Um I’m not even sure how to do that???
Much less I don’t have a way to be able to note it as I have absolutely nothing on that phone…(I’m currently on a different phone noting this)
Personally I feel like Satoshi may have abandoned his coins as a canary as sorts for when bitcoin gets cracked by quantum computing… once we see those coins move we gotta change algos… I don’t see this happening for a while yet tho…
So I tried to get zap store to work on my new phone but I couldn’t get it to install. Pretty sure that phone is just a "pos smartphone" & is just not good enuff.
"This social media stuff just sucks, man. You can be sitting there, surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of people, and feel completely alone."
This is part of the reason I stopped using everything but nostr for my social media of choice & dead bird app for my news…
No one ever interacted much if ever.
Notes by kidwarp | export