Enjoy your 3/4-day weekend, #Americans🇺🇸 but F*** Columbus! As #BurningSpear🇯🇲 sang in his classic #reggae hit, "#ChristopherColumbus was a damn blasted 'liad' (liar)" who represents the violent history of #colonization, Native removal, genocide, and #slavery.
Instead --->>> Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay weekend! 🌍🌎🌏
On a positive note, Monday is also a national holiday in #Japan. Wishing a Happy "Health & Sports Day" to all who celebrate.🇯🇵
So is the "#DukeOfEarl" a real title?🤔 Don't mind me... just sittin' listening to random tunes on shuffle play.
#YouTubeMusic #music #RAndB #RhythmAndBlues #DooWop #GeneChandler
3 reasons to hate #JellyBeans (*NOT #3GoodThings🤬 haha):
1. They were a favorite of crook & racist #RonaldReagan🖕🏿
2. I once lost a crown while chewing on them 🦷
3. Just the sight of jelly beans in a grocery store reminds me that I'll never empty that "proverbial jar" 😈
Maybe I need a red convertible sports car and a 20yo gf to deal with my midlife crisis😢😭 LMAO #SugarDaddy or #JellyBeanDaddy?
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