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 Palestinian activist and Nostr user nostr:npub1lq9lx5mh2m3pvdnckcta7h7h07qexa3gxvyakdzt73lqp3prt3... 
 There is no genocide. 
 But, it’s not genocide. No matter how much you want it to be. 
 I wish I could grow a sequoia in my zone. I would love to have a giant in my NE forest. 
 🤣 if I get it to full grown I may have a permit issue for my greenhouse. 
 Sadly, true. 
 just got my first dishwasher. AMA. 
 Do you put the cleaning tab in the little receptacle, or just toss it in the dishwasher? 
 Apparently one is as effective as the other… 
 That’s great. Good stuff. 

On my property I am trying to stop the poplars from spreading. They just want to take over my place. I am trying to get maples, hornbeam and tamarack to establish themselves. 

I also have black walnut. They also want to grow everywhere I don’t want them!  And cutting them down when they are young does nothing to stop them - they just sprout up new leaders. 
 I love a black walnut tree and have many of them. But the red squirrels don’t help me plan new ones where I want them :-) https://image.nostr.build/874f6026a6d431df996305c261735856ddc5d38e655c3d0b6dc0d596f59068d4.jpg  
 Sometimes I think about throwing away all socks I own and start over with a fresh set of socks.
 I worked with a guy who did that. He had 30 pairs of the same socks. I thought I found a loophole in his plan - what happens overtime when you wash some more than others and they no longer have the same look. 

He said he wears all 30 pairs and then washes them at the same time. 

He did the same thing with his pants. 

Would you be surprised if I told you he was a systems engineer? 
 I could use some animal pics right about now
Need to find some zen 
 And I can confirm - they are all good boys! 
 Germany just went to zero against #bitcoin. 
 Already received two notices this week that my personal info has been accessed by an unauthorized breech. 

No system that stores your info is secure. 
 Project Farm on YouTube is the best. Watch one of his and you’ll be hooked. He does not have any sponsorship and is so thorough in testing the items he is comparing. 
 In everyday life, people hate to be the exception. They want to fit in.

And yet, legends are tol... 
 Anyone under 30 who did not compete in high level sports or other activities 
( 90%+ of them?), spent their lives being taught to celebrate mediocrity. Participation trophy’s, lottery’s instead of tryouts, etc. 

We reap what we sow. 
 I like how Nintendo systems from the 1990s could be put in a shed without air conditioning and su... 
 I have a 28 yr old car the I DRIVE and a newer car that I commute in. 

In the old car I am 100% engaged and aware. In the newer car I’d guess I’m 40% engaged and aware. 
 In my lifetime I've never seen Jew hate like I'm seeing right now. 

My dad would tell me stories... 
 It’s very scary. We participated in a community walk a few weeks ago and the swat team had to protect the event from face covered protestors who were trying to infiltrate from the woods. 

The ‘yeah but Gaza’ excuse for acts of hate and violence against all Jews is shocking. 

Fire bombing, shots fired, bricks through windows - all almost weekly occurrences for the past 8 months. 
 I didn’t kill one baby today. 
 So you created this account just to reply with your hate?  Good effort. 
 Jokes on them, all price suppression does to a HODLR is let us buy more sats.  I have not cared a... 
 Volatility is included free with the purchase of every bitcoin. Enjoy the show. 

There are many different subcultures in Egypt, and waves of religious and cultural changes o... 
 From what I hear, the Coptic’s face a lot of hardship in Egypt with many violet attacks on person and property. 
 Good day of felling, bucking, splitting and stacking. Winter wood work is never done. https://image.nostr.build/3e2da497c99b94d5f2b68ee7c136ad84cf0bd9418ef396d30e7c07743ad11901.jpg  
 Interesting pivot from a publicly traded company. 

Tractor Supply eliminates DEI roles, Pride support and carbon goals https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/28/tractor-supply-ends-dei-pride-support-carbon-goals.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard 
 30 years. 
 I spent a bit of time at the Nostr booth. It was always busy and there were tons of people to speak with. I saw you there shortly after panel presentation but I didn’t interrupt your conversation to say hi. 
 I agree whole heartedly. But yesterday we played the game here in Canada in a bi-election and voted out Trudeau’s candidate. 

The fuck you felt good. Will anything meaningful change? Not likely. 
 Nostr panel at the main stage in 20 minutes 👀👀 
 I became Bitcoin Only that day. The point was made at $65 - but the powers decided I should have no doubts and ensured that Luna dropped to zero 😅 
 I guess you haven’t noticed the democrats on campus. They are pretty comfortable being racist. 
 So western leaders care about what’s happening in Georgia 🇬🇪 but not Palestine 🇵🇸. ... 
 What are you talking about. You don’t hear enough about Palestine?

I’d ask why you don’t hear anything about Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Uighers in China, Kurds and Turkey, etc. 
 I know people are horrified by how many civilians are dying in Gaza.

The October attack killed l... 
 I saw my gen x gym bro friend yesterday that I have been reluctantly shilling btc to since the $1... 
 I’m Gen X and I face that same reaction from my kids friends who are in their late 20’s. (Not my kids - they were indoctrinated hard). 
 There is an everything agenda. I can’t keep track. 
 We here! 
 First brand I know of on Nostr. 
 You’re the coolest folks on Nostr. Didn’t mean to diminish. 
 Nice!  Building your own stuff is the best. 
 Still early here, but I’m keeping an eye out for the poison ivy growing along the path. I’ll deal with it this season. 
 I haven’t been on a river in way too long. 
 Having a dog is some of the best security you can get. My girl is barking at a possum in the back... 
 Well, once my dog sees you on the wrong side of the door, it’s game on! 😁 https://image.nostr.build/027a16b73d6e76892962e0614ffb3e00ef7d1aaab999f8f0874353e38a6d73e3.jpg  
 Finally finished my atmospheric lamp. 

Wired a light strip into an inside channel and covered it with epoxy to act as a difuser. 

Learned a lot and the next one will be more refined. But all in all, happy with this first effort. 

#art #woodworking https://image.nostr.build/20c41e27480d0716f50dca7fc6b95e541f2f95d0f49e22960a17a5997d59d352.jpg  
 Wow - I was away for one day and I got all sorts of love on this note. ☺️ 
 Thanks so much! ❤️ 
 Thanks very much!  It does give of a fir bit of light but not enough to comfortably use for reading. 

Next time I’ll use a lower lumen strip for a warmer light. 
 Thanks!  Yes, my thought too. Next version I’ll use a warmer light strip. I had this one on hand and went with it, but its too ‘daylight’ 
 Thanks!! 👍 
 Thanks! 🫵💪 
 Ideas are for sharing. Just share what you create so we can all enjoy it 👍 
 I get my ideas from what other share. Show your work so we all can enjoy. ☀️ 
 Thanks! ☺️ 
 Thanks! 💪 
 Wow - so much positive feedback. Much appreciated. 
 Thanks! 👍 
 Thank you! 🫵💪