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 @e4576eea would that be the same prophet who married a 9 year old girl? call me crazy but ascribing greatness to a pedophile seems a bit, wrong to me. 
 @872ab8e1 People need to stop acting surprised when a middle aged rich white man from south Africa acts like a giant piece of shit. That's their MO 
 As we face yet another Govt shutdown I reflect on these absurdities. In the United States:
•1 S... 
 @e4576eea Either the GOP go or The united states does. simple as that. 
 STORY: Trump threatens judges at campaign events while facing 91 criminal indictments to overthro... 
 @e4576eea It's not failing, it's doing its job. and it's job is to get the people friendly to the oligarchs or billionaires as you americans call them into power. It's not the media's fault the united states is a nation of idiots. 
 @872ab8e1 Cant wait for people to start turning on a dime because they got bribed into not having a problem with it. oh how I wish the United States could keep it's problems to itself. 
 Just a reminder this account is run by a single human. Me, hi. Sending me shitty DMs will result ... 
 @5b00f2ed Poopy! does that count? 
 Trump is getting worse, more dangerous, more bent on inciting violence. This is not a presidentia... 
 @339afc2d and nothing's really being done about it. how many judges have to hand down orders for him to clam up? how many times is he going to get away with NOT doing so? I'm starting to wonder if anything at all is going to come of his court cases. 
 People are not attempting to legitimize slavery because of the past, it's because they want to do... 
 @3967703f Now this may shock you, but it's still a thing in many places of the world and in a certain lens it never fully went away in the united states. Why americans beat their chests in pride about their nation very few people outside of that nation will never know. 
 Looking at my female dominated grad cohort 20yrs ago, I expected we were going to be part of a sh... 
 @b5cdaf1a Or it's Women getting into academia and finding they enjoyed being a student more than a researcher. Happens to Men too. 
 I get Romney is retiring & doing his tell all book but—
1. We already knew all this. Him affirm... 
 @e4576eea Talk is all his party has as its no longer a governmental body but an anti governmental body. 
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 @ca5977db People afraid of AI are either trying to restrict it so they alone can profit from it, or watched too many movies in the 80's and 90's. We are not as stupid as the people on screen. 
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 @58587491 so obviously a scam that coupled with the data gathered by peoples reaction to the covid lockdown I am no longer wholly comfy with most people being allowed to vote.