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 The recent #Bitcoin price dip is nothing; It will only shake out the panic sellers and those who do not truly believe in it.

Bitcoin is here to stay and will challenge Wall Street to solidify its place as a store of value and alternative to the fiat system. 

The masses will see at some point, but everyone likes to combat change as much as possible until they realize they are too late to get in on it early and have to play catch up. 

My rant of the day, keep stacking✌️ 
 # Not To Be Political But Is Anyone Else Kinda Tripping That Nikki Hailey Is Doing So Well ?

I m... 
 I would welcome the idea of a female president, but I’m not big on Nikki Hailey. 

She has previously that she would like it to be banned for people to remain anonymous when they are on social media sites. She since walked back that statement, but since she said it in the first place, it shows what her intentions are. I believe all social media can and should be anonymous if you want it to be.

She also stated previously that the retirement age should be higher, as she believes that it should align with life expectancy. This is something I will not get on board with since retirement is already in your 60’s and life expectancy is only ~77 years.

We need a system where people aren’t wage slaves for almost their entire lives. I’m no communist or socialist, but retirement age increase is not the answer right now. 
 #Bitcoin is going to get a large influx of people with this new BTC ETF that it seems is inevitable now that Blackrock released their ticker symbol. Surely other institutions such as Fidelity are also going to get approved at roughly the same time.

How will this impact the Bitcoin/Crypto space (besides BTC being a lot more valuable)? 
 Nostr has really proved to already be so much better than Reddit. On Reddit, you can get banned from speaking in certain "communities" just by saying/doing something that the individuals (not professionals - not even close) do not like.

Then you realize something like Nostr exists - a place where someone cannot suppress you. You are free to speak as you would like and engage with the people you want to engage with. 

Seems like revolutionary technology [somewhat simple at the same time - great for growth] to me. How long until this method of Social Media is widely used over Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc? 
 Since I am new to the Nostr community - which client do you like use the most & why? 

I am swapping between clients each day now to see which one I like best, but I have not come to a final consensus yet, but I do think it's great that I can access the same info across multiple clients and sign in so easily. 
 That's what I use for mobile. Been working for me good so far.

For web, I like what I see on the Coracle client, but haven't see much mention of it. Not too sure what's new here vs. what's old. 
 Noob question: Is this web or mobile? Didn't see it on the Nostr main site, but maybe I'm blind 
 IOS - maybe that's why I haven't seen it yet 
 #zapathon I’m not sure when this starts or what it fully entails, but hey I’m here to learn and connect with this community.

I’m guessing we all love Bitcoin here - might be a safe thing to assume 😂 
 Ahh now I got it. Memes will locked & loaded 
 Thanks for filling me in! 
 #bitcoin Who can provide me with a good explanation of Nostr (and all the clients that are centered around this community) & how it is better than popular social media like Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc.. (Serious question). I want to get active user's takes on this platform. 
 Very good point on the fact that you don't get exposed to any ads on here + not having to fork over your name & phone number/other private details is great.

I certainly grew tired of getting hit by ads all the time, so I had to install an adblocker, but it's nice to experience a platform where that is not needed.

One thing that I like so far is that is is censorship-resistant. I grew some very big concerns over Twitter blocking people from their audience/connections It's great to see decentralization create a platform where people cannot be censored, but you can just block people that you do not want to see more of yourself. 
 Yup, agreed. I was just replying to the other comment saying that I disliked how Twitter was suppressing people on their platform for saying things that they deemed not in line with their agenda.

Centralized authority is really hurtful to the online world, where you should be able to conduct yourself as you see fit. If someone does not like you or agree with you, they can simply just block you and move on. 
 This platform has certainly opened my eye as to what the internet was always supposed to be.

Always got so tired of hearing news on popular social medias of cancel culture, CEO’s harming their users, apps invading privacy, etc…

Then I hear about Nostr and my outlook completely changes. It’s amazing to be discovering this for the 1st time. 
 The #Bitcoin is The #Bitcoin. There is and will be no 2nd best.

#Nostr is still finding its feet... 
 Any source where can I lookup additional info on Nostr's plan / their roadmap? Would like to see what the future of this will look like. 
 Same with me. Seen any good crypto communities on this platform/other clients? RCP's really messed some people up. 
 I'm still learning what "this" is tbh - I'm completely new here 
 How do you connect a new @Wallet of Satoshi wallet to your profile here? 
 I think I've finally got it settled. Still getting used to the fact that there are so many different clients here. 
 What happened with Reddit 
 Reddit got wrecked by itself. Centralized powers destroyed what RCP's had in motion which means decentralized platform become in demand. 
 I’ve just come over from Reddit where a sub I used to frequent had a pretty bad day yesterday. ... 
 Same with me. Seen any good crypto communities on this platform/other clients? RCP's really messed some people up. 
Event not found
 Just did it! 
 ahaha Thank you 
 Thank you! 
 Thank you for the guide! 
 Thank you! It’s great to be here, checking out something new. I already like the vibe in here + the insane amount of potential this has to be even bigger than it is now. (Of course, I love the decentralization and multiple clients too)

Everyone is friendly towards new people too it seems. 
 Just Zapped you back! Needed to test out my send feature to make sure it works properly 
 Good resources! Thank you. I will be taking a deeper look into these soon. 
 Good link! Thank you. Will zap you via your profile. 
 Reddit is a strange place. I'm not huge on it, but comment here and there. I see 100000x more potential here than I do there.