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Notes by teldon | export

 Missing someone you hate and detest is a really weird feeling. Needless optimism at a retrospective is a hell of a thing. #feelngs #showerthoughts 
 I have a question for those knowledgeable about the more technical side of #bitcoin. Let's say 100 people are creating 100 simple, basic, person-to-person transactions. Is it possible for those transactions to be combined in transit? And if so, would the resulting transaction be more space-efficient than those 100 individual transactions? #asknostr #askbitcoin 
 when i started experimenting with nostr business a year and a half ago, the future was bright.  w... 
 Micro payments may ultimately be the way forward, but until Bitcoin can handle such small payments on-chain, it's gonna be a pipe dream. 
 Testing to see if gosip can write to my locally hosted relay. 
 Downloaded and compiled a test versin of @Gossip Client to check out some of the features that @M. Dilger has been working on. The inclusion of a global feed is a huge step forward. The ability to set what relay(s) constitute your global feed and the possibility of better curation tools will turn this feature into an absolute powerhouse. Add in hashtag support so we can see what people are congregating around, and DVM support things like custom trending algos and generally better discoverability, will make Gossip one of if not the best desktop nostr client. It's really looking like it will represent what I understand nostr is and what it should look like. 
 There's always a weird feeling when the final chapter of a #manga series you've been reading for years comes out. Even though there's "The End" on the last page, it's always the force of habbit the makes you look forward to the next chapter, even though there is no next chapter. It's even more profound when it's a monthly series, because breaking that habitual expectation takes longer. Thank you #TwinStarExorcists for the fun ride. 
 Another thing, #bitcoiners need to have a LOT more trust in #bitcoin as a technology. You are transacting in good faith and not setting the transaction fee so low the transaction never gets mined. There's no need to wait around for conformations outside the initial funding of your wallet, refilling your wallet when you fall below acceptable minimums, and transactions dealing with large amounts of bitcoin. I would not be surprised at all if most poeple have enough money in their bitcoin wallet that they don't need to worry about unconfirmed transactions. Seriously, how man people have been in a situation where they've HAD to wait for an incoming transaction to confirm because they NEEDED to make an outgoing transaction? Think about it for a moment. 
 I think most #bitcoin people forget that most traditional forms of payment outside cash have massive lag times between when a transaction is "authorized" and the money actually being payed out by the relevant institution. Hours and sometimes even days. Bitcoin on the other hand is lightning fast in comparison at as little as 10 minutes between a transaction being sent to the mempool (authorized) and that transaction being in a mined block (payed out). 
 Address added to profile. 
 PSA: you don’t need to get “verified” on nostr. 

If anyone says otherwise and shares a lin... 
 This is how NIP-05 is supposed to work. At least that's how I've always understood how it works and what it's suppose to represent. It supposed to be a domain you either directly control or directly represent. None of this twitter-handle-esque nonsense. That's what display names are for. That and verifying the npub. 
 I don't deal in lighting. On-chain only. 
 I don't use lightning because I think it tries to solve a problem that doesn't exist. 
 I supose that is the long and short of it. 
 I've said it once but I'll say it again, the arrogance of inevitability forgets the only inevitable thing in life is death. Seems to be a truth that #nostr has forgotten. 
 There, my pfp has been updated. 
 In all seriousness, where do you see the future of Nostr? So far it would seem that the growth ha... 
 Crushed under it's own weight trying to become an everything app. I'm 
probably one of the few people who think nostr should have never grown 
beyond a Twitter alternative. There are already protocols that exist for
 a lot of added usecases that have been added. I don't think I'll ever 
enderstand the obsession with trying to add every feature under the sun 
to nostr. 
 In the context of #bitcoin #nostr, I've come to really dislike the phrase "we're so early". It comes off as buzzwordy to me, especially when one of those projects has been around for over a decade. 
 I really dislike the idea of nostr trying to become the everything app because it feels like instead of just reinventing the wheel, devs are trying to reinvent the whole damn car and I think that is just unnecessary. I think if we strip nostr down to what its original purpose was supposed to be, a Twitter alternative, It worked perfectly fine. Relays were relatively simple to deploy, and clients only needed to do so much. But now we have people wanting nostr to do everything, and things aren't as simple. People are gonna say, "Well clients don't have to implement everything." That may be true on paper, but in practice, the majority effectively dictates what's required. Videos, torrents, streams, a reddit alternative, etc. don't belong on nostr in my opinion. Those should be spun off into independent projects. Things like relay-specific notes end up siloing discussion topics and ultimately make them no better than fediverse instances. I'm not a developer, nor am I a software engineer, but it looks to me that nostr has failed to be simple. But I'm just a single, imperfect, person. — This is a comment on: https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzp978pfzrv6n9xhq5tvenl9e74pklmskh4xw6vxxyp3j8qkke3cezqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxgh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqy08wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxvhxgmmjv9nxzcm5dae8jtn0wfnsz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjmcpremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9ejx7unpveskxar0wfujummjvuqq6vfhxy6nqvf3x5mrgvf5xqwa25vr 
 Offended? No. Annoyed? Meh. If a client had the ability to mute or ignore an entire Nostr address... 
 Being able to block whole nostr address domains would make search so much more useable! Would allow me to block all the bridges and actually be able to search nostr and nostr only! 
 Bots aren't my concern, as you're never going to get rid of them. What I'm after is being able to block any and all mostr bridges. I can't tell you how many times I've searched hashtag x and only get overwhelmed with results from the fediverse via the mostr bridge. I don't care what the fediverse thinks because I'm searching on nostr, and if I did want to know I'd just search Mastodon. 
 Take a look at this #coinjoin transaction and tell me what you see. #asknostr I bet most of you see privacy. But me? I see #bitcoin scaling.  How? More efficient transactions mean more transactions per block, and mean more throughput. Couple that with Bitcoiners actually having a little faith and trust in Bitcoin as a technology meaning people feel comfortable doing conformation-less transacting in the real world and Bitcoin is off to the moon.

 Most #bitcoin enthusiasts forget that any traditional transactions outside of cash are not as instant as they believe! They take hours and sometimes days to actually settle! When you write a check or use your credit card the entity you are paying isn't getting their money instantly. Why is Bitcoin treated differently? Why is it considered slow when it only takes as little as 10 minutes for payments to be settled? 
 The way I see it, a #bitcoin transaction in the mempool is good enough as payment for most goods and services. 
 Also, I think there is too much emphasis on the "number of transactions per second" #bitcoin can do. Every form of payment has a period of time in a transaction in which a party is missing funds until said transaction settles. The reason credit cards seem to be able to handle a high number of transactions per second is because a third party aka the credit card company, is the one missing funds in the transaction and not either of the transacting parties. If we are putting enough trust in other forms of payments that these vacuums of funds can exist, why can't we put that same level of trust into Bitcoin and transact without confirmation? Well, at least when it comes to transacting for goods and services. 
 Native multi-party-in and multi-party-out transactions scale #bitcoin so hard! 
 I really, really like @Gossip Client, but there are one main thing that's really stopping me from switching to it and that is the lack of a global feed. And it really isn't because I want to actually view a global feed but it's nice to be able to search that firehose and not just follows. Useful for when I want to see what nostr as a "whole" are saying about a given keyword or hashtag. Any chance you might add a global feed @npub1acg6thl5psv62405rljzkj8spesceyfz2c32udakc2ak0dmvfeyse9p35c? 
 Still testing, for better or worse. 
 still testing 
 Let's try it now 
 Let's try this again 
 Giving the #nostr relay tray by @cody a try. Hopefully this write test works. 
 For some reason, noStrudel on firefox isn't detecting nostr-relay-tray so I can't select it for the cashing relay. 
 That's exactly what it was. 
 I think what happened is I changed some settings some time ago and completely forgot I made those changes. 
 Yes, yes, and YES! "Nostr bros" want nostr to be the end-all, be-all of everything ever. And because of that the scope bloat is unreal. 
 How bad is it that nostr has no deniability? What would nostr with deniability look like? 
 I have no clue, I have no other example of what I'm assuming is identity deniability to use as a frame of reference. 
 nostr:npub18kzz4lkdtc5n729kvfunxuz287uvu9f64ywhjz43ra482t2y5sks0mx5sz How does this Reportinator ... 
 Any requirement for relays and/or clients to moderate posts and content beyond the minimum of what is required by their local jurisdiction means nostr as a whole has failed. 
 It's a damn shame too. 
 I am going to make a very bold prediction. #bitcoin will be abandoned and forgotten long before the final coin is mined.  
 https://image.nostr.build/d4479b36607895317fd2a96a84208ede84bb34b349c2729403ccc827658411ae.jpg So I came across this little beauty! No clue it even existed. #freedom #freespeech 
 I saw @hodlbod post about an SSB dev leaving and I ended up going down a rabbit hole I wasn't expecting to go down. First, I remembered SSB exists and that I have a presence there, albeit a dormant one. After scrolling down my short timeline someone I apparently follow had posted about how they came across and really liked the Gemini protocol. I vaguely remember looking into the protocol years ago, but decided to give it another brief look. I can understand why people might like it, and I can see why it won't be widely adopted. Watching a video about Gemini from "May Contain Hackers 2022", the presenter mentioned something called the tildeverse. From what I can gather the tildeverse is based on tildes which are small social communities that gather around public access *nix servers. Something I don't think I would get into, but something that exists. And It made me realize that people are building social communities around social tech that you nor I have ever heard of and may never hear of. 
 And no one paid that lightning invoice. I am not surprised in the slightest. 
 Let's see if anyone is willing to pay this random #lightning invoice.

 Hang on! @hzrd149 does nostrudel use ipfs at all? Just installed the ipfs desktop node and the firefox extension, and when I reloaded nostrudel it was coming through my local gateway. 
 Ok, thanks for the answer. 
 I love that feeling when I can only remember a 2 or 3 second clip of a #song and am still able to find it with very little searching! #music 
 Looking at some of the new noStrudel features and I gotta say, associating a color to an identity based on npub is something I would have never thought of. Also like the way it now shows zaps, likes, reposts, etc. I like what I see @hzrd149  
 These fees are wild. 
 You should have seen some of the fees people were willing to pay to be in the halving block. Someone literally paid a 99,000,000 sat fee for a transaction that totaled less than 100,000 sats. 
 And the transaction in question if you want to verify yourself. 7923e59abd8f8ab40dcc7915ae864d8b7ad6776811ba4d478f42248a7827a7f3 
 Interesting, according to mempool.space the fee for the halving block was roughly 200 sats/vbyte whereas the previous halving was only roughly 90 sats/vbyte. Goes to show how much #bitcoin has exploded in the last 4 years. 
 So a #bitcoin halving is apparently happening soon. Neat. 
 Had a random realization. It's actually kind of nice not having a lot of #followers on any platform. Because sometimes you want to say some crazy shit out in the open and not have anyone notice. 
 Wtf is this censored nonsense‽ I'm just asking for a simple translation! If #nostr is meant to be unstoppable, then simple #translations like this can not be censored. PERIOD!

 How do you Nostr? What clients or apps do you use on a weekly basis? 
 I only use noStrudel. It does the one thing I want to get out of nostr and that is a Twitter alternative. 
 It's not so much that is "the best", it's just what I've used the longest and I'm too lazy to switch. 
 Fun fact: I own no on-chain #bitcoin and only have 3,433 sats in #lightning 
 Well, it's not the end of the world for me. At least not yet. 
 Sadly I am broke and have more important things I need money for. 
 I'm not sure I should write down these thoughts right now while I'm not sure about them, but if y... 
 I'm not overly technically minded but from the way you put point one, it sounds like nostr has a really nasty drug addiction, metaphorically speaking. 

And point two is something I've been banging my drum hard about for so long. It's refreshing to hear a bigger name finally saying what many refuse to believe. When there are so many features married to Bitcoin and, as you correctly put it, most people are anti-bitcoin, you drive those people away—closing nearly all avenues of growth. And when that happens and nostr becomes nothing just another failed social network experiment, it won't be around when the world actually needs/wants it.

And for all the "Bitcoin/Nostr is inevitable" people in the comments: The arrogance of inevitability forgets the only inevitable thing in life is death. 
 I've heard that too. Though from my understanding part of that is thanks to geo-locked relays. 
 Can you recommend a good non-Bitcoin podcast? 
 I would highly recommend World's Greatest Con by Brian Brushwood. Season one covers Operation Mincemeat, Season two covers 60's gameshow cheating scandals, Season three covers Project Alpha, and a mini-season that covers how Disney's Reedy Creek Development Area came to be. 
 So it seems you can't have an empty NIP-05 field after having an entry... That seems like an oversight. #nostr 
 Never mind! Figured it out! 
 And the github repo that I was using has now been deleted. 
 Starting to wonder if I should remove the NIP-05 address I use as it is not a domain I directly control, thus have no proper way of verifying who I am the way the NIP is actually supposed to. #nostr 
 Here's a #controversial opinion: #nostr is not the be-all, end-all when it comes to big tech replacements, nor should it be! When I first joined the nostr ecosystem, it was just a simple well-thought-out Twitter replacement. But developers seem so obsessed with creating "The next big thing! ™" that in the eight months that I've been here I've seen a Reddit clone get tacked on, a Wikipedia clone get tacked on, a Youtube replacement get tacked on, an Instagram replacement get tacked on, a Twitch replacement tacked on, a few attempts to tack on a Patreon-like replacement, a few more things being tacked on that I can't remember off the top of my head, and now I'm seeing people calling for WebMD-like thing to be tacked on. Not to mention all the NIP bloat needed to support this nonsense.

I look at my password manager and see roughly 30-35 accounts that I have used regularly in the last 6 months. Could all those be condensed into a single public key if everything was built on nostr? Absolutely! Do I want that? Abso-fucking-lutely not! That is 30-35 identities that are compartmentalized and segregated from each other. One does not consciously know about the other, so to speak. This is one thing ActivityPub services get right! While yes, a user is siloed into a single instance of a given service, different services are effectively segregated from each other by means of average user ability. The average Mastodon user isn't going to know that they can follow a Lemmy post or a PeerTube channel from Mastodon, let alone even know how to do that.

So I implore devs to take a step back, and instead of needlessly reinventing the wheel here on nostr, find an open-source project that already exists and does what you want and help improve it. 
 Yep! This is one of the first things I thought when I saw it. The idea of this proposed NIP comes across as wanting to silo content, of any kind. Thus it has the same fundamental issue people have with ActivityPub. Granted it doesn't silo a person's identity and their existence in the nostr ecosystem, but it does silo what they post. 
 Two-factor all the things!!! 
 This is the first time I've ever seen a canary get removed. This is wild! 
 After posting, I only discovered that noStrudel shows you proof of work being done if you have that enabled! While one could argue that it doesn't need to be shown to the user if other clients show that proof of work was done, it's still a nice bit of transparency. 
 Didn't realize you could add relays to NIP-05! Very handy! Also while writing this note that noStrudel detects and auto links NIPs. That is actually quite handy! #nostr 
 i'm willing to put a bounty up to improve the gossip model in NDK and get all the major clients t... 
 The idea as I understand it is one part decentralization/censorship resistance so if one relay takes action against you don't disappear, and one part failover so if one relay goes down you can still post to the other relays you are connected to. 
 There's some concern that people are only using either a client default relays or just 2 or 3 of the most popular relays. I could be way off on this though. 
 This is the entertainment-centric mentality I want to move nostr (or, at least Coracle) away from... 
 Agreed. The idea of curation goes out the window when you start following that many people. Do you want people to follow? Wade into global and narrow down what you see by keyword or hashtag searches. Does it feel like you're following too many people? Go through your follow list and start pruning. How do you choose who you prune? That is ultimately up to the end user but the criteria I might use is: "Are they posting frequently enough for your liking?" "Has their content shifted too far away from what you were following them for?" "Have they recently posted something that gravely violates your ethics and morals?" things like that. 
 what does a "broadcast" do? 
 The basic idea is to put a copy of a note, either yours or someone else's, onto relays that they aren't on. 
 Seeing everything built on nostr is bittersweet: social, communities, survey forms, wikis, journa... 
 I wholeheartedly agree with everything here. Another issue I foresee with topic-specific relays is one of the problems Mastodon has, confusion about what to do and where to go. Not to mention, given how nostr works, there would be a LOT of unintentional cross-topic-relay posting that theoretically would result in bans and a bad experience for the end user.  Moderators should only step in when there is something that violates the law in the jurisdiction where the relay is based.

Big relays are only a problem insofar as big relays get all the new users, and as smaller relays die off it centralizes power and authority, which runs counter to what nostr stands for. Even if it's unintended.

Paid relays on the other hand? No clue. Never subscribed to one, nor have I seen people say if they provide better content or not. 
Event not found
 Interesting concept for a nostr client that's for sure.