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 Odin is many things. I think his list of names are longer than any other. The jewish lawyer idea of Satan is a modern idea stolen from Goethe's Faust. It is Aryan, and a veiled Reincarnitive Ancestral interaction. Demon = Daemon = Ancestral Spirit. For Faust bargains for knowledge and all knowledge is imparted through Ancestral Resurrection. This is the true meaning and origin of the crossroads bargain. It is not an abrahamic fantasy of taking souls. A soul cannot be taken (jewish bullshit). The Soul refers to the Eternal Waters from which we are birthed from and return to. Nara. This is also the origin of the nymph, or the Germanic Nix water spirit. Soul = Sea. It is an Ancestral Resurrection. The abrahamist wishes its mythology could strike such bargains. The Trickster is not what the jew is. the jew is beneath any such ability. This is christkike fantasy. For a trickster be definition needs to impart a moral fable invoking Aesop. The jew is incapable of this. they know nothing of invoking Aesop nor imparting a moral. the jew just has no conscience and no inner monologue. they are simply sociopaths ruined by the abrahamic mindvirus, the ultimate goal of all abrahamists.
Satan was a slander applied to all Pagan Gods. But it is true. The Racial Aryan Gods are the True adversary of the jew. The Seat of Satan is the Pergamon Altar and High Uppsala and many Pagan places of the Ancient World which far outclasses the recent world religion of abrahamism. Of course the kike and his philosemites will call what they can never be or achieve, evil. Its like a jealous nigger calling what they can never reach evil. 





