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 I saw my gen x gym bro friend yesterday that I have been reluctantly shilling btc to since the $16k bottom (he asked me what I did). He didn’t mention price lololol imagine getting Bitcoin explained by me irl and betting against me 😂 ppl need to stay in their lanes. He was so triggered when I said what I did was extremely difficult when this other guy asked about trading and to be his mentor and I was like uhhh I probably wouldn’t if I were you. Like I said, for some reason they all think hodling is easy and we got lucky. I literally nailed the bottom for him and spoon fed him the signal and he’s still at zero 
 He's destined for servitude, you're destined for greatness. God has good design. 
 He’s a decent guy too we are aligned about health and fitness, not trusting the gov, etc, but bitcoin just triggers normies like nothing else 
 He’s like, what about cbdcs bro??? Why would you need bitcoin then? And I’m like uhhh bc that only proves bitcoins point. You can’t stop it. No one can inflate it away or stop you from transacting in it. They all think they have these gotcha points like we haven’t thought about this everyday for years. Sour grapes. They hate younger ppl being more successful than them. It enrages them. 
 The last time he asked about price was $42k and he was sure it would crash lol 
 He is one of three ppl I have talked about bitcoin with in the last 18 months. It was him, this younger millennial sober Neely tradfi guy (former alcoholic) and that wannabe trader later on. The alcoholic and the gen x guy both met me at the same time at the bottom and we bonded over meditation/hippie stuff. The alcoholic was so sure we would go down much further than $16k and I was like we ran out of sellers bro, everyone has this same take. And I explained how the last two bottoms worked. He was like naw bro TA says it loud and clear. Bring right never gets old lol but yeah the alcoholic guy doesn’t text me anymore either. Friendship killer. They would have been happy if bitcoin was $5k rn 😂 
 The alcoholic thought I was an idiot for not learning TA and that I thought ethereum was a security. I asked him if he knew what the howey test was and he got so offended lol and I was like well if you do then you’d know it is one. In the end, the only thing that matters is your bag. Ppl are not used to being exposed to actual signal when there is so much noise parroted everywhere 
 Also just to note this is an expensive gym in an expensive area and he prob has some money. That’s the only reason why I said anything at all 
 I also explained what ETFs were and why they were material and that they would get approved and lead to more demand, and he was basically like an orange piller and was like, but what if they don’t get approved? What if the gov stops it? Lolol. God everyone is so predictable 
 The government wants it as an ETF. They know they can't stop it. Their best hope is for people to see Bitcoin as a rare shiny rock, not money. 

The ETF, to me, was always an inevitable memetic counter attack. 
 Yeah ETFs were obvious I was just shocked it took this long. They had to shake out the frauds first I guess. It’s all good. Ppl are idiots. 
 I was on an evangelistic spree talking to people about bitcoin for a couple years, then nobody listened…( I think I got one pretty humble guy on board, he’ll text me every now and then about it). Everybody else just sold to pay bills lol. I’m done. Figure it out. I won’t even talk about it anymore. Some of my family has gotten it and questions come up every now and then. But that’s about it. 

I agree that it’s hard. that difficultly can be reduced through knowledge…. Still hard though. 
 It’s a lot easier now with Larry fink shilling it lol but yes I’m done too. I tried my best . At least I got my dad in, his cost basis is $10k and he still hates it lol but that will be my corn when he passes 
 Thanks for the story. The average person is so stupid. They have such a big ego too. Like how can you have that ego if you are that dumb.

They will remain slaves until death. 

I have so many stories of people failing to do their home works on Bitcoin. 

Though I counted 13 friends/ acquaintance that went BIG on Bitcoin in the last 4 years. 

I'm so excited to see them get rich AF in the coming months. It's glorious.  
 I have one childhood friend that went from 0 btc in 2021 and now has a little over 7 btc. I was actually shocked by it. He is blue collar/owns his own business and actually respected my authority. I have one other childhood friend that is white collar and he’s from class of 2017 and barely has 1 btc. Everyone else I’ve ever shilled btc to either capitulated or never bought and mocked me. 
 Blue collar people don’t have an ego issue with bitcoin. The college “educated” think they are too good or smart for it. Like if bitcoin is beneath them or something 
 They are also used to proof of work and dealing with real risk. Physics. Also the gen x guy was a big anti vaxer we bonded over that lol it’s sad he should have been able to get it 
 Is he a gold bug? Only thing I can think off since he seems pretty based otherwise 
 I don’t think so . Real estate guy from Cali . Yeah overall he’s a good guy  just has bds. Also the alcoholic millennial called out the gen x guy for buying followers on his YouTube channel lol. He has like 500k followers and gets 10 likes a video . I was like I didn’t notice but yeah makes sense lol . The old guys don’t realize the youth can call out bs easy lol 
 Yeah the RE bros love the “passive income” too much. He doesn’t sound like he is hurting for money, so he probably doesn’t feel the beed to look into it too deeply too 
 Yeah he’s def not hurting but no one likes missing out on gains lol 
 From my experience, the high achieving educated white collar people think they are too smart for Bitcoin, because they fall prey to the idea of economy management. They know they are more educated and have a higher IQ than the average, and believe people like them can manage money better than the free market on its own.

It's literally the bell curve meme. 
 Yup the elite yuppies 
 It really depends on how one defines "high achieving".  Is it an accomplishment to gain riches and stuff by screwing over other hard working people.  "Economy Management"  ha.  More like musical chairs ponzie scheme management.  Makes me think of charles schab 'investing' everyones money for them.  It is like they are saying to the masses... Nevermind how much we make, be happy that you have not lost everything, yet.

I think of millions of hard working people, working all their lives to "earn wages, only to put them in a bag with holes.” - Haggai 1:6

Bitcoin represents an honest ledger that can't be gamed.  That's why the blue collars have been mentored by their betters to believe its bad. 
 Absolutely. I use "high achieving" with a tongue in cheek.  
 That's insane. When Bitcoin hits 300K he will likely be good for life. wow. Good for him. 

Out of the 13, they are all blue collar or business owners. 

And yes they did give me higher intellectual ground (through my reasoning) . Their humility gave them eternal riches 
 Yeah he did the opposite of the ops and bought heavier as it was crashing, can’t really teach that. I gave him mad props. My white collar friend actually took my advice on his career too lol I was the first one in the friend group to graduate college and get a real job so he trusted me. That doesn’t surprise me that your friends that bought were all blue collar/biz owners, that seems to be the theme. They will love you forever now. It does feel good to have friends come along for the ride 
 Getting rich alone is boring. That's why I created a group to discuss bitcoin. That's how the 13 got in. The group has 40 people. 27 tourist. Still a good ratio though. 

One of them went balls deep in November 2021 but kept the DCA till now. 

He recently gave me gratitude for the support over the years. 

It's cool.  
 That’s why I made this nym. If I wasn’t appreciated irl, at least the internet was an option 😂 
 It's all people that I know IRL though. It's a Facebook messenger group 
 Yeah I tried irl first for years. They mostly just mocked and laughed. So I pivoted 
 I’m Gen X and I face that same reaction from my kids friends who are in their late 20’s. (Not my kids - they were indoctrinated hard). 
 Money is very emotional and triggering . Plus there is the socialist agenda going on and everyone is mad about inflation 
 There is an everything agenda. I can’t keep track. 
 All you can do is lead a horse to water. You can't force them to drink. 
 I don’t even like leading them to water, it almost always ends up this way. 😂 two new cases of bds 
 "I'm thirsty, but the water stinks here"

"Come over here dude, the water from this creek is pristine."

"Wow, would you look at that, it's amazing! But did authority inspect the creek to make sure it's safe for consumption? Do we know no one peed in it? Clean water seems too good to be true. I hear criminals drink out of it. Maybe I'll stick to my stinky water for now, and see how things turn out here later" 
 If he is triggered now he gonna change gyms in 6 months so he doesn’t have to see you 😂 
 I think the alcoholic already did, prob couldn’t afford it anymore and is at planet fitness lol 
 Ageism is a heck of a drug tbh