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Notes by Weiming Chen | export

"““Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it the present.”-Master Oogway”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"“38. Sieze the day-Carpe diem”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream."-Van Gogh”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"“Life is too short to pretend to be someone else. Allow yourself to break out of your shell and be authentic.”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."-Aristotle”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle."-Steve Jobs”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”-Steve Jobs”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"“Reinvent yourself”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"“Cherish the kind-hearted people in your life, they will help you through the ups and downs of life.”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”-Jim Rohn”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Fear and self doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential”-Brian Tracy”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Flow is an optimal state of consciousness, a peak state where we both feel and perform our best. We become so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the upmost."-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi”"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
"““Support your soul to express and experience things in this world, Never be the one who is blocking yourself””"

— 50 Things to Realize Before It’s too late by Manoj Chenthamarakshan
 day 0 of 90
 ai + bi.  artificial intelligence + biological intelligence = ci: Co Intelligence  
 silence is luxurious
"“Action and awareness merge. Your sense of self vanishes. Time passes strangely. And performance—performance just soars.”"

— The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer by Steven Kotler
"“Flow is defined as “an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.””"

— The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer by Steven Kotler
"““personality cluster”—competitiveness, risk tolerance, independent-mindedness”"

— On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything by Nate Silver
"“Taking a wrong turn allows you to see landscapes you wouldn’t otherwise have seen.”"

— The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
 turn disappointment into motivation. transform the energy
"“But in most real-life scenarios, we’re interacting with 8 billion other people; their choices affect ours, and ours affect theirs.”"

— On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything by Nate Silver
"“Game theory is the mathematical study of the strategic behavior of two or more agents (“ players”) in situations where their actions dynamically impact one another. It seeks to predict the outcome of those interactions, and to model what strategy each player should employ, to maximize their expected value while accounting for the actions of the other players.”"

— On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything by Nate Silver
"““Chess is not a game. Chess is a well-defined form of computation. You may not be able to work out the answers, but in theory there must be a solution, a right procedure in any position. Now real games,” he said, “are not like that at all. Real life is not like that. Real life consists of bluffing, of little tactics of deception, of asking yourself what is the other man going to […] do. And that is what games are about in my theory.””"

— On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything by Nate Silver
"What data can I use to make my clone?
We accept data of essentially every form. Files (PDF, txt, mp3, mp4), books, websites, blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts, manual question answer, Slack, Google Drive, Notion, Dropbox, and email. Read more about Clone Creation"

"From this readiness score, we create a “Minimum Viable Dataset” needed to get that score to 100%. To help you get there, we have a question-generation module to prompt you to answer questions to help your clone learn more about you and how you think."

"We are mimetic creatures that want to learn from the experiences of others, especially those we look up to"

"Delphi does not aim to replace human relationship. Rather, it aims to augment someone’s essence, multiply their impact, and increase access to intellectual capital."

"Build your Own Radar | Thoughtworks"

"GPT-4o can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, with an average of 320 milliseconds, which is similar to human response time(opens in a new window)2 in a conversation."


"“Should you strive for excellence? Of course. Pay attention to the details? Yes. But never let “perfect” stop progress. You know what’s better than perfect? Done. Done is better than perfect.”"

— Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life by James Victore
"“Read every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.” 
―Warren Buffet"



 Nexus - Framer AI Templates
 AIgenius — Scalable AI Solutions
"Matt Shumer
Jul 22
Massively underutilized AI trick: after asking the AI to build/code/write something for you, ask it to “Make it better”, on repeat."

Do this five times, and you’ll end up with a far better version of whatever you asked for.

Bonus, you can say “First, critique your output.”
"“Jakob’s law isn’t advocating for sameness in the sense that every product and experience should be identical. Instead, it is a guiding principle that reminds designers that people leverage previous experience to help them in understanding new”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“leveraging tools like a design system when available,”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"““human-centered design.” It’s a lesson that we must continuously remind ourselves of: to design better technology means to design for humans, and to design for humans means to anticipate our emotions, limitations, and preconceptions.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“The amount of mental resources needed to understand and interact with an interface is known as cognitive load. 2”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices available.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“People judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak and at its end, rather than on the total sum or average of every moment of the experience.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“Jakob’s law isn’t advocating for sameness in the sense that every product and experience should be identical. Instead, it is a guiding principle that reminds designers that people leverage previous experience to help them in understanding new”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
 "“I know what you’re thinking: if all websites or apps followed the same design conventions, that would make everything quite boring. This is a completely valid concern, especially given the ubiquity of specific conventions that can be observed today. This pervasive sameness can be attributed to a few factors: the popularity of frameworks to speed up development, the maturity of digital platforms and resulting standards, clients’ desire to emulate their competition, and just plain lack of creativity. While much of this sameness is purely based on design trends, there is a good reason we see patterns ... weiming.blog https://weiming.blog/2024/07/17/i-know-what.html 
"“Good user experiences are made possible when the design of a product or service is in alignment with the user’s mental model.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“A mental model is what we think we know about a system, especially about how it works. Whether it’s a digital system such as a website or a physical system such as a checkout line in a retail store, we form a model of how a system works, and then we apply that model to new situations in which the system is similar. In other words, we use the knowledge we already have from past experiences when interacting with something new.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“follow common design conventions, enabling users to focus more on the site’s content, message, or product. In contrast, uncommon conventions can lead to people becoming frustrated, confused, and more likely to abandon their tasks and leave because the interface does not match up”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“Jakob’s law (also known as “Jakob’s law of the internet user experience”) was put forth in 2000 by usability expert Jakob Nielsen, who described the tendency for users to develop an expectation of design conventions based on their cumulative experience from other websites. 1”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“There is something incredibly valuable to be found in familiarity. Familiarity helps the people interacting with a digital product or service know immediately how to use it, from interacting with the navigation to finding the content they need to processing the layout and visual cues”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“human factors engineering, a discipline that focused on designing tools, machines, and systems that take into account human capabilities, limitations, and characteristics.”"

— Laws of UX by Jon Yablonski
"“Stay curious and be humble”"

— The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups by Gergely Orosz
"“Mentor others Mentoring is about guiding someone, sharing your knowledge, and helping them grow. As a staff + engineer, you have plenty of experience which can help others grow faster. Mentoring doesn’t need to be formal, it can be as easy as offering to help new joiners get up to speed. By getting into the habit of helping others grow–while expecting nothing in return–you will improve your ability to teach and explain. If you keep mentoring and helping others over time, you’re likely to build up a reputation as someone whom senior-and-above engineers can seek out for advice."

"“Too much process. If a team operates with too much red tape, it can feel like a huge effort to get simple things done, such as changing code or using a new tool. This can pull down team efficiency and morale, and cause more attrition.”"

— The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups by Gergely Orosz
"“Design documents/ requests for comments (RFCs)”"

— The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups by Gergely Orosz
"“RFC, wait for feedback, then build. For projects with lots of dependencies or teams that are dependent on what’s being built, progress may ultimately be faster if feedback from all stakeholders is gathered first.” (eg for corporate official website)"

— The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups by Gergely Orosz
"“Ensure your work has the right balance of quality and speed. At startups, “great” might lean towards shipping things quickly, while at larger companies, “great” might mean well-tested, clean code, or code changes which are straightforward to review, or maintainable solutions.”"

— The Software Engineer’s Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups by Gergely Orosz

"Prescriptive direction
Certain managers tell their teams exactly how to execute tasks rather than highlighting what needs to be done. This approach stifles the team’s autonomy and creativity and hampers their ability to find innovative solutions."

When people realize the true impact of their work, they’re more engaged, innovative, and productive. Research shows that working on significant tasks can have a positive impact on job performance. When people know that their work matters, it creates momentum; people feel valued when their work is recognized. ""

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“Replace blame with curiosity
Instead of assigning blame when mistakes occur or something goes wrong, managers should cultivate a culture of curiosity. They can encourage team members to explore the underlying reasons, contributing factors, and lessons learned from a situation. This shift in mindset from blame to curiosity helps create an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than reasons for punishment or shame”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“empowers their team to do excellent work by giving them space to make decisions and solve problems independently. Empowerment without micromanagement is key”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“Good coaches are patient, empathetic, and supportive”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, famously said, “Day 2 companies make high-quality decisions, but they make high-quality decisions slowly. To keep the energy and dynamism of Day 1, you have to somehow make high-quality, high-velocity decisions”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“Your team is genuinely self-sufficient when it can solve problems without you present”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"“You have coached your team to self-sufficiency, and you can safely let go of the reins to move on to the next challenge”"

from “Leading Effective Engineering Teams”

"You will often have to make trade-offs between different goals. For example, you may have to choose between a quick and easy solution to implement and one that is more effective but takes more time and effort"

"Mentoring and developing leaders
Recognizing the potential in her team, Cathy started investing time in mentoring her direct reports, preparing them to take on more leadership responsibilities"