Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Terry Frazier | export

 A pretty quick read, a historical summary, and useful reminder of how/why #nostr.

 "Creators are only famous at the permission of the platforms they're in. As soon as they say something that they shouldn't, boom, they're out."

 #askNostr #cooking 
Looking for recommendations on quality, affordable, all-stainless #cookware - stuff you can put in the oven to season. 8", 10", 12" skillets mostly.

I've looked at the Made In stuff, just don't know if it's as good as it claims. Celebrity endorsements and big ad campaigns are expensive, and often substituted for real quality. Looking for people with experience with any quality brands. 
 I'm shocked! Shocked, I say.
 Overpopulation is, and has been for quite some time, clearly not a problem. So why is the population reduction narrative still so dominant?


I run an event-based business. In my case the events are classes. Each event/class has a registration page with payment capability so attendees can register in advance. Between now and end-of-year I have ~30 of these.

Today I manually post these events, individually, to different platforms. This is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to error. It is also a nightmare for updates.

Is there an existing, or potential, #nostr application for this use case? I'm looking for something I can start working with for next year. Not expecting to immediately replace all the walled garden platforms or eliminate all the manual effort or anything grandiose. Just looking for #nostrdevs who may be interested in the use case and making some tools that might start me on a journey toward something helpful.

 Im updating our events on fb. None of the images crop correctly. They look like crap. I have to have a different effing image/video for every iteration of platform/ad/post-type.

I really dislike this. And I really dislike having to promote my business on conventional social media at all. It seems like every platform sets formatting and content standards in a capricious and arbitrary way just to ensure you can't easily reuse stuff. 
 Looking for upcoming #nostr / #Bitcoin events in the State of Texas. Who keeps a list? #askNostr. 

There is an effort underway to organize a nostr meetup in my area, but response to date has been fairly meager...

 GM, #nostr. There just aren't many things that smell better than a fresh pot of coffee percolating in the morning. You can't get that with a Keurig..  
 Remember back in 2019 when everyone was just sure Jason Garrett was the problem with the Dallas Cowboys? Guess that didn't work out. 
 This is helpful for me. There is way too much happening on #nostr for me to keep track. 
 Patreon platform is horrible, bad UX, messy, etc...

Who's building pay walled creator community ... 
 I see so many people in my industry investing time, money and lots of effort into building a revenue stream on patreon. I know they don't have good alternatives. I know that many of us lack sufficient technical expertise to piece together a solution even if we knew about some kind of potential open source alternatives. 

But none of that assuages my concerns about the tendency of these walled garden platforms to rug-pull disfavored causes, industries or people. Something built on #nostr presents the best hope for reducing or eliminating this vulnerability.

 A successful, three-festival weekend behind the Pine Curtain. Kilgore Oktoberfest, FRed Lobster Social Club, Edom Art Festival. Time for a nap. 
 Literally, dude grades out a ~1/4-mi flat track in his pasture and holds a festival for rednecks. Link to conventional socials because, well, that's where their page is. For now...



 I think it's time for me to try getting a couple of people on #nostr, people I can experiment with for things like #0xchat and sending zaps and stuff. But, TBH, not a lot of people I know like to be on the forefront of social media exploration. They like to #doomScroll on X or do whatever it is people do on Insta/TikTok. 
 Gm nostr!

What’s your preferred NAS solution? Do you connect it to the internet or local netwo... 
 DIY, LAN only. Once in a while I have a need for remote access, but as a policy I keep storage LAN-only and synch when I'm local. 
 Just added #0xchat to #Obtainium and installed it. Now to figure it out... 
 The existence of a "Deep State" implies the existence of a "good" State. This is a false dichotomy. 

If you've never fired a handgun from a retention position you may not be prepared for what happens when you do. It's a good skill to have but may not work out like you expect the first few times. First, you must be really sure of the location and position of your own body parts. All of them.  Second, your aim point is not at all where you think it is - it's much lower. While you may feel that you're holding the muzzle horizontal you are most likely doing exactly what the woman in the picture is doing. Firing a gun that close to your own body parts is unnerving the first few times. It's good to have an instructor with you who can observe to make sure you're safe, and properly prepare you for what's about to happen. #gunstr 
 The tortured definitions and linguistic gymnastics the #civilianDisarmament shock troops go through to justify their campaign against basic freedoms is something to behold. #gunstr 

Be careful out there. Halloween scare-fests can attract the crazies. #2A #gunstr #prepared #selfdefense 
 Congrats! How long did it take to get the invite? I got on the list yesterday. Over 10k people in... 
 I don't know. I think it happened because of several interactions on #nostr. I did not put my name on any list. One of the devs may have noticed some of my inquiries or questions and decided I was a good candidate. That is just speculation. 
 Here is one of the better blog posts I have seen related to #FEMA and hurricane relief for #Helene. Chaos in a natural disaster is just what happens, and we (the colloquial "we") form a lot of misguided ideas about the omnipotence and abilities of government agencies (especially Federal agencies) to respond. Coordination without communication is very hard. Deployment without roads is very hard. There really isn't any way to prepare for watching all of your property be, literally, washed away before your eyes and being left with only what you're wearing and what you're carrying. 

What if you're a conscientious prepper but all your supplies just disappeared into a raging torrent of water. All your water, MREs, medical supplies, radios, camping gear, vehicles, arms and ammo just washed away except what you could grab. Even if you have a bug-out location you can't get there now because you didn't leave in time.

Being forced from a comfortable, civilized life into an isolated survival scenario with no communication, transportation or supplies in a matter of hours is something very few of us can even comprehend, much less prepare for.

It really puts a focus on things we often say as slogans but never consider as realities we'll have to deal with: "You are your own First Responder." "No one is coming. You're on your own."


 I try to understand more about bitcoin but I find it hard to grasp. Following your account might ... 
 I'll do my best...
 I received an alby invite in my email this morning. I'm going to get on board with this and take another step in my BTC journey. There is a lot I do not yet understand. I have not yet figured out how to connect a wallet to my #nostr account (I think my use of #GrapheneOS plus refusal to run #GSF has increased the difficulty) and I hope #getalby will let me move forward. 

There is so much happening in this space, and so many new apps and approaches appearing so rapidly, that it routinely goes over my whelm limit. The only way to reach my goal is one step at a time. 
 I don't disagree with your claims, it's just not what I chose to do. One of the reasons I went with a different ROM was to discover the limitations and compromises that come with it. I have put #GrapheneOS on four different devices without issue over the past 2-3 years. So far I'm fine with the tradeoffs.

I have considered adding a low-end OEM device for experimentation in the BTC/Lightning arena. Having a dedicated test bed is a good approach. I used an old Pixel 3 without SIM card for my first GrapheneOS test bed. So I may do that in the future.  
 Is it reasonable to characterize Lightning as a "proof of stake" layer atop a "proof of work" protocol?
#asknostr #lightning #bitcoin

That's how it seems to me, the more you have, the more you can receive, but you must prove you have it (by opening a channel) before you can receive it. 
 Good explanation. Thank you. 
 Emergency support services - EMS, fire, police - have all switched to cellular communications in most areas. So have emergency infrastructure repair crews such as road, electric and natural gas. So does a lot of ground-based search and rescue. In a real emergency this proves to be a fragile link in the critical communications chain. Once the cellular network goes down everything takes 3x-4x longer without communications.

What does not fail however, and continues to prove itself disaster after disaster, is ham radio and the licensed amateur radio operators who form clubs around the country and go to work immediately in emergency situations.

#hurricane. #Helene 

 I probably shouldn't announce things before I've finished writing them but i'm pretty excited abo... 
 The relay situation is challenging for me - especially since it seems I need more than one for each purpose for redundancy. Every little bit helps. Thanks. 
 Spent two days at #TriggerCon24 in Witichita over the weekend. This is a very well-run event combining a good, mid-sized mfg/vendor expo on Fri-Sat in the downtown convention center, and a mfg/vendor range day on Sunday. This is not a "gun show" where dealers are selling guns, it's a mfg expo where the public can see and shoot guns they may be interested in purchasing later.

I shot several double-stack 1911-style pistols including #ColtCZGroup #DanWesson #DWX, #WilsonCombat #EDCX9,  and a newer company out of AZ called #OADefense with their #2311Compact in 9mm. This gun felt good, shot very well and uses standard #SigSauer #P320 magazines. If it turns out to be both reliable and durable that magazine will be a big competitive advantage in my opinion.

I also shot some really nice single-stack, bobtail, Commander guns from Wilson and #Nighthawk. Those two companies make absolutely awesome guns. Pricey, but totally awesome.

If you live in the midwest and have a chance to attend #TriggerCon25 I highly recommend it. There aren't a lot of opportunities to get out on a range with 30+ vendors providing multiple models to test fire.

 Drove through most of Kansas over the weekend. Lots of it is well and truly flat, but not all. We got up into the #FlintHills area around Fort Riley and Milford Lake, west of Topeka on I-70. It's pretty scenic there, with some picturesque sunrise/sunset moments.

We went to visit old friends whose health is declining. We are at the age now that we realize when we travel to visit friends it might be the last time we see them. We never used to think about that. 
 Shot one of these OADefense double-stack 1911-style guns yesterday. Liked it. Priced midway between Staccato and Springfield Prodigy, uses readily available and affordable SIG P320 magazines. Can't speak to long-term reliability and overall durability, but I can vouch for comfort, fit and shootability.

Don't know whether or not there is a "drop safety" issue such as that which is known to affect the Staccatos. I do know it was enjoyable to shoot.

 4-cyl diesel motor (mfg'd by Mercedes, I think). The whole thing is super simple, will run for decades. No luxury BS, no techno BS. You can probably run the thing on vegetable oil. Combine it with a couple of kick-start, single-cylinder, 4-stroke Honda dirt bikes from the '80s/'90s and you've got a solid apocalypse motor-pool.

 Installed #Obtanium. Uninstalled #Amethyst. Added Amethyst to Obtanium and installed. Signed into Amethyst using #Amber. Very slick. I'm completely over app stores. Even the free ones. It was a broken, inefficient model which failed from the outset to deliver on the promises of superior quality and choice made by the corporate overlords. It's time it died. 
 Yes directly GitHub. 
 Went to our local #Bitcoin #Meetup last night. Some great conversation but some terrible news for one of the members who was scammed out of several Bitcoin in a pretty sophisticated social engineering attack a couple of weeks back. We discussed ways we might act as an emergency support resource (aka Panic Button) for members to call and get a second opinion whenever something like that is going on and *before* making an irrevocable decision.

Also discussed splitting off a #BitcoinMerchant group to discuss and explore the many options and obstacles in accepting and integrating Bitcoin and Lightning payments into existing businesses.

Last item was setting up small mining ops with BitAxe. In between were discussions on Texas history, musicians, weirdest places we've been and other stuff. Good group. 
 I am not close enough to the incident to accurately recount the details, but I know the scammer had the victim's phone number and email address, and used both to manipulate the victim into transferring Bitcoin. I do not know enough to say any more. 
 Many sources are saying high prices and spotty supplies are coming. If you live in a free State you should stock up.


 Got water spilled on my keychron k7. I disconnected and got it dried. The lights and keyboard fun... 
 For the most part, they just need to dry out. I've dunked phones which took 48-72 hours to dry and then performed normally. The dry rice thing might help, as might any other sort of dessicant packet. 
 NYC showing everyone the way forward for bureaucrat-controlled citizenship 


 Attending a wake for a friend - not a close friend, but the kind of person who has been in and out of your life in positive ways many times over the years. Lots of people from my own past, good memories, good stories. 
 This is very unfortunate. Michael Bazzle does, IMO, great work and puts out great products. I have purchased many of them. It is a shame that we, as a culture, seem to have lost respect for the hard work people do in creating products for sale. The end result of an "everything should be free" attitude is that we lose access to valuable, specialized information which people are simply unwilling to provide for free.

People should be able to choose whether the product of their efforts is free or not. We should respect that choice. This is not the same as saying we should accept abusive surveillance and advertising from giant corporations which take the work of creators for free and then pay the creators pennies on the dollar for ad revenue. 

The former is a direct relationship with the creator. The latter is an abusive, parasitic intermediation scam.


 #amber is very cool. I like it. 
 Would you welcome any police officer or government official to come into your home anytime, unann... 
 The struggle is real. The challenge with any communication method is that if few or none of those with whom you communicate will use it, it has no value Being by yourself on the most secure, censorship-resistant island in the world is useless.

This is not a generational problem. It is pervasive. I am a #Boomer, yet I have been a #privacy advocate for more than 20 years. I have used PGP, XMPP, Signal, the original WhatsApp, etc over the years. I never succeeded in getting even 10% of my family, friends and close associates to adopt any of these tools, much less more than one. It has taken a decade to just get all the members of my immediate family onto an encrypted platform for messaging. And the holdouts were not the old folks.

This seems like a serious problem to me, and I have no idea how to solve it.

 I made small progress today. I installed Amber and used it to sign into #0xChat and #Amethyst. I haven't figured out how to *use* #0xChat yet, but that's a different task. 
 All the tools of Liberty can as easily be applied for evil. But if we give up the tools of Liberty on the promise that evil will be prevented, all we will truly prevent is Liberty. For evil never gives up its tools, never gives up its numbers, or its advantage. Only the gullible give up the tools used to protect Liberty because someone says they are used for evil.

 Today, prior to class, I shot my 3" Springfield Hellcat with factory iron sights at an NRA B8 center target from 25 yards. I fired a single 5-rd string from a standing position, no timer. I scored an X-ring, a 10-ring and an 8-ring (at 3 o'clock), then I dropped two shots about 6" low at 6 o'clock. This was "cold," meaning I did not do any warmup and I had not been to the range for a week. I just drew the gun and fired the string at a comfortable pace (maybe 3-4 seconds/shot.)

It is tough to keep a 3" barrel on target at distance. The slightest movement during the trigger press makes a significant change in trajectory. Even 3/4" of additional barrel length make a noticeable difference in my accuracy at that distance.

I really admire people who can shoot the small guns at distance. Few things test your technique more than stretching out your shooting distance with a short-barreled handgun.

 I use #Obsidian. I used evernote briefly about a decade ago. When I decided to get my information out and use something else I found the export and conversion process frustrating. It was not something I wanted to repeat. 

Now my notes are in Markdown and I can access them in Obsidian or anything else I want. Obsidian's linking and graphing add value while leaving the notes accessible to other tools. There is an Obsidian plugin for posting notes directly to #nostr. I have not tried it yet.

Whatever tool you choose, I suggest ensuring your notes are maintained in an open, accessible format.

 I don't think I've heard of Logseq before. I was a fan of outliners for many years, all the way back to Dave Winer's OPML editor. In my corporate white paper writing days I worked almost exclusively in MSWord's outline mode for the first draft or two.

I will say it looks interesting. I will go thru the docs. What are you using to sync between devices (if you are doing that)? I'm using #SyncThing with Obsidian, which has worked fine for my needs. 
 Do you use #evernote? What do you use for note taking? What tools have you used for studying that... 
 I use #Obsidian. I used evernote briefly about a decade ago. When I decided to get my information out and use something else I found the export and conversion process frustrating. It was not something I wanted to repeat. 

Now my notes are in Markdown and I can access them in Obsidian or anything else I want. Obsidian's linking and graphing add value while leaving the notes accessible to other tools. There is an Obsidian plugin for posting notes directly to #nostr. I have not tried it yet.

Whatever tool you choose, I suggest ensuring your notes are maintained in an open, accessible format.

 Today we ran our monthly Texas License to Carry Shooting Proficiency class. This is the Texas Dept of Public Safety course of fire required for LTC applicants.

One applicant brought a Ruger SR22 4.5" - a nice double action, small-caliber semi-auto. I have an older 3.5" model I like and which I use for practice from time to time.

Unfortunately, the student's gun was quite dirty, and the ammo was inexpensive Federal white box .22lr purchased at a big box store. The gun suffered failure-to-feed and failure-to-extract from the outset. We did not get through 10 rounds of the class. The gun malfunctioned repeatedly and, ultimately, got a case stuck in the chamber bad enough that it could not be removed without tools.

The lesson is that, to function reliably, rimfire pistols must be kept clean and properly lubricated. In addition, the ammunition must be of high quality and must be "high velocity." Lower-powered ammo does not provide enough force to reliably cycle the action. A dirty, poorly lubricated gun requires more force to cycle than a clean, well-oiled gun. The combination makes for trouble.

So clean and lubricate your gun before you take it to a class. Purchase good quality ammunition. If you have questions about either,  contact your instructer before class. 

Fortunately, the student was able to complete the course when another student (the two were complete strangers) offered up their own gun and ammunition and we ran the class in relays so they could swap out. This worked out great, as the student was very safe and an excellent shot - scored 98% on the course.

It has been our experience over the years that "gun people" are good people. Getting to meet them, and helping to create new ones, is the best part of our job.

#gunstr #goodpeople 
 Picture this:
1. You type on Google "laptop won't turn on"
2. Google now knows you have a broken ... 
 #privacy has many layers. There are many levels. For those who focus on privacy it is a lifestyle, which often requires tradeoffs and compromises. It is like #Bitcoin in that it should be held in #selfcustody. There are no trustworthy privacy custodians. We are personally responsible. Vitor gives us a thoughtful example.

 NY doesn't agree:

#gunstr #nimby

 Even though I tried to keep up with the case as it happened, there is a lot I do not know. I listened to Taylor tell his side of the story on a couple of podcasts. Like most everyone else I had to read news stories to get the NY side of the story and I cannot know how much of that was accurate. But it did seem to be an overt statement by the State that the exercise of Constitutionally guaranteed, individual rights won't be tolerated if the State finds them inconvenient. 
 Ok, ok I'm sold... Now my question is which 3D printer do I need to make FGC-9s, and where can I ... 
 NY doesn't agree:

#gunstr #nimby

 #GM #nostr. What a great working weekend we had here. Taking Monday morning off with some cowboy coffee. https://image.nostr.build/3ad50a9b7ab544296429b18c675ac1e19bdddfacf7d322d60d38e77dc7f66e5d.jpg 
 You could set up a separate profile and run graphene with gsf and google play. Only use that prof... 
 Agreed this is one way to approach it. I run a second profile with GSF now, but I don't use it except for special situations.  I run in the non-GSF profile 99% of the time. For me, convenience is a big requirement for nostr/zap interaction and profile switching would be a barrier for me in that situation. But thanks.

 Does Cashu.me do what you're looking for? It's what I use (though not on GrapheneOS). 
 This might work. I'll look into it. Thanks.

 I don't know much about this type of solution but will look into it. Thanks.
 I have to solve this zap problem.

It appears there is no such thing as a wallet which will run on a NoGSF/NoGooglePlay  #GrapheneOS phone. 

What are my options for connecting an off-phone wallet or getting around the #RequiresGSF problem to send zaps on #nostr?

I anticipate some people with #readingcomprehension problems will reply with "just use appXYZ," broadcasting they're #clueless because appXYZ requires GSF/GooglePlay, which means it won't run either. Looking forward to it.

 Seriously, how shocked are we? #NotShocked

The best tech people in the western world work for Sillycon Valley and Wall Street. The people running your healthcare tech are also-rans - 2nd-tier or worse. Healthcare management is utterly obtuse about the implications of healthcare data, myopic about tech security investment, and generally unsuitable for being trusted with your most private, personal data. But they are trusted with it every day.

 List of essentials:

Buy a gun
Buy #bitcoin
Join #nostr
Grow food
#prep survival food and gear

 More essential than buying a gun is learning to safely and effectively use a gun. Far more people own guns than know how to use them.

Every good instructor I know has firearms available for use by beginning students during class. 

Find a good instructor, learn about guns, learn how to shoot. Then go buy.

 ReplyGuy is the NSA showing #nostr who's boss. 
 Remember when some new social network (like Ryze. Anyone remember that?) Would pop up every single week, and you would get invites from all the people you were friends with on all the other social networks? 
 GM, #nostr. The best deal on coffee in Texas is #CommunityCoffee at #DrugEmporium. 12oz for $4.99. Good coffee. Great price. https://image.nostr.build/7d72f577506ac517c04eb68b4d2be2dec5aef8a1913b0ea63edbfc9f56b37cf4.jpg