Oddbean new post about | logout
 honestly the immigration system in america is f*cked. 

they don't let LEGAL tourists go into the country, yet they give cell phones, shelter, and food to people that cross the border ILLEGALLY on a daily basis. 

can someone explain the logic? 

the irony is that my cousin got her tourist visa rejected by an immigration officer who was an immigrant himself from cuba. 
 Blue vote have to come from somewhere.... 
 Stop the propaganda. When will people realize the truth?  
 You can't just go backpacking in USA unless you have loads of cash. BS 
 The logic is that not enough people are dumb enough to vote for team blue. So they import illegal aliens to vote illegally over here for them in exchange for stealing our taxes to give to them. Ensuring that native Americans are second class citizens. While all their expenses are generously paid for. 

Thus we have the new American cast system. Where there is no middle class, or poor class. You have the rich and you have the illegals who do the illegal dirty work. Thus illegal aliens ensure team blue stays in power. While we the people and our country death spiral into a 3rd world shit hole. 

They don't want legal tourists to go back to their home countries. To talk about how much shit we are in over here. It is pretty fucked at the moment. It is also kind of a powder keg with a lot of fed up Americans. 

We need the restoration of law and order over here. Here is for hoping we get our shit together peacefully soon. 
 They gonna brew a lot of unnecessary hatred between legal vs illegal immigrants here.

Lot of my friends are worried that their visas, residency permits, jobs, and relationships with the "natives" will get scapegoated together with the crackdown on illegal migration. 
 It begins to make sense when you understand that this is intentional. Follow the money. 
 This … said that for many years.  
 We’re being attacked from inside by our own politicians. 
 Always have been … hence why we #btc & get 99% to reclaim their freedom 😇🫡🫂

Uncle Sam takes #US
indentured servitude youth
Polished brass buttons 
Covers of minds 
Outside sanity, FREE DOM!
Exploitative Poor
Toxic waste of minds 
Sign on bleached paper
Blood bought dotted line 

Retirement came 
Yay, maybe now some reprieve 

No longer happy with 
Basic beauty and classic design 
She craves her origin story
That she recovered from 
And accepted herself 
Toned down
Wasting her skills 

spreading over lifetimes … 

Bleed out completely & be who you are. https://media.tenor.com/aps3ea5zt1EAAAAC/viva-la-revolution.gif
 Would love to have anyone ask the current Border Csar, Kamala. 
 They are "worried" you aren't going to leave 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 
 I've honestly been dreading/avoiding getting a visa to visit the USA because of all the red tape, bullshit and silly payments that need to be made for them to say "no" to your application and for you to do it all again. 

Seriously, fuck traveling to the USA if the won't let us do it legally. It's actually cheaper, easier and more efficient (and welcoming) to go through the Southern border than through a TSA checkpoint at an international airport.

Americans need to realise this and change it or see less and less people travelling legally to the USA

 Women vote Cackmala overwhelmingly ?

Why is that ? 
 The top 1% has controlled the 99% of #humanity for always. The #Revolution & world #peace is a gift from #Satoshi 

The logic specific to the #USA is partially below 👇 

Since the 60's it has been the goal of the 1% to crush the middle class. It had grown post WW2 with the GI Bill educating so many first generation students and elevating them into the middle class.

How do I explain to a 2 year old why so many Christian’s follow the most unChrist like person on the planet? 

American Ice Cream

Dear 2 year old. Let’s take a trip to the playground. Go play with the other children.
All the children stay entertained & blissfully play in peace. 
The ice cream truck comes with every choice imaginable. 
We go to purchase ice cream but realize some of the other kids don’t have money. They don’t even come to the line. Doesn’t that make you sad? They are unable to see they should be allowed the same choices & a fair chance at purchasing ice cream. 

Dear 2 year old: I’m going to pay for others to have some ice cream now. 

Run away mad if you want. I’ll explain later. 

The 2 year old is angry but eventually forgets about the ice cream & plays again. 

Later the 2 year old lays down for a nap. I explain that WE can have ice cream whenever we want. Others don’t have that choice. Is that fair? Shouldn’t humans help one another when we can? 

He sleeps. 

On the other side of town a child sleeps thinking about how good that ice cream tastes & he will do anything to be able to afford ice cream in the future. He grows up & makes money to do so but quickly forgets that others should be given ice cream as well. Isn’t that sad? 

In another version of the USA
we all live happily & have the freedom to choose our favorite flavor of ice cream. 
We work together sharing our resources & pay others fairly to create the bowls that hold our ice cream. But that’s just an American dream.

WWII sent off boys from the farm. 
Lucky men came home 
Many were heartbroken 
Fractured souls & altered minds
Attempted to claim their peace 
Of the American dream
Honoring their fallen friends & respect 
Back to school they went
Educated now birthed the middle class

But wait! Political interests 
Quickly engaged by the bags of money 
Force fed by marketing 
They can’t take **our** money 
Peasants can’t hold status 
Wealthy lived in privilege 
They didn’t want only their income
Sought to destroy others 
How to do so they asked? 

     Reagan- Nom- Icks 
Manipulating others to hate Ebonics 
     Dose them with sugar water 
anti-union laws pushed 
     The poor are lesser humans 
Take away their pensions 
      Less educated masses 
Wealth force-fed the regulations 
      Dumb, deaf or blind 🇺🇸 stayed 
Going to church on Sunday 
    And more loose taxes for the power 
But God only knows the hour 😂

USA unaware of 
Evil pulling the strings. 
Peacemakers spoke 
As always 
Powerfully silenced. 

Then the - isms
Keep the pawns fighting amongst theirselves 
Religion, class, race and sex
Divided caste chattel is US society
We’ve bought into “freedom” ideology 
“Let them eat fast food.”
We ignore or berate those unlike us. 
This keeps us constantly wrestling 

Inspired by this I saw on Reddit. Wish I had persons name to credit them. 

A growing middle class, presented a poltical danger to the interests of the wealthy, it's growth took away from their status and privilege, so it had to be both shrunk and turned against the the lower class.

Nixon started it, Reagan perfected it with anti-union laws, demonizing the poor, slashing pensions, underfunding education and loosing the taxes and regulations on corporations.

Classism, Sexism, Racism and Religion are all used to further seperate working class Americans, who have more in common than not,  and to give them someone to focus their anger and blame on, when their own upward mobility stalls; all the while the rich get richer.
 This is very true.  
It's hard to put in words what an illshaped bourocratic monster the US immigration is, and how much it's hurting the US economy by dismantling the labor market 
 It’s not illegal entry, it’s an open invitation 
We are 9/9