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Notes by EchDel | export

 I discovered them through Stubz the Zombie. 
 I asked my wife to describe me in one word and she said “intense”. 

I told her I don’t fee... 
 My wife says the same about me. Especially when I get into meaningfull discussion.  I don't have coversation if I don't think there is a point being made.  No small talk. No chit chat.  Only platitudes and terms of endearment.  They say what you mean.  High signal and maximum efficiency. 

I used to enjoy telling jokes when I was younger.  Not anymore.

The wife and kids still love and adore me so it can't be too bad. 
 Okay this gets interesting.  

Wife, mother, sister, grandmother.
Passionate, intense, annoying, tireing.

Dad, brothers, friend peer, friend senior.
Normal, chill, chill, interesting, inspiring.

My Kids.
Incredible, reasonable, lovely, I don't know? Gurgle. 
 Nostr is an experiment in a decentralized community. You'll know we've really made it when there ... 
 When you grandma is using nostr.  We made it. 
 Merchants must save in Bitcoin.  Many people will grow their own food in their back yards before they spend the hardest money they have.  The adoption curve has to complete before spending bitcoin becomes a desirable outcome.  I have given people bitcoin with the hope that it motivates them to study it.  If they just sell it for fiat currency after I spent months trying to explain it's value to them it feels like a slap in the face.

Merchants are even scarier because you don't know if they just sell it for cash immediatly/automatically.  Then the recipient of your spend is unknown to you.  It might be coinbase getting your bitcoin on some back end api.

There are good ways people manage to spend and earn in feasable circular ways, it's just not going to be the next big thing for another cycle or two.

More hodlers would have to survive a cycle or two for spending to increase.

Think of each cycle as generations reproducing.
The first meaningful cycle of adoption (population boom) was the 2016 cycle.  We need more cycles to have more bitcoiners who did not fall in the bear market battle.

We are already in a much better place than we were two years ago with regards to merchant adoption,  I'm just stingy, would rather give bitcoin away to teach an individual before I spend it.

If merchants can mine fiat, they can save in bitcoin.

It's the Saylor way.  And he's smiling.
 Need some networking help here. Tag anyone that might be able to help! 

My laptop suddenly start... 
 Ip conflict is a common issue. 
 The base of the statue does not count.
And the statue is even shorter since UNATCO bombed the statue as a false flag and blamed the French terrorist group Silhouette who had previously lamented that the US did not deserve such a noble symbol of Liberté. 

This morning I am just reflecting on how profound the internet is.

Much of my of my life an... 
 You make me cry. 
 First thing that popped into my head.

He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Probably nothing. 
 The scale. 
 “Are you that easy to impress.” He quipped with a playful sneer. “If you needed him to expose the identity of his employer I could have easily just pulled the shareholders and executives records, cross referencing them to...” Emilien shussed her. “Just decrypt the dial command tones and place eavesdropper malware on the keypair. I will broadcast it to the network directly from the gate. If we capture every conversation he has I might be able to prove a hunch.” “What are you assuming?” “That they are running out of inbound liquidity and that the shareholders are hesitant to rebalance.” He looked directly up at her. “I think they are going bankrupt.”


#scifi #fiction #writing #novel #bookstr #literature #reading 
 Fiat money forces you to worship it if you hope to keep any of it.

Our struggle for sound money ... 
 #bitcoin is not a good conducter of electricity. Electricity on the other hand is a very good conducter of bitcoin.

 Web 2
Visa disrupted cash.
Social media disrupted news media.
E-mail disrupted the post office.
Amazon disrupted Faber & Faber
Youtube disrupted video broadcasting.
Spotify disrupted radio broadcasting.

Web 3
#nostr disrupts email monopolies.
#nostr disrupts social media monopolies.
#nostr disrupts payment monopolies.
#nostr disrupts publishing monopolies.
#nostr disrupts video streaming. 
#nostr disrupts pocasting.

What else is disrupted here?  Am I missing something?

 I need moar! 
 Very interesting comparison and a good read , thanks 
 Please share if you feel inclined. 
 people get excited about the Bitcoin exchange traded funds but it is nothing compared to the value proposition when gold pundits, large investment funds, governments and reserve banks finally realise that gold is worthless as money in this new dispensation.

To illustrate the point more vividly.

Ezekiel 7:19

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

That will be the biggest rug pull the world has ever seen. In this future metals will exclusively be used for industrial use cases after being stripped of their monetary premium.
#biblestr #jesus #prophecy #scripture

 You are the product 

 This is so painful to see.  I had to look away. 
 When you die, your content might be preserved on nostr.  In the value for value economy your content might generate income even after you die.  

Imagine passing your nsec down to your grandson as an inheritance and a legacy.  And his story continues where yours ended...

That's profound. 
 The burning of the great library at Alexandria.

 "Speculating on Satoshi’s identity isn’t just unnecessary; it’s irresponsible and dangerous... 
 There is a difference between trying to unmask satoshi and claiming to be Satoshi.

He who tries to expose Satoshi should be scorned.

He who pretends to be Satoshi should be ridiculed.

There is only one Satoshi - All of us. 
 Have you seen Seven brides for seven brothers?

In the end all the girls claim to be a single babies mother.

So that their fathers don't string up the men who kidnapped them because they have fallen in love with them since.  Also in Solomons judgement the one woman abdicates on her claim to be a babies parent to protect the child.
Convincing Solomon that she indeed is the mother.  

Lying about identity or relation occured by Abraham lying about being married.  Jacob pretending to be Esau. King David faking his sanity etcetera...

We are all Satoshi means something along those lines to me personally.

It makes the person of Satoshi ambiguous so as to protect from claims and accusations.

One of us.  (I Robot) https://image.nostr.build/9a3d2b4c2eab05e0742792dbb39f27e6bf9b6193206a46651f23910f5dd724b7.jpg 
 #FollowFriday: interesting Nostr users that are NOT posting about Nostr and Bitcoin. :)
 The fearful stay well within the Overton window.
The rebellious play at the edges.
The courageous... 
 Waaaayyyyyy outside. 
 I went to titcoin.org 
Now I have to clear by browser history.

Thanks man. 
 The only guy I know who knows he is in the matrix and retains his optimism.

Becoming one with the glitch. 
 npub.pro is having a hard time updating anything on my website.  I am stuck with an empty page.  Is all of nostr under some type of DDOS attack? 
 Hi. No, I am trying to setup for long form posts.
I am looking to use Abla or Highlighter.

I could not change the link settings it would just stay in update limbo.  Thankfully I managed to make the changes last night without a problem. 
 Underrated content producer.

 Had to scroll through a long list of Adam's to find your handle.

I would recommend adding your npub in your youtube video descriptions.

It was the first place I looked nostr:nprofile1qqst0dgucffpd4xpp0y94cns2hy6j307wl90633u7gajpyt7888xs9spz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7jkg7ja 
 He is an individual who holds the keys to the gates of town square.  

He also holds a monopoly on soapbox leases.

If #Bitcoin is be your own bank...

#nostr is Build your own soapbox.

 Hilarious thing I just read.

There was a position during the Tudor Period called the "grooms of ... 
 That is a fiat job on a golden standard. 
 What the most crazy about this to me, is I am sure I’ll point this stuff out to NPCs and they... 
 Those who wear tinfoil hats live longer. 
 TLDR - They are not allowed to dump it in the rivers so they make us pay to drink it.

Chemical Byproducts have to be disposed of safely.  So you must ingest it.

Ask ai.

Fluoride in Aluminum Production
Based on the search results, fluoride is indeed a byproduct of aluminum production. Here’s a summary:

The Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) acquired a plant that produced sodium fluoride, which was later sold (last sale in 1952). This indicates that fluoride was a byproduct of their aluminum smelting process.
The electrolytic reduction of aluminum oxide (alumina) in cryolite produces a molten fluoride material, which is used to dissolve the alumina. This process involves fluoride as a participating chemical.
Phosphate rock processing for fertilizer production also generates fluoride as a byproduct, which is then used to fortify water supplies.
Industrial processes such as aluminum smelting, fertilizer production, and iron ore manufacturing can all produce fluoride as an unwanted byproduct.
In summary, fluoride is a byproduct of:

Aluminum smelting, particularly in the electrolytic reduction process.
Phosphate rock processing for fertilizer production.
Iron ore manufacturing.
These byproducts are often sold or utilized in other industries, such as water fluoridation, rather than being considered waste.

 Because they can monetise waste which would be expensive to get rid of otherwise.  Bill Gates is spraying the stuff all over the atmosphere in the name of saving the planet.  Dispersing it in the atmosphere exposes everyone more equally than just dumping it in one location.

Fiat type large scale mining and industrial production and consumerism drives this beast

Thankfully, Bitcoin Fixes this too.

Malachi 2:4

But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and leap like calves from the stall.

I see a bright orange future. 
 This happens every time I try to zap.
Very annoying and frustrating. https://image.nostr.build/4fea7226a68742f1feca4e2923feb0be99ff8e7643fdcf0342e98e02be42ca57.jpg 
 This is probably your best episodes.
I have never liked or subscribed because I don't have a google account.

 Would be nice if we could have a nostr based program where you could allocate a certain amount of space on your ssd to store a amount of archive.  We could decentralize it beyond censorship.  I would sacrifice 5 gigabyte's for a start. 
 Yellow got me again.

Good trolling.

 Your sarcasm and condescending tone is...

 Set up my own relay yesterday. 
This morning is a good one. 

GM nostr fam.
#nostr #selfsufficient 

 Running #nostr 
 Good reminder that bitcoin was designed to help ppl you don't like, do things you don't like with... 
 Ironic that it's probably fiat's fault that you hate them in the first place.  Bitcoin fixes this. https://image.nostr.build/f77d0769727b1589ac1d6f5ec9972dc6a998e9a24c576a85795c6be70f5ef6d1.jpg 
 I love the song Where is my mind.  There is this old piano where I live and I decided to learn to play the Maxence Cyrine version of the Pixies song.  I found the piano was horribly out of tune and I got annoyed trying to playing anything.  

Ordered a piano tuning kit online.  Found the tuning data on wikipedia.  Used an android app (Pano tuner) on my phone to measure the hertz as I was damping and tuning strings.

Now two months later I can play the song I love.  

I can do something as esoteric as piano tuning because there are no barriers, trade secrets and pay walls between me and my desires. 

Small example of how the price of tomorrow is getting cheaper by the year.  Imagine the value of sound money in this deflationary world.

 Taking this into account.  Where is the best place to publish such a blog?  I am looking at Ghost.org

I want to publish a chapter of science fiction and then place a sat target as a fundraiser on nostr.  If the target gets hit I place the next chapter. I have only written four chapters and if I get recurring sponsors it will motivate me to continue and finish the tale in an epic.  If the story is shit no one will pay.  If it retains reader interest maybe they even want to participate in the creative process.  Like an interactive story development.

I am still not certain if I want to use Ghost.org though. 
 Babies are too smart.  They are  interested in fidgeting with objects their parents and siblings use daily.  This board might amuse them temporarily, then it's on to the toilet, the beer cans, stove, mic stand, laptop, trash can, dog ears.  The world is their oyster and fidget board is just false signal because daddy always touches his mobile device, dangerous tools and beer cans.

Cool thing is that whatever you do for them, is worth it. 
 Me and my wife hodling while the world is ending.

 Your government hates you. You are kept cattle being milked for tax dollars and profits. You're n... 
 I'm experimenting with Gossip a nostr desktop client.  
Testing 123 
 What is your favourite client so far. 
 Hi.  Just watched this.  I am a christian but I haven't really prayed in earnest since 2010.  In 2010 I went through a period of intense prayer because I was going through a lot of pain and turmoil.  All my prayers were answered and since then I have only ever been thankful and content.  But now (thanks to this video) I realise that I have yet to teach my children how neccesary prayer is when you are in need or conflicted.  That will be our discussion this morning. 
 if bitcoin was a scent to you, what scent would you imagine?

if nostr was a scent to you, what s... 
 Burnt gunpowder,  Sulpher,  Ash and dust. Concrete and blood.

Basically this.

The smell might change after a couple of years.

 You know that JC Denton and Paul are clones and artificially engineered bio humans.  Even their mother and father were Truman show like operatives.  Pretend parents. 
Event not found
 Dear reader,  this story is an interactive development.  If you want to help with world building and give creative input it would be appreciated.

This document will be edited and adapted as the story develops. 
 Dear reader,  this story is an interactive development.  If you want to help with world building and give creative input it would be appreciated.

This document will be edited and adapted as the story develops. 
 Dear reader,  this story is an interactive development.  If you want to help with world building and give creative input it would be appreciated.

This document will be edited and adapted as the story develops. 
 Dear reader,  this story is an interactive development.  If you want to help with world building and give creative input it would be appreciated.

This document will be edited and adapted as the story develops. 
 Dear reader,  this story is an interactive development.  If you want to help with world building and give creative input it would be appreciated.

This document will be edited and adapted as the story develops.