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Notes by Ostrich McBirdington | export

 Is it weird that in my heart 1 satoshi = 1 dollar? 
 I wonder how many fed spooks have been on #nostr since it's creation.  
They wouldn't just sit ba... 
 I just assume everyone is a bot, spying on me, or this is all giant sandbox into the void. Then I am just pleasantly surprised if I happen to have a nice conversation every now and again with someone who may actually be a nice person. I'm here just to learn uncensored information. While venting my frustrations in a constructive way. Knowing full well this is just all a form of self therapy for me.  
 Yup. Let's do this. Haven't played in 20 years. I've got nothing to lose.  
 Still has the best documentation out of all of them.  
 How much toilet paper you need after eating at taco bell. 
 Someone please explain this to my dumb ass. 

I have a bitcoin electrum wallet. It has bitcoin on it. I don't intend to set up a lightning node yet. So I can't get a lightning address that way. 

I have an invite for alby. I believe I can get a lightning address there. 

So here is the questions.

How do I send bitcoins from a non lightning bitcoin wallet address into a lightning wallet address?

How do I send bitcoins from a bitcoin lightning wallet address back into my non lightning electrum bitcoin wallet addresses?

I'm confused as fuck. This is basic shit. Please help me get started zapping on Nostr.  
 When you have a shitcoin you might as well flush it down the drain before it becomes worthless. Makes no difference.  
 I admire her ingenuity and her total disregard for basic fire safety.  
 No reason to be confused. It is a fear based response. They know their slave debt fiat  monopoly is coming to an end. This is what happens when the power hungry try to retain their power, but they have reached the age of retirement. No one cares what the senile old fiat peddlers have to say anymore. Time to take them out to the retirement home by no longer playing with their monopoly money.  
 Beware. Say something stupid. Verbal kidney punches may ensue. I am in no mood for bullshit, or propaganda today. 
 honestly the immigration system in america is f*cked. 

they don't let LEGAL tourists go into the... 
 The logic is that not enough people are dumb enough to vote for team blue. So they import illegal aliens to vote illegally over here for them in exchange for stealing our taxes to give to them. Ensuring that native Americans are second class citizens. While all their expenses are generously paid for. 

Thus we have the new American cast system. Where there is no middle class, or poor class. You have the rich and you have the illegals who do the illegal dirty work. Thus illegal aliens ensure team blue stays in power. While we the people and our country death spiral into a 3rd world shit hole. 

They don't want legal tourists to go back to their home countries. To talk about how much shit we are in over here. It is pretty fucked at the moment. It is also kind of a powder keg with a lot of fed up Americans. 

We need the restoration of law and order over here. Here is for hoping we get our shit together peacefully soon. 
 You are the worst pieces of propaganda peddling mother fuckers on all of Nostr right now. 

Infant mortality rates increased after people weren't allowed to kill babies?!?!

I'm sorry, but fuck off with this nonsense. They increased from the illegal experimental vaccines you said were safe and effective. 

Burn in hell and shove a pineapple up your asses. You evil fucks. Karma awaits you all. 
 Looks like a vampire dance party. 
 Holy domestic abuse batman!

That ain't right.  
 Dude. Politics is a stunt. One giant debt slave show. Why the fuck should anyone care. Just view it all as entertainment. 
 Since I don't want to invite strangers into my home, but I want to cook for people, I might start... 
 Baldwin Park. 
 Which is easier to fool. 

Our eyes, or our ears? 
 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. And 1 more nope for good measure. No poison for me please.  
 I just watched this over and over again on replay. 

This little girl in the video is so fucking lucky. Not just because she wasn't harmed by the criminal.

If you look at the shot placement. She aimed it so that it could have easily almost passed through the intended target, or to the side of  the criminal into the child.

Lesson for today kids. Guns save lives. Guns take lives. Always carry one with you to protect yourself and others. Just always be aware of where you will place your bullets. 

Especially what is BEHIND your targets. 
 Why do you make me vomit? 
 They need to make bleech for eyes. 
 No. I can't. You devious bastard. 
 Fuck. We are now living in the terminator, or battle angel timeline.  
 Accidentally went into a gay bar. Found out when this dude in a pink shirt bought me a drink. I said I don't swing that way, but we both laughed, and actually hit it off in a strictly plutonic conversation.

He told me about a sick after party. That there was going to be lots of hot chicks there and that as a gay dude he could totally be my wingman for pussy. Fuck yeah! I'm in.

We finally get to the party. I'm starting to feel a little weird. My new friend grabs me and ties up my hands. Then starts dancing like a mad man, because whatever he gave me is kicking in for him too. Now some random person is taking a picture and posting it on social media.

I just found out everyone here is gay. Someone said oh look Gerald found another straight victim for us all to convert and play with tonight. 

I am now realizing what is happening. 

Please send help before it's too late. 

I fear for my butt. 
 How do we know we aren't all already wearing them now? 
 So the key to surviving in Africa. Live in shit. Cover yourself in shit. Smell so bad that even starving wild animals and insects won't give a shit about you. 

 Hamas leaders name was actually Sinwar.
Sin War. You can't make this crap up. 
 Well you can, but you just have to be clever enough to read between the lines when those with power set up this little inside jokes. 
 Get over it and fuck off. Jeeze you are whining about something that happened 18 years ago. You are everyone's great aunt Karen. Let it go. 
 You show me a video about apples.

All I see is melons.  
 Anyone notice all these great new terms and descriptions for funky things in the sky?
cc nostr:np... 
 I'd like to know the real terms and not the made up ones please. When you are boredandd stare up at the sky long enough. Nothing makes sense. I feel like a bug on the ground.  
 Please teach me how you built this, how much it costs, and how to get started. We need these up here.  
 How much money you into it for and what sort of range have you got? 
 Id need to figure out a good 50 mile radius solution using meshtastic. I wonder how many devices I would need. 

It would be nice for my local region to have this as a backup. I wouldn't mind paying for it if it helps us all in a disaster situation. 
 I'm not into Bitcoin😎
I'm into Satoshis😁 
 Maybe one day you will be a whole coiner. Then you can be into both.  
 Talking about bad reviews... Go write a review for your favorite clients. No one writes when thin... 
 You are right. Unfortunately many of us are too private to write reviews. So it takes significant effort sometimes to create burner accounts just for reviews when we are always busy. 

However, since you are the creator of this application which has become a part of my daily life. Here is a direct written review from me to you. 

You have done amazing work. This is a superb application which is well crafted while preserving my privacy and security.

It deserves to be ported become a native Linux application available on flathub.org for maximum adoptability potential. You would see a significant influx of users and contributors to code. As well as continual  financial funding. 

Only negative thing I have to say is that the application will boot me out of replying to someone. This happens whenever I take too long, because the app prioritizes loading new content. This has infuriated me beyond belief dozens of times. I don't know if it is a bug, or a setting that needs to be adjusted. Either way wtf lol. 

To summarize my written review of your application. It deserves a 9/10 positive rating. You and your team are doing an incredible job. I'm proud of you all. Keep up the great work.  
 You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.... 
 Have a good Sunday! 
 Put it on something besides YouTube. Try Peertube, vimeo, or rumble  I'd love to see it, but YouTube doesn't work on my end. If not, good on ya for doing this work. Its been on the back of my mind for awhile. 
 Death would be upon me if I did this. Lol 
 I've never wanted to take food away from a grown adult and reprimand them before. 

Yet here we are now......

 Fuck you.

I mean, GM 🧡 
 Fuck you very much. 

I mean GM to you to.  
 Why? She just spilled a gallon of hot sauce on her cooch. She just needs a shower and she's good.  
 Thanks to everyone who shared, zapped, liked and commented on our memes lately 🫡

✅ 3 random... 
 If this isn't a euphemism for how many rounds of liquified manliness the average man wants to shoot into her with the minigun in their pants. I don't know what is.