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 Trump is getting worse, more dangerous, more bent on inciting violence. This is not a presidential candidate; this is a criminal defendant seeking to save his own skin no matter how much damage it causes. The media must stop pretending this is in any way a normal presidential horse race. 
Chutkan will reign him in today. 
 @339afc2d is it possible that the big money behind the media companies want him back? His need for attention and their need for clicks feed on each other. 
 @339afc2d White  men today in United State never know  what is truth or not. Donald Trump is  best thing so far for United State. 
 @339afc2d he's a mob boss. I have no idea how anyone can still support him. I choose not to be around those people since I figure they're dangerously stupid. 

Autocracy might not advocate elections while democracy might vote in a tyrant

These times test less the media but more the American people

Just as you never fully know the character of friends & family until your own hardships, now we learn the nature of our neighbors, our communities, our states & our country

Now is revealed the true nature of our politics, of our supposed friends & known enemies foreign & domestic; at least only those we thought our friends can betray us 

"The media must stop pretending this is in any way a normal presidential horse race."

I agree with you. And the next step is "what do we do when they don't stop pretending?". Because they mostly won't. Do we picket the NYT offices? Do we name-and-shame individual reporters? Do we figure out who writes the both-sides headlines and name them?

What is a call to action that doesn't mention any actions? 

The justice department needs to get more serious, too. Either find him in violation of terms in his bail release agreement  and jail him until trial or have him commited to a mental health institution for a psychological evaluation to see if he's unfit to stand trial. If unfit, he needs to be institunalized indefinitely for being a menace to society. 
 @339afc2d I bet that some people in the media are getting paid 'behind close doors' to promote certain candidates. Those politicians are visible, but some outlaws behind the curtains who are supporting those candidates are not. 
 @339afc2d and nothing's really being done about it. how many judges have to hand down orders for him to clam up? how many times is he going to get away with NOT doing so? I'm starting to wonder if anything at all is going to come of his court cases. 
Narrator (Morgan Freeman voiceover): And of course the media did nothing. 
 @339afc2d first part is a correct observation. Your “must not” statement means nothing. 
 @339afc2d any case in which a presidential candidate might credibly intimidate witnesses or officers of the court and set the stage for violence perpetrated against them by his followers during a legal proceeding such that a judge has to contemplate tailoring a gag order to prevent that behavior is flat out unfit to serve as President. Why can’t journalist say that in plain and unambiguous language? 
 @339afc2d The sole reason why he is doing his unpresidential bid, is trying to avoid prosecution. And if all goes well, it will not be working. That is why now he is getting more and more desperate and vile… Trump is a dangerous con man. He should never ever be allowed near public office again. 
All true., and he still remains the ultimate bar none super greatest revenue generator for the media both pro and con his white nationalist Christian Fascist Party (GOP) shit show in service to those wanting to destroy the USofA and consume the remains. 
 @339afc2d Worse? Is that possible? What did he do now? 
 @339afc2d His followers don't care.  They want him to go after everyone they feel wronged them.  And people not paying attention have no idea how dangerous he is. 
 @339afc2d @4a44eb8c 

Not sure I understand why he still has a voice 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 @339afc2d Much as I love today's headlines, I am very much curious and somewhat concerned about how certain neighbors in the community will respond. 
Hopefully everyone will just stay calm and peaceful. We are each in this together for the betterment of a world we are meant to be part of. Respect yourselves and all others, regardless of their individual ideals. 
 @339afc2d i do believe he's going to incite violence... soon. 
 @339afc2d It won't, though