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 Sounds like the bare minimum that musk should be doing if hes heading a global company. Telegramm owner has learnt the hard way what happens if you FAIL to do that when visiting france. 
I am a sperg from germany, fell out of work for quite a while due to health issues. Health issues i still regret not having suicided over as they began because while i am good now (provided i have medicine, aaaand without money thats an issue) that doesnt mean that long time until it was diagnosed and properly treated didnt happen, no matter how great things are now, that amount of pain will never fully be worth it - but ill try to get as close to that as possible.

Those health issues being trigeminal neuralgia caused by Multiple Sclerosis. That doesnt really affect me so long as i have my medicine now that its all properly diagnosed and i had some minor surgery.

Everbody assumed i will spend my life on welfare. Even had a court ordered legal guardian (who did assist me in gathering some documents for getting my foreign documents in order to make my stay here permanent).
I left for latinamerica with 500€ and without speaking a word of spanish (though, many people around here speak german. No, mostly not WWII germans, much older than that, though it isnt most people anymore, im told it used to be the majority just 20 years ago but not anymore), without an income or a plan other than to live free or fucking die.

Ive managed for a while, had some income here and there, but still nothing reliable to this day. Low on food, about to run out of medicine, late on rent...

Medicine being an espacially urgent issue.


Prior to my health issues, i used to be paid 100$/hour plus the occasional bonus (can from here work under your minimum wage, of course) to work in webdevelopment, primarily using PHP, MySQL, some javascript experience, outside of that i have used a bit of c#, c++, played around with Assembly even, i can manage linux servers and frankly from here i could compete in wages with any unskilled office work as well.

My work history includes work on a nutrition app, developing an email system and an internal management app which handles customer, worker, delivery, payment, and calculation processes for a large national company in germany. I have also worked on WordPress projects, fixed issues in a JavaScript-based game sold on Steam, and explored unconventional uses for a blockchain, such as base64 encoding files to save them directly on chain. This is more a proof of concept rather than fleshed out, but you can find the GitHub repository for that under https://github.com/RH89/fileshare.

Regarding Frameworks, i will admit that my experience is quite low, back when i started Ruby on Rails was just coming around iirc, so i had to do all of that from scratch, obviously id call reuable functions to establish database connections and such, but im not intimately familiar with any framework. On the flip side, i know how to safely handle user inputs and so on even without a framework doing that work for me, so i dont think i should struggle to much with using frameworks, at worst id expect i might do some additional work which the farmework would otherwise do for me. This should also position me well for maintaining legacy systems. 
 lol. Tim Walz says Dick Cheyneys endorsment will convince libertarians to vote Kamala https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1021557729669697617/1299182839455023204/VID_20241024182453.mp4 
 My issue would be that tarriffs disincentivise outsourcing. Is it better, worse than income tax? I suppose it depends on the details. Neither is justifiable. 
 Its unlikely that a useful non-corrupt government would take the form of a national or state government rather than a private governing company. 
 Plot twist: Using AI to figure out what seems like AI to "un-AI" it so the result is ACTUALLY AI generated (based on the original allegedly AI generated) 
 Bitcoin is money, everything else is credit

Not your keys, not your bitcoin

Study #bitcoin

 Not exactly... Everything else.
 Thats good, yes. But then, he wants to raise that money with tarriffs which is of course also a terrible thing, it dicourages outsourcing which is bad for everyone. 
 Okay. The debt shouldnt be served anyways. Repudiated as illegitimate. Because the people actually made to pay it, the "taxpayers" did not agree to take it on. Simple as. 
 What do the 5.3% think whod they even "give it back" to? lol 
 Hi again, now that i feel like i am properly set up on nostr, a bit more.
I do by now have my local government ID and am in the process of setting up my Tax number which should open further doors for me.
Ive allways been barely scraping by however and this month work in the value of around 1100€ fell through. So i am about 1.000.000 Satoshis short of my essentials. It would also be great if after 2 years i could finally get a proper matress (let alone a bed) rather than that cheap foam stuff which is lied through very quickly, not good for my back.

I will not be asking for money, however, instead i will, after getting some sleep, write about my previous work experience in the hopes someone here has some remote work for me, be it in my field as web developer or otherwise.

Stay tuned for that, thatll be a long one.

 Wer weiß das schon in 2024? Waren nur 25 jahre, were weiß ob das nicht nur ein kurzer Hype ist? ist ja alles noch Neuland. 
 It has become so weird that the US Right supports Israel’s war on Palestine while the US Left s... 
 I wouldnt call them "right". I wouldnt call any nationalist "right". Nationalism is quite a new revolutionary leftwing extremist ideology under which even the means of producing law, defense and justice are no longer privately owned.
And, consequently, theres far more positions one can take than just the 3-5 you mentioned. 
 "profits" should also be put into quotemarks here. 
 0.19 Satoshi are 1₲ 
 I believe i do. Just set my lud16 accordingly. #checkmyaddy 
 Oh, got it. Despite it being all caps in the profile, i shouldve not done that in the actual name of the field. NOW it works. #checkmyaddy 
 I’ve viewed such joy, light, solidarity and bipartisanship in the last month. If anyone, after ... 
 I dont believe in voting at all. I mean, unless you include voting with your Satoshi or with your lead, as John Joe Gray did or Cliven Bundy did, forcing the feds to return his property with his pals acting as snipers.
Thats the way to interact with the government, not voting. 
 do we ever have enough?

feel like my brain's programmed into a constant state of "more"

just an... 
 "Capitalistic" not so much. I mean, knowing history i would strongly argue that "capitalism" has been coined as an antisemitic slur without clear meaning. Theres a reason people can call even the USA where private property was abolished in 1787 can be called "capitalist" despite the high praises Marx had for it in his lifetime as well as Engels egging on its imperialist war on mexico... 
 Your desire for freedom is incompatible with iOS 
 Or no phone at all. I didnt have a phone before i decided to flee lifelong welfare dependency due to severe disabilities and heavy beurocracy in germany by taking 500€ and flying to paraguay without speaking a word of spanish and without a plan other than to #LifeFreeOrDie - best choice ever, as much as i may be struggling to pay rent and medicine espacially this month but still, i do at least have my paraguayan ID and am more or less in the process of getting my taxnumber which will open me some more doors.
When traveling (or generally in such a place as this where theres sometimes 12 hour long power outages... Rare, but still) a phone is pretty useful though. 
 The early open source developers were almost universally very left wing. They were anti private p... 
 Have we fundamentally changed? I cant speak for others, but i dont think i have, i was just naive and hadnt quite gotten over their propaganda about reality and history just yet.

I would reject the term "capitalism" as an otherwise meaningless anitsemitic slur. If you know your history, thats what it was coined as.
Hence why they can call even the USA capitalist despite the extreme socialism it was created on in 1787, where you had to follow government "law" even on what is allegedly your own "property" therby making it government property.
Thats what "property" means, its a synonoum of soverignty. Hence why church asylum was a thing, church property was recognised as such, thus nobody else could enforce their "law" there.

Andrew Ryan: 
"What is the greatest lie ever created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built: altruism. Whenever anyone wants others to do their work, they call upon their altruism. 'Never mind your own needs.', they say. 'Think of the needs of....' Of... whoever. Of the state, of the poor, of the army, of the king, of God. The list goes on and on. How many catastrophes were launched with the words 'Think of yourself.'? It's the king and country crowd who light the torch of destruction. It is this great inversion, this ancient lie, which has chained humanity to an endless cycle of guilt and failure. My journey to Rapture was my second exodus. In 1919, I fled a country that had traded in despotism for insanity. The Marxist Revolution simply traded one lie for another. Instead of one man, the Czar, owning the work of all the people, all of the people owned the work of all of the people. And so, I came to America, where a man could own his own work, where a man could benefit from the brilliance of his own mind, the strength of his own muscles, the MIGHT of his own will. I had thought I had left the parasites of Moscow behind me. I had thought I had left the Marxist altruists to their collective farms and their five-year plans, but as the German fools threw themselves on Hitler's sword for the good of the Reich, the Americans drank deeper and deeper of the Bolshevik poison, spoon-fed to them by Roosevelt and his New Dealers. And so, I asked myself, in what country was there a place for men like me? Men who refused to say yes to the Parasites and the doubters? Men who believed that work was sacred and property rights inviolate? And then one day, the happy answer came to me, my friends: there was no country for people like me and that was the moment I decided... to build one."
 Well, the people belonging to the tribes which currently make up "acceptable discourse" (some of which are still heavily targeted by others, but still promoted by the regime. See Andrew Tate, if the "other side" hadnt constantly gone on and on about him, nobody would know who that guy is, so hes still at the fringes of acceptable discourse but within it and promoted to fortify the outer border of acceptable discourse. 
Its still all democrats, ultimately, i.e. people who beleive in voting. I dont. I believe voting is essentially communism. Nationalism, too, is a very new revolutionary socialist ideology under whcih even the state itself, the means of producing law, defense and justice are no longer privately owned which i of course do not deem acceptable.
And if you are gonna have democracy, at least dont let women who will never be forced to fight the wars they are voting for to vote.
Weve seen in 1933 germany what womens suffrage leads to.  
 Hello frens, guten Tag and buenos diaz.
For the second time after gossip fucked me over.
German sperg with MS and Trigeminal Neuralgia here who fled indefinate welfare dependence by leaving for southamerica with 500€, not knowing a word of spanish and no plan other than to #LiveFreeOrDie.
Nobody wouldve expected me to ever get off of welfare with those disabilities. But i am slowly learning spanish (would be quicker if i could afford a vehicle, living 6km out of town in an allready sparsely populated area, and in summer (which is now) walking to town in the daytime at  45°C is not feasable.

I have so far survived nearly 2 years, though recently a few things fell through and i am a bit on hard time, looking for more work as a coder (or in theory anything that can be done remotely, and, yes, i allways wanted to do more than i currently am) but ill post about that another time.
 Well, the NIP-05 is fixed, dont know if the LN works. #checkmyaddy 
 I believe i do. Just set my lud16 accordingly. #checkmyaddy 
 Thanks, like, im mostly looking for work really at the moment. I dont know if locally would be any good options, because, i dont have a vehicle so even getting to the nearest town is an act. Plus, i dont speak spanish well. I can read it to some extend and am learning but... 
 If you know of anyone who has any espacially remote work, that would help... 
 That is what i am hoping to do. Though at this point just reliably having enough to survive on would be an improvement. 
 Actually, i dont expect to reach the 80 M₲ a year in 2025 even in income (much less profit) to pay taxes. 
This month was paticularly bad so not even paying my medicine and rent is... difficult. Of course, i cant work full time from that little, the "semiautomatic washing machine" i have is barely better than handwashing, kinda includes rinsing it out under the fresh water running in at the end, i couldnt afford a vehicle yet and so on, so... 
 But currently i have to way to little work. And by the time i have enough, im gonna be fine to get an actual washing machine so ill have more time for more work and so on. 
 It doesnt need to be. It just needs more gatekeeping, one needs to be more toxic, and physically remove troublemakers such as socialists and democrats (by which i dont mean any party as americans tend to understand it, but anyone who believes in voting) 
 Im not really deeply steeped in catholic history so thats going to be a hard one to adress for me. But i do know we are set up in such a way that makes it easy, we can just fork things if need be. 
 A community member of mine who left Germany to start a new life in south America is looking for o... 
 New account (also made that introduction post again). Gossip heavily warned against me ever looking at the key to back it up so i thought just backing up the files they are saved in in encrypted form would be enough... buuuut appearently a new version of gossip has now issues with those older files. Definitely learnt from that. 
 Hello frens, guten Tag and buenos diaz.
German sperg with MS and Trigeminal Neuralgia here who fl... 
 New account. Gossip heavily warned against me ever looking at the key to back it up so i thought just backing up the files they are saved in in encrypted form would be enough... buuuut appearently a new version of gossip has now issues with those older files. Definitely learnt from that. 
 New account. Gossip heavily warned against me ever looking at the key to back it up so i thought just backing up the files they are saved in in encrypted form would be enough... buuuut appearently a new version of gossip has now issues with those older files. Definitely learnt from that.