it chap 1, but given all the above, 'prologue' seems the best fit. I like them when they serve a purpose. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 9.13 — Do you derive joy from #writing? In what way? 

Its the sheer joy of living that travel also gives me. The chance to live a thousand lives, anywhere, any way I please. Endless adventures in worlds of my own creation. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Matilda in particular was v... 
 @b5820e93 I loved Matilda too. It was an influence on the only MG book I've written. And I've enjoyed reading The Witches to my students. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Yeah, there was an explosio... 
 @7b682b86 its still great to get to write what you couldn't read. I'm even more recent on that frontier, writing the nonbinary lead even I wouldn't/ couldn't yet have identified as even a decade ago. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku I first saw the Wizard of O... 
 @7b682b86 ah no! You missed so much 😆 .
If I was born 10 years later I'd have had a lot more fantasy and heroine leads in books as a teen. I'm that generation writing what they were a generation too early to get themselves. 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku My access to movies, back i... 
 @7b682b86 I loved the Wizard of Oz as a kid. I think my first proper exposure on screen to other worlds was Star Wars. I could tell it wasn't quite my jam, but it definitely broadened my horizons. Then a spate of fantasy films and now tv series came out and I haven't looked back since. 
 #WordWeavers 8. What do you pay attention to when describing your characters’ surroundings? 

As my characters travel a lot, and terrain and fantasy architecture varies a good deal, I tend to include broad strokes sensory descriptions. 

Currently, that involves riding/ walking beneath a frightening black cloudy sky of sorcerously suppressed rain, on cracked barren soil, among cattle skeletons and abandoned homes.

#RuarnonTrilogy #Fantasy 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 08
childhood reading?

It was limited because neither parent or sibling read f... 
 @7b682b86 my renaissance began when the movies came out -similar deal 😄 
 @b5820e93 OMG Roald Dahl! That's an author I enjoyed! (I could only name one in my post 😂 ). 
 This month on my blog, I talked to SFF author @319c55eb about her characters inner and outer demons, the worlds they inhabit and the inspiration behind both.


#Author #SFF #MentalHealth #IndieAuthor 
Event not found
 @7b682b86 yes, and one of many siblings and the only introvert in her close friendship group of 4. The combination predisposes her to let everyone else have all the limelight and to undervalue and underestimate herself.