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Notes by Vector5 | export

 If you say the World Controllers use the dollar for control, you're a Bitcoiner.

If you say the World Controllers want to infiltrate Bitcoin and use it for control, you're a Conspiracy Theorist.

That is a successful infiltration. There are many, which most are not aware of.

They can't stop Bitcoin so they are taking it hostage, without us even knowing.

If we don't stay aware of our Selves and the forces against us, we'll never be free. 
 By age 35, most of our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions are programmed. 

Changing these require... 
 nostr:note1w7t6dsvu7w8043quln6rns49fqhu5q923435v2sd3m8mhwp9me7qrej8f4 The deep unconscious survival patterns form by age 10.

Self-acceptance and Self-love solve this. 
 Does anyone know the physical location of the hardware that mined the Bitcoin Genesis Block?  Any educated guesses?  Is it possible to narrow down?  Thanks. 
 Genuine Love - allowing, supportive, expansive, based in self-esteem.

Ego Love - controlling, manipulative, suppressive, based in fear, which is lack of self-esteem.

Love your Self first. Then love others. 
 High fees at this stage are GOOD for bitcoin.

Ordinals are fee payers (or maybe better stated as... 
 I refuse to believe that Satoshi's plan bypassed the control of worldwide governments, yet failed to consider too many people wanting to post pictures.
 A priceless perspective... TY Lyn!
 Bitcoin and Human fundamentals...all according to plan.
 "We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all." 

~ Amit Ray 
 Truth beyond the illusion...
 The point is to distort, confuse and hypnotize the weak minded masses with morphing bright flashing colors.

The eye and mind don't know what to focus on, creating a thoughtless staring trance.

 Like the bright colored 'toys' used to distract an infant to stop crying.

This is everywhere. Don't fall for it. 
 We all get less than a century here and the world changes completely in a century. It’s literal... 
 Become an expert at change. 
 Good morning. At what point do the ancestors of those who threw off the suppression of a superior... 
 We're doing it every day. 
 The point is to distort, confuse and hypnotize the weak minded masses with morphing bright flashing colors.

The eye and mind don't know what to focus on, creating a thoughtless staring trance.

 Like the bright colored 'toys' used to distract an infant to stop crying.

This is everywhere. Don't fall for it. 
 The results of your effort in the physical world do not matter.

All that matters is the type of energy you put into your efforts.

People building and participating in Systems of Sovereignty, Love what they are doing.

Those who seek to control and be controlled, do so out of fear.

Fear is powerless against Love.

Humanity is destined to become Sovereign.

So Be It. 
 I was with you on decentralized energy systems up to the wholr "help humanity" nonsense. I am not... 
 Perhaps the Kardashev scale of Distributed Love Energy will save humanity from the Nicoll-Dyson beam the Zeta-Reticuli surely have pointed at Earth right now.  No need to make your own. 
 I consider it profound wisdom. 
 All figureheads are owned and controlled.  They're terrified of saying the wrong thing and angering their Masters. 
 The illusion is the exact inversion of truth.

Like Dimon and Warren saying BTC is used for fraud.

Inversion of truth, nature and humanity is the only play in the Controllers' playbook. It's all they know how to do.

They have no ability to imagine. That's why they don't stand a chance against Sovereign Humanity. 
"People love it when you tell them how rich they're going to be.  People are, at best, luke warm when you tell them to take some responsibility." - @BTCsessions 
 With decentralized energy systems, we can think in terms of strategic energy distribution in space and time, to help humanity.

from @BitcoinMagazine : Bitcoin Improves Water Abundance 
 Self Love is Utimate Sovereignty.

It requires complete acceptance of Self, which requires complete forgiveness of Self.

Don't make it difficult or painful. Do it effortlessly, gracefully and instantly.

Then get on with what you were doing. Easy. 
 Today I was able to help a friend access an old wallet, swap the shitcoin he had in it for Bitcoi... 
 Time well spent! 
 Trust the Divine.

Verify humans. 
 Shitcoins, NFTs, coinbase etc, are purposefully created attack vectors against human sovereignty. 
 Apparently it's because men wear pants so tight now, they can't fit stuff in their pockets

 Tight pants and a purse? Probably not men. 
 I keep thinking of the nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6 nost... 
 Keeping them unconsciously blind is the whole point of the system they're in. They'll all wake up in their time. 
 Our government is comprised of a bunch of creeps addicted to voyeurism. 
 Be your own government.  Genuine Humanity will not be ruled by paranoid anti-human freaks.  God help those who crave to be controlled so they don't have to be responsible for Self. 
 The Age of Individual and Societal Empowerment has indeed begun.  It is available for all who empower them Selves.  The choice is always yours alone. 
 Sometimes in life the greatest action is non-action. Patience wins the World. And presence gives ... 
 Waiting can be a powerful action.