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Notes by "Resigned" Mike :verified: | export

 (kurwa, I told you: there will be no shutdown and you laughed me out!)

"House adopts stopgap fun... 

This is the weakest group of GOP stooges I've ever seen. 

Majority owned by the DS. 

 The Uni-Party defeats Republicans to adopt a 45-day surrender to unlimited spending and collapse.

Betrayal is routine.

The enemy isn't only within, but it controls every lever of govt.

335 to 91. (Final vote)

That's 209 Democrats and 125 RINOs.

Now I ask you, how is a govt reformed with a nearly 3-1 ratio of Enemies to Patriots?

And in 45 days they'll to it again.

When is SOMEONE going to call to vacate the chair?


Democrats voted to save McCarthy's 45-day CR.

And not wanting a 100 Democrats to take the heat for saving McCarthy and the RINOs, all the Democrats voted to save them.

To save the uni-party.

Oh, how will the Maui funds be used? Remember, this is the same corrupt govt that is FEMA, the FBI, and the FDA. 

The irony is they don't need their congressional pay to get rich. They get rich by selling us out to interests every hour of every day. 

It's how the House and Senate create millionaires. It's not done on a salary, but done with bribes, insider trading, and perks. 
 nostr:npub1ptmc89knq87ntjwhcehfzexgu6uvfjh3skrtn2pkcc60smljm5ys696rn8 You would think.  But dems ... 
 @203536d6 @0af78396 

The GOP is no different. They just have to be careful to pretend better than Democrats do. Democrats know that their base are weak minded, deviants, or dependent on govt.

The GOP works to pretend that they're fiscally responsible, morally just, and reasonable, all the while working within the DS uni-party to advance its goals.

There is no reforming of this govt. That is what we're being shown. 
 Are Democrats working to run out the clock on the House today?

Petty games. A Democrat makes a motion to adjourn, of all things. Then a roll call vote is called to read off the names of Democrat representatives to get their vote, since they're not using their touchpads. Democrats one at a time having their names called and voting not to adjourn.

How many times will they do this today? 
 And while Democrats are in fact total scum, Kevin McCarthy, the scumbag, foisted a 71 page bill to fund the government at current levels on the house for a vote, with no time for anybody to read it.

The Democrats invoked an adjournment motion so they could read it.

These games are played by both sides, but what would you expect when both sides are thoroughly and totally corrupt.

Democrats point out the McCarthy bill removes prohibition on congressional pay increases.

Hmm... what? 
 Yes, House GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy will have a "clean" CR bill voted on within the next hour for 45 days of normal spending, abandoning shutdown leverage.

Kevin McCarthy is ready to BETRAY America again. Can anyone count how many times this DS shill has betrayed America.

When does ONE Republican call to Vacate the Chair?

All it takes is ONE to demand a vote to fire McCarthy.


"Side effects"

Defined as unintended consequences in pursuit of a different result.

Unless the creation of IgG4 was actually the intended result of injections that have zero efficacy, known serious adverse events that injure and kill, and pushed on Americans of all ages despite near zero risk to COVID if treated with Ivermectin, HCL, or other inexpensive therapeutics.

IgG4 creation is not a side effect.

It is the purpose of these shots.

Long-term injury leading to death. 

Undercover WEF. 
 @ba92f80a @84eb5b08 

There all WEF until you see someone being attacked by both parties and the MSM.

I can only think of ONE. 
 @ElonMusk asks why our politicians can care about the Ukrainian border, but not our border?

They do care about our border. They care that it's wide open under the orders of their globalist masters who want to kill Americans with vaccines, abortions poison in our foods, and replace us with 3rd world shithole residents who will vote for anything for free food, free housing, free healthcare, etc. 
 I used to watch this theater from Washington DC. Today it's like watching sequel after sequel with the exact same plot, and in the end, the result is always the same.

McCarthy and McConnell will eventually go along with a continuing resolution that will guarantee two trillion dollars in deficit this year. People will scream and feign outrage, and they'll be back next year to do it again. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 We know all the moves.  I w... 

Sadly, they're not paid to surprise, or even care about us.

They're all con-artists with less integrity than drug dealers. 
 Dianne Finstein dies suddenly in DC.

One entire CCP spy agency suddenly shutdown due to loss of access. 
 Dianne Finstein dies suddenly in DC.

Democrats call for more Gun Control after blaming Trump for her death. 
 After doing everything he could to betray his Jan promises and get a clean CR, now Kevin McCarthy is stealing credit for the individual appropriation bills that wouldn't exist if Matt Gaetz hadn't threatened his Speakers chair.

A clean CR is coming. Once the Senate kills these bills, McCarthy will betray America again like he did on the Debt Ceiling. 

I thought Newsom would be... 
 @ba92f80a @84eb5b08 

They're not done with her yet.

Along with the fake Feddernan, they'll wheel her corpse onto the floor to vote against the House budget appropriations.

"Just say aye". 

Until tomorrow morning.

Maybe they're upgrading her embedded cartel chips. 

Nazis were never known for playing fair. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 nostr:npub17vgpe50gflrdttev... 
 @72906336 @f3101cd1 

I'd be shocked if they/we hadn't caught them all. We all knew from the earliest days, and Trump even Tweeted on Nov 6, 2012 that he knew the machines were swapping Romney votes to Obama.

So I have no doubt the white hats have caught them all.

The mystery is what can they do with what they've got?

They're either holding back to awaken people, or they don't have an answer to the question. 

Expect anything? As the desperation grows, we may see primaries rigged, and polls fabricated out of whole cloth.

There's an ocean between reality and the narrative the MSM and BOTH parties are pushing.

These debates are not just for viewers. They're to build a narrative that these DS clowns are legitimate candidates.

The DS is in a complete and total panic. 

Wow, another harshly worded letter.

This corrupt DA must be shaking in her jackboots! 

After the stories out of the UK with citizens taking out the 15-minute city cameras, I'm wondering when/if Americans will begin to take out this surveillance technology being implemented here?

One of these comes near me and I'll treat it as dangerous, given the ways in which drones are being used in warfare, including Ukraine. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 nostr:npub1ptmc89knq87ntjwh... 
 @1c553d25 @0af78396 

Why not? They'll just print the money they need. 
 We've been down this congressional budget road many times before going back well over a decade or two. It's a script replayed over and over, but always culminating in the same outcome, because no other outcome can be tolerated by the global elite.

The redistribution of wealth to the elite will continue this year, next year, and forever until it is forcibly stopped.

The only peaceful way will be through fair and honest elections. We don't have fair and honest elections. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 this has been going on for ... 

In fact, they are doing their jobs. We've just been under the misconception that their job was to represent and defend We the People.

We should know by now that is not their job. They are selected for office, funded for office, and advanced in office, to promote the agenda of our enemies within the deep state and global elite.

Most Americans are still far from accepting that as our reality, but there it is. 

Oh, they know. But it's just like financial institutions choosing not to offer alternative products to bonds and equities. If they admit that there are alternatives, just as medical institutions admitting there are alternatives to vaccines, they must embrace the liability that they pushed something contrary to something else that they pushed.

The entire COVID fraud hinged on dismissing alternatives to a vaccine. 100% tied at the hip. To admit otherwise now is there doom. 

Carriage Return?


Yes, a Continuing Resolution. No audits of spending. Trillions in deficits.

The perfect money laundering technique to funnel big money into DS candidate campaigns. 
 A CR is coming and nothing can stop it.

McCarthy and the RINO whores don't care what We the People want.

This Govt is the enemy, bought and paid for. 

I witnessed this in Seattle. Those on international flights were presumed to agree to board, unless they went to the counter before boarding and declined to the camera use.

So why are they doing this? Certainly to update the photos they have on file for passport holders. It would seem it's only a matter of time before they apply this standard to driver's licenses as well.

They argue it's for convenience, but we should all know by now nothing these people do is to help Americans. 

This morning, Steve Banno... 

I heard that too, but watching her nearly studderring to pushback against Gaetz to defend McCarthy leaves me wondering if Bannon and others like him think she's a net plus?

Why does Fox News keep her? It's not because she's really hurting the DS.

She is controlled opposition, in my view. 
 Did you know that Maria Bartiromo used to be listed on the World Economic Forum's website as a Young Global Leader?

In her interview with Matt Gaetz on Sunday, she couldn't have been more helpful to the WEF as she went after Matt in defense of RINO Deep State puppet Kevin McCarthy.

Gaetz, concerned that he might never be invited back, played nice and she appears to have realized how bad she looked before the interview was over. But it's the first time I've seen her fight for the DS. 

And the younger people are, the less they see of what they're losing, because the losses in their world are not as far from the norm in their lives. 
 So what happened tonight? 

Don't forget your PC's, I... 

Does anyone else wonder if a virus can be pushed from the EMS? 
 continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the... 

I think I'll leave my phone and TVs off on the 4th.

What do you want to bet there's a record of devices that are hit with the alert? There all on networks.

Can I be too paranoid? 
 I'm becoming worried how easily people are being turned against people doing the work for us.

Everything is a lie. 
 It's the vaccine, not COVID.

The vaccine.

It's NOT safe or effective.

"The vaccines are causing this enormous wave if illness."

Yep, sounds like a cartel ... 
 @85fa30b5 @0af78396 

Or Biden and Democrats work for the cartels. 

When I hear Obama, who I see is Valerie Jarrett.

Obama is little different than Biden. He's a puppet too. 

George Stephanopoulos was rewarded for his lying and deceit helping the Clinton's capture the wh in 1992.

He's scum of the Earth, like the hundreds of Democrat scum that infest DC and America 
 Ken Paxton's acquittal of bogus charges brought by a corrupt Texas House is a good sign.

It demonstrates that the self-interest of corrupt Texas senators is still subject to demands by We the People. 
 @a045199f @98513a7f 

The sooner the Middle Class moves out of these cities, the sooner the Globalists will buy up all the properties and turn them into prisons... I mean... Smart Cities. 

Might make for another Constitutional challenge.

Will SCOTUS allow an incumbent administration to censor its principle opposition?

These DS cretins are trying to litigate away the 1st Amendment. First with collusion with Big Tech social platforms, then with critics of the regime, and next the leading presidential candidate?

And if they lose in the courts, or get subpoenas they disagree with, they just ignore them?

Who holds them accountable? No one in Govt. 

At least 2 Texas State GOP senators voted in favor of first article to convict AG Ken Paxton.

WHO ARE THEY? They are not allies of America. 
 Are 'they' trying to kill us?
Response to a call...


Saying a solid ‘NO’ to any attempt at an imposition on our physical movement, jobs or personal health choices.

People’s lives have been destroyed because of the measures taken.

They lied. And people died. People continue to suffer. 

Speak out. Share your stories of injection injury and loss with whomever will listen. 

 How bad is the corruption within Federal Law Enforcement, FBI, ATF, and DOJ?

"It's not just what capabilities they have, but the lengths to which they've shown they'll go to cover-up their corruption."


From Dr John Campbell today. While Pfizer admits 1,000 serious adverse effects per million doses, and Moderna admits 1,500 serious adverse events per million doses, FDA justifies continuing these poison boosters saying they might prevent double-digit hospitalizations per million.

This while UK data shows one out of 400 people who take the booster will suffer serious adverse effects.

When is it time to forcefully stop murder and injury? 
 Numbers tell the tale.

2,500 serious adverse effects per million shots. That's 1 out of every 400 shots seriously injure people.

35,000 dead in VAERS x 30 to 40 = 1+ million. That's 1 out of every 800 shots kill.

In the U.S. nearly 1 billion doses. Divided by 800 = 1.2 million dead. Adjusted VAERS supports that number.

Now the murderers want 6 months and older to inject a new, untested booster, claiming pitiful benefits. Lies!

It's democide. Genocide by govt, with MSM propaganda. 

These threats are the perfect way to keep people updating their software.

Again, fear keeps us all inline.

We have no control over our phones. We carry them around so we're already tracked, monitored, and everything on them is at the mercy of the developers.

We can still throw them away, hense the push for implants that will make it permanent. 
Event not found
 Most important video you'll watch this week! 
Event not found
 @0af78396 @203536d6 

If a state like CA has available water, they can't drive out farming to ready the state for China.

Newsom actually vetoed a desalination plant that had been adopted by the state legislature.

Govts right now are operating under the reverse premise to "Do no harm".

Today it's "Do no good". 
Event not found

Has someone? I've not heard about a vote.

No, it hasn't happened. It's bee a "threat", but no one has actually pulled the trigger. 
Event not found

Just unplug him and wait 30 seconds, then plug him back in.

That works 90% of the time with anything using a chip.