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 It is not that the system has corruption.

It is that in reality: "Corruption is the system". 
 which part? they did bomb both airports AFAIK 
 Also as high IQ as he is, he seem unable to comprehend everything he's said so far has the worst possible optics the world has seen since AF roamed the earth. 
 This looks better and better by the minute (not)


"She was preparing for a life in the wild"

 which one of you is generating heya hoya indians on the AI 
 Yeah, who is responsible for this? MS has many more indians working for them that these.

 Fantastic video, 100% worth a watch. 
 All large video game companies have the same problem, they've grown too large and thus constantly chase big hits, in the process they have become extremely risk-adverse. In their crusade to find the next big thing they produce clone after clone game that tries to have as much mass appeal as possible and thus have become completely stale. 
 The most recent animu I watched was One Punch Man and before that it was Bleach and I bailed afte... 
 Taking hallucinogenics = Mental Health

Talk about inversion.  :facepalm: 
 Stupid Italians, they didn't vote hard enough, this will teach them to vote correctly next time.

 nostr:npub150q63tw4hmth8gpq4petaxjtswfmd3yzjrucjzmc8faznfdcuxzq5lk9uu Who likes Bill Gates lol 
 Gates is lately earning plenty of sympathy points, when he is not busy vaccinating us he is tampering with the mosquitoes, or busy producing cancer-based synthetic meat, at lunch he buys as much farmland as he possibly can, and in-between all of those he is still part of Microsoft and busy influencing its policy. Gates is directly responsible for the XBOX division still throwing billions year after year in an attempt to monopolise Gaming for example.



 Everyone understands that usury is wrong but at the same time no one wants to lend money for free... 
 Lending money for some money in return is not the problem, that is not usury. A massive compounded interest is what we call usury. Inventing money from nothing and lending it to the government at interest that can never be repaid is usury. 
 Last night an unarmed minute man 3 icbm was test launched. 6 months ago we also had a test launch... 
 They won't win either and the survivors will exterminate the remaining few. 
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 Is this true? 
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 That is true, like any condiment/spice you can't put it everywhere.

In my case I use it for salads, soups and general fresh garnish along with spring onions when I attempt to make ramen. 
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 This is all a big match of CS:GO 2 isn't? 
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 So true. 
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 I think uncle Larry's plan is precisely that, afterwards he can reap massive benefits acquiring the failed companies and IPs.