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 one of the main reasons I DM is to give me an excuse to draw my players' characters

 you want to experience Twilight Struggle without reading rules for an entire hour? there's a game for that, it's called Watergate

 one of my most actually unpopular opinions is that I think Twilight Struggle, Board Game Geek's #1 game for like 10 years in a row, is not fun

 patreon's four kinds of creator: k-pop star, forest pervert, black barbie, and idiot

 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph me: this service sounds rea... 
 @bce96d5a in THIS economy? 
 one fun side-effect of being involved in cloud spend for years and years is that I'll approve literally any developer expense basically immediately, but I'll very closely scrutinize new additions to our stack: you want six new keyboards, 100 CI hours, a subscription to JetBrains, and a massage? sure - you want _telemetry_? OKAY NOW WE NEED TO TALK 
 anything that's user-facing has a price that's gonna scale linearly, so adding some operational nice-to-haves costs tens of thousands of dollars a month

on that scale, a $10/mo subscription to Docker Hub for 20 people is essentially a rounding error 
"have you tried skipping vacations or not renovating your house" proposes man who's entire head has not seen the light of day in years 
 "why do you love computer-headed avatars so much?"

well, one of them taught me how to program

 just now realizing that this has made the tavern's operating costs 60gp/day rather than 60gp/week, which is much higher: I can fuss around with that to make it more dramatic... 
 here, a swingy but ultimately profitable daily tavern roll with an operating cost of 6gp/day

start the players off with a +10 thanks to "opening week" and hope for the best...

 keep in mind if we assume that our players long rest about every 2 hours, we play about 4 hours a month, that means that the tavern is profitable in about 4 real life human months 
 just now realizing that this has made the tavern's operating costs 60gp/day rather than 60gp/week, which is much higher: I can fuss around with that to make it more dramatic... 
 we can also make this much faster by rolling on the table Every Day rather than Every Week. More fun: a roll on every long rest. This lowers the expected value of the roll to 31gp a day (the bonus of the roll is determined by how many days between rolls), but it just means they've gotta hustle on those +10 bonuses more.

if they're doing about three heroic or tavern-friendly things per long rest, that has the place paid off in 8-9 long rests, which is much closer to where I'd want it to be. 
 keep in mind if we assume that our players long rest about every 2 hours, we play about 4 hours a month, that means that the tavern is profitable in about 4 real life human months 
 that still might be too slow, though, a "week" in the game is 10 days, that's 10 full long rests, if you think of a session as maybe containing one, maybe two long rests, it could take a whiiiiile 
 we can also make this much faster by rolling on the table Every Day rather than Every Week. More fun: a roll on every long rest. This lowers the expected value of the roll to 31gp a day (the bonus of the roll is determined by how many days between rolls), but it just means they've gotta hustle on those +10 bonuses more.

if they're doing about three heroic or tavern-friendly things per long rest, that has the place paid off in 8-9 long rests, which is much closer to where I'd want it to be. 
 "What if my players get so obsessed with optimizing their tavern operations that they don't spend any time adventuring" well I guess we're playing co-op SimTavern now, so long as they're having fun it's cool by me 
 that still might be too slow, though, a "week" in the game is 10 days, that's 10 full long rests, if you think of a session as maybe containing one, maybe two long rests, it could take a whiiiiile 
 If they're regularly, actively adding a bunch of +10s to their Tav rolls under this system through Gameplay, they could have the place paid off in ~4 in-game weeks 
 "What if my players get so obsessed with optimizing their tavern operations that they don't spend any time adventuring" well I guess we're playing co-op SimTavern now, so long as they're having fun it's cool by me 
 Anything that gives the players a +10 bonus on the Tavern Roll is worth ~35gp, which you can do a bunch of times, like, 7 or 8 times and have it still pay off for the players. If they do something heroic enough that people want to talk about it or think of a clever way to improve business to the tavern? A temporary +10 to the Tavern roll, sure. 
 If they're regularly, actively adding a bunch of +10s to their Tav rolls under this system through Gameplay, they could have the place paid off in ~4 in-game weeks 
 If you quadruple the output of successful rolls, the place pays itself off on only 17 weeks, which is within the realm of possibility for the game, and it also makes the rolls feel much weightier: on a critical tavern success you can make hundreds of gp in a week

 Anything that gives the players a +10 bonus on the Tavern Roll is worth ~35gp, which you can do a bunch of times, like, 7 or 8 times and have it still pay off for the players. If they do something heroic enough that people want to talk about it or think of a clever way to improve business to the tavern? A temporary +10 to the Tavern roll, sure. 
 on average you're gonna pull in about 15gp a week and it takes 1250gp to get the place up and running, so I feel like there may be some justification to house rule it so that fixing up the tavern is _beneficial at all_ 
 If you quadruple the output of successful rolls, the place pays itself off on only 17 weeks, which is within the realm of possibility for the game, and it also makes the rolls feel much weightier: on a critical tavern success you can make hundreds of gp in a week

 based on some back of the envelope math, fixing up the tavern in Trollskull alley in Waterdeep would take about 2.3 in-game years to justify the expense involved in renovating and licensing it 
 on average you're gonna pull in about 15gp a week and it takes 1250gp to get the place up and running, so I feel like there may be some justification to house rule it so that fixing up the tavern is _beneficial at all_ 
 When I'm building D&D campaigns for my friends, I'm perfectly happy to steal art from Google Images, which is filling up with last-year's-AI prompt-generated art, 

anyway, behold the last-ever picture of Sven Borlund, awkward-handed adventurer, before he falls to his death

 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph is that really true? I thou... 
 @dd62f32f no, this is a joke, "identification dentification" isn't real and it can't hurt you 
 ID should always be fully capitalized, because it's an acronym

it's "I.D.", which stands for "Identification Dentification" 
 so named because your teeth are so frequently used for ID-ing your corpse (note my correct use of the full capitals, there) 
 "what if we put medical records on the blockchain" utter privacy nightmare, wildly inefficient, and hell, it would be amazing if we could get the medical industry to use Postgres 
 "what if Alexa wasn't dogshit" okay, now I'm listening 
 like, I was never bullish on blockchain tech because, despite admitting it was kind of neat as a technology, no matter how hard I thought about it I couldn't imagine a use case for it that wasn't pants-on-head insane, but if you can't think of 10 useful things you can do with a simple conversational AI at the level of ChatGPT, you are not trying hard enough 
 "what if we put medical records on the blockchain" utter privacy nightmare, wildly inefficient, and hell, it would be amazing if we could get the medical industry to use Postgres 
 there are a bunch of people who are treating LLMs like life-changing god tech that will replace all human labor, for the better, which it's not, and then a bunch of people who try to pretend that the leaps-and-bounds improvements in technological capabilities we've seen over the past few years are nothing more than stupid meaningless cut-and-paste-from-human-work line noise, which is also pretty dumb 
 like, I was never bullish on blockchain tech because, despite admitting it was kind of neat as a technology, no matter how hard I thought about it I couldn't imagine a use case for it that wasn't pants-on-head insane, but if you can't think of 10 useful things you can do with a simple conversational AI at the level of ChatGPT, you are not trying hard enough 
 It’s bullshit that if you have plums that you want to turn into a liquid, that Liquid Plumr would work but it would also render the plums unsafe to actually eat, why would they even make a product like this 
 I can think of few things that have brought me as much raw happiness and frustration than making friends with a little leopard cat 
 one of the features I love about Baldur's Gate 3 is that you can give any character an instrument, no matter how poorly equipped they are to play it, and the animations and sound of badly playing the instruments is hilarious

 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph the problem with playing ro... 
 @a04b7634 the problem with playing Root is I could be having fun playing Concordia in 10 minutes 
 after 25 minutes of having the rules of Root explained to me, I might need to not play Root 
 my read on the Order of the Gauntlet in Waterdeep is that they are complete and utter idiots

this is also supported by their logo, in which they are holding a sword wrong

 A toddler came by, he smelled another cat, it’s been a hard day for Zapp

 It's not so much that I'm saving all of the potions and scrolls for a more opportune time, it's more that I forget that I have them 
 Of course now you know me as Morning Noonan, Squire, but someday, gods be praised, you will know me as Morning Noonan, Knight 
Ok but do you make your own... 
 @dcf70cb1 of course, but I found Marcella Hazan’s marinara recipe was way better than my tiny mother’s 
 #Webhost in #Canada, #shell access, #WordPress, #DomainHosting, #MAIL ... go!

Hobby things, not ... 

Most Canadian options are these piddly little mom-and-pop shops that charge 10x what you'd pay anywhere else for two-decade-old technologies like Drupal and CPanel.

OVH is the best data center that's _actually in #Canada_ but it's twice as expensive as Hetzner so you really have to be feeling extra-patriotic to put up with them 
 my god, people, it's 'psyche!' not 'sike!' and 'twonie', not 'toonie'. i know english is a messy ... 
the accepted common spelling of zhuzh has shifted twice in my lifetime 


which is to say maybe these rules are just made up 
 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph I can’t handle that. Hard... 
 @17e05a4b also then when you say "I need this, on the double" you can then provide exactly which double you meant! 
 YYYY-MM-DD-MM-YYYY is the superior date format, I will not be taking notes 
Make a christmas pie, and t... 
 @dcf70cb1 reported, nsfw

 how you imagine a CSA membership will go: "oh, so much fresh local produce, I'm so healthy"

how it actually goes: "fuck, more plums, what am I going to do with THESE" 
 I've made crumble, I've made jam, still... still plums. Always plums. Forever plums. 
 In #DungeonsAndDragons "Dragon Heist: Waterdeep", as written, there is a way that you can accidentally force the DM to read out the entire contents of a 25-page chapter.

 depending on how you parse and prepare this, Volo's tour could occupy the better part of an extremely boring session, it could result in you just... showing players Chapter 9 and going "uh, have fun I guess?" or any number of things in between 
 Remember when Microsoft got a stern talking to from the government for having the audacity to include their applications bundled in their OS, and then anti-trust law got its anus torn clear out and Apple just made an OS that you're not allowed to program for at all unless you run it by them first 
 People who bemoan their social ineptitude just have an external locus of control 
 @34159fa5 how do you feel about people who spend hours of their day bristling about the existence of socially inept people? 
 There is a place at the mall called "Solar Orthodontics" and I can't help but think that those solar panels would be too small to be practical 
 Hello I am going to stressplode 
 @63980fa5 not on the carpet you aren't 

- if the man doesn't laugh at your jokes
- and makes even bigger joke of you in response... 


- if the man has an awesome, sculpted bod
- but he's eternally pushing a large stone up a hill

He's SISYPHUS, watch out! 
 "glad you told us, I guess" 
 "maybe don't?" 
 i'm just trying to live my life and my wife talks at me for 25 solid minutes about her opinions on specifically the relationship between Grimes and Elon Musk and while I'm usually pretty willing to play ball with HUMAN CONVERSATION WITH THIS PERSON WHO I LOVE, I cannot muster even the most basic ability to give a shit 
 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph what about lemmy? 
 @feebdd59 i tried to join a subreddit on Lemmy once, if they ever get around to letting me in I’ll give it a shot 🙄 
 nostr:npub1dvdcupztwzszz8u0ld9ptuf78jaqd43mhsfwf2d8ezwhz6tz2z0shxh0ph Ok that makes /way/ more se... 
 @e418e2c7 Also Discourse supports real-time-chat and events and calendars and a bunch of other standard forum features either out of the box or with FOSS first-party plugins 
Event not found
Tiff got it! 
Event not found
 look, my pizza is _fine_, like, I make my own dough, I always make it on a thick cast iron pan with a generous glug of olive oil so it crisps up nice on the bottom and slides out easy, but it's "we have pizza at home" pizza, not like, _PIZZA_ pizza, y'know 
Event not found
 "glad you told us, I guess" 
Event not found
 @92347756 go around to your neighbors and ask them if they're interested in a $20 subscription to More Plums Than You Know What To Do With, might get some bites