Really beginning to understand the concept of the "sunk cost" fallacy. And unfortunately, I see a lot of it from posers in the Bitcoin space. I'm not talking negatively about Bitcoin, before someone gets offended. Just saying, I see a lot of group think with zero proper logic involved. If you can't FULLY explain why you're here, you need to do more research into #facts.
Unpopular opinion, but the NGU crowd have completely missed the point. Yes, that's part if it, but if at least part, if not the majority, of your focus isn't on privacy and freedom, then GFY. You don't get it and probably never will. No matter how much you keep telling yourself that you do.
Instead of complaining about everything that went wrong today that kept me from enjoying my day, I'm choosing to reflect on everything I learned and know now I need to cut a lot of things and/or people out of my daily routine. Would certainly make things simpler.
Today is the Highest of ALL Holidays for me. 44 trips around the sun. I still feel like I'm in my 20's. And thanks to practicing Tangsoodo for years, I can still kick above my own head level. Not too shabby.
So happy and proud to have given my son the Xmas he wanted. A few months ago, I told him, “make a Xmas list and write down anything you want. Even if I’ve told you before you were too young to have something.” Knowing he would write down one specific thing for sure, that I in fact, have told him he was too young for at the time of asking. Anyway, happiest kid in the world I think. And that’s all the matters.
As a member of the Church of Satan, allow me to correct some misconceptions. First, We are atheists. We do not believe in deities. Whether that be an imaginary sky daddy or otherwise. Second, we do not recruit or proselytize. Meaning we do not go out with the intent of “converting” anyone. Satanists are born, not made. We would never have any “after school” groups or whatnot. You’re thinking of the political stunt group that call themselves Satanists but are hired, sometimes paid, actors who completely misrepresent Satanism. Doing what you would propose would not make Christian’s back down. They would double down and be worse than they already are. To be clear, I do not speak for the Church of Satan. I’m only stating facts which can be found on the Church of Satan website in the FAQ section.
Notes by Zach Cain | export