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Notes by Hynek | export

 Nostr is beating the X. 
What a nice time ☀️ 
 Trezor Suite from 24.8.1 supports full RBF. 
All transactions has RBF enabled and we ignore RBF flag. So you can overwrite any pending transaction. 
 It’s available in early access program. And will be rolled to everyone tomorrow… 
 Trezor Suite 24.8.1 introduces experimental features.

For example now you will be able to access the Suite via Tor Snowflake if you live a country where is Tor blocked. 
 Which level are you?
- Level 1: Bitcoin is a crypto currency
- Level 2: Lol, BTC is gambling
- Le... 
 There are many more levels 
 I’m playing with various lightning wallets and being triggered with small dust amounts there when I’m done.

Is there any way to withdraw all or do I have to manually keep lowering the amount sat by sat? 
 Sure, but you don’t need to have that many channels. Sometimes it’s better to clean up 🙂 
 What is your current favorite nostr messaging client?
@keychat  and 0xchat.com look promising… 
 It ain’t much, but it’s honest work 🙂
Congratulations 👏 
 There are only 2 ways to scale Bitcoin: you either upgrade it, or else create monetary inflation ... 
 What do you propose? 
 Skvělá přednáška. Škoda, že jsem ji neviděl alespoň před 10 lety 🙂 nostr:note12pku0n7uc03jtj6sx646kzphrngacrjajz5wagtrdtdv3aa9sw9qgr3eex 
 Táto prednáška bude haluz. Už dlhšie hovorím o potrebe anonymity členov cypherpunk projekt... 
 Kurňa, ten Peter vypadá trochu jako Juraj 🤔 
 Kdo se v tom ma vyznat. Těch Peterů Horváthů je nějak hodně 😀 
 ChainCamp je základ. Letos by to mělo být ještě víc o komunitě. Ne tak velikánský pódia jako jsou na BTC Prague.. ale menší místnosti, kde se můžou lidi zapojit a vzájemně nasdílet zkušenosti.

Podle mě nejlepší český event… nostr:note16rpx20cy0yd2hq9e2f6rll9u84a7hdltqpwfc8cl7hcsv3k4c3kskssmz0 
 Jj. Jeden velmi intenzivní den. 
 Myslím, že z toho nebude tolik článků a konkrétních poznatků.. Ta hlavní síla je spíš v setkání.. Ale uvidíme :-) 
 SatoshiLabs created the BIP-39 standard years ago, which is now used by virtually the entire industry. However, with the new Trezor Safe 5, we have switched to SLIP-39 - which uses 20 words.

It's a change that allows anyone to subsequently switch to multi-share. Plus, it's faster to enter, words are harder to confuse, errors are easier to spot, and overall it's just better 🚀

 It’s default option on TS3 as well… 
Here you can read more about the upgrade:

 We have simplified the flow in Suite 24.7.1

You don't have to think of the passphrase right away, but you turn it on in the top left corner when you're ready. And we've added better explanations, too.

We've also added better instructions for remembering your wallet. You can still see your balances after you unplug the Trezor. You just won't be able to sign the transaction, of course. https://image.nostr.build/b090e77b1d13cb5cf7501eb32a0b770e80d90e486f405c6bdcf155376e0b6b16.jpg https://image.nostr.build/e6c8358f13e3be0aad58f1b0b64a481aa51c536b13e598d644d4ccfc43e79524.jpg  
 E-cash on nostr could help with requirement to be online while accepting sats.

You receive only promises and switch them to your custody once you are online 🤔 
 Anyone want to do this with #bitcoin?

 - E-cash is awesome and sucks 
- Bitcoin is awesome and sucks 
- Nostr is awesome and sucks 

But all combined could be huge 🔥 nostr:note1qzye7ekjgq2gw6rr5v5vc3h6mf2043tshtnsmdk6vskx26dlgx5qskqz34 
 Problem with shared nsec could be mitigated by Trezor 🤔 
 Is the code public? 
 Nice 👏 
 It’s actually nice plausible deniability 
 If there are more than 10 bitcoiners in your close vicinity, you ought to start a regular meeting. 
 Actually two are sufficient 
 Maybe I’m missing something but this sharing of private keys looks ridiculously insecure😢 
 Phoenix now supports BOLT12 🎉

But I still don’t like their vendor-lock 🙃 
 Alza a rohlik. rekl bych basic needs covered.

Jeste treba dekáč a uz nepotrebujes banku.

 Pekne jedno po druhem 
 Still blows my mind that Signal has an integrated shitcoin.  
 Shame on us that we are not able to provide good solution 

 🥖 Rohlik možná bude brzy přijímat platby bitcoinem… 🚀

 Teď si to nebudou nijak komplikovat. Jestli to opravdu udělají, tak bych čekal, že použijí Confirmo a hned jedou…

Beztak nás to bude používat pár.. ale i tak skvělý. 

Hlavně i jako jednotlivec, když máš nákup potravin na Rohlíku, veškerou elektroniku v Alze, tak už máš velikou část spotřeby řešenou bitcoinem 💪 
 Tady asi jediné video, kde #bitcoin skoro vůbec neřešíme..

 Ouch.. to mělo jít jinam… 
 Dneska jsem se dozvěděl, že už jsou venku přednášky z Cryptobyte konference.

Měl jsem tam přednášku o školování bitcoinu: 

A taky jsme si povídali v panelovce o lightningu s Gordym, Michalem (@PlatbyBudoucnosti) a Petrem Lukáčem 
 What a reckless times when it is easier to test on main net 🙂 
 What is your best candidate for scaling #bitcoin?

 That’s the spirit 💪
I actually kind of agree… But there are other innovative ideas 👀 
 😂 Problem solved 🤝 
 Someone's got to take custody of your bitcoin. Why not you? 
 Because it’s expensive 🫠 
 Part of the problem is that it is almost impossible to tell. 
 Testing out a new Lightning wallet, first 3 people who respond to this note get zapped. 
 Can you tell us more? 
 I enjoy reading fairy tales to my kids, but I'm a little uncomfortable with how full of propaganda they actually are.
The king is usually wise, the merchants are thieves, everything is guarded by a god.

Do you know any fairy tales that carry a useful message without the adoration of authority? 
 Thank you.. I will have a look… 
 Díky za tip.. neznám.. 
 Tak jsem zaznamenal video od Trezoru, zamerene na ETH, kde zminovali, ze Trezor umozni i stakovat... 
 Je to tak. Je o to poměrně veliký zájem. Máme i dedikovaný tým na shitcoiny. Zrovna tak máme bitcoinový tým. Uvidíme co se kterému podaří vybudovat. 
 Apple just destroyed the “instant payments” narrative which used to give Lightning + fast pay... 
 Apple will implement bitcoin one day. We just need to make sure that bitcoin evolves in the right direction. 
 - Fiat is backed by trust in government
- #bitcoin is backed by physics and math 
 It’s more about disbelief in governments than math… 
 I would like to express my gratitude for the way the guys @Matyas Kuchar and @owletek have started a bitcoin conference on a global level 💪

Overall level off bitcoin adoption in Czechia is amazing btw.
Even people who don't come to the conference might know that there's a growing alternative to fiat injustice here.

Bitcoin shouldn't just be for some elite. Bitcoin is the gospel. Gospel means spreading the good news.
Today we have the good news that there is a marathon of inspiration ahead of us - @BTCPrague  🚀 
 Jak malá by musela být účast ve volbách, abyste si řekli, že to vlastně nemá váhu? Že vlastně takový mandát politiky k ničemu neopravňuje?
Voleb do Evropského parlamentu se účastnilo rekordních 36,45 %. V předchozích letech to bylo ještě míň. Z toho navíc 11,12 % hlasů propadlo.

Pro variantu Běžte do háje se letos vyjádřilo 63,55 % .. Plus 2 426 hlasů pro Urzu - Nevolte. 
 We’re going to announce a new Trezor on BTC Prague 🔥

 I’m afraid it will be preorders only🙂‍↕️ 
 I shouldn’t shill it since I can’t reveal much. But bitcoin-only would be nice, right? 🙂 
 Nice overview of BIPs


And don't be alarmed when the Qerko app is needed.

Some waiters don't even know that you can pay with bitcoin, but that shouldn't put you off. Business owners are getting the overview and seeing that accepting bitcoin is the cheapest for them.

It's worth it, by paying with bitcoin you are sending a message 🔥

Btw you can use fake email for better privacy and for the payment you will use whatever lightning app. nostr:note13d739zrar26zc6ykyca6z0gy738yzgjjlf4ah0n95hsm7c4v6z6qjck36c 
 Join me on the Industry day of BTC Prague 🔥
I plan to guide you with an overview of bitcoin scaling technologies… https://image.nostr.build/33aa76aa694cacb9384322aced5b8f27c49d4ff405f429086f56a7fa2a31f2c6.jpg  nostr:note1jgc5hk7jvrkyl4emxprr5cge95rpmpe8tn9zppf5s89cfwpgndms2kqvz2 
 Working on #WasabiWallet v3.0 
 Nice. Can you share more? 
 Such a great idea with the best of intentions. What could possibly go wrong 😀 
 Who will build the roads?

Honestly why do we care? What if no one build any roads and then sudde... 
 Commies don’t care about consistency 
 Coinjoin is dead. Long live to coinjoin🎉 
 To se bude hodit 👍