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Notes by "Resigned" Mike :verified: | export

 How bad is the corruption within Federal Law Enforcement, FBI, ATF, and DOJ?

"It's not just what capabilities they have, but the lengths to which they've shown they'll go to cover-up their corruption."

 Returned from the store.

Have you looked at ingredients and seen how widespread Carrageenan use is?

It's a known carcinogen and is heavily used in ice creams.

Our Kroger was selling chicken thighs up front at 99¢ /lb. And right there in the front of the packaging was "Includes Carrageenan". 

From Dr John Campbell today. While Pfizer admits 1,000 serious adverse effects per million doses, and Moderna admits 1,500 serious adverse events per million doses, FDA justifies continuing these poison boosters saying they might prevent double-digit hospitalizations per million.

This while UK data shows one out of 400 people who take the booster will suffer serious adverse effects.

When is it time to forcefully stop murder and injury? 

Talk and write sternly wo... 
 @4052eb9c @34b946d8 

Yeah, that they release to the MSM, but are ignored by recipients.

I saw Josh Hawley go after DOE nominee yesterday. He charged her with not answering questions from her first congressional appearance and said he hope she'd answer questions from the current hearing in a more timely manner.

She went on to repeatedly state she did not have answers to the new questions but would get back to the Senate.

It's all a dog and pony show.

Everything is a lie. 
 Here's an idea, let's petition the White House to move the CDC and the FDA to Ukraine. Then give Putin the location of the CDC and the FDA.

Would Americans be safer or more at risk if the CDC and the FDA ceased to exist?

The answer to that question should be obvious to anybody paying attention. 

It's a great grift the Republicans run in the House and Senate. All they do is talk to fire up their base and raise money, implying that talk accomplishes things.

What they know, but don't acknowledge, is that we don't elect them to talk. We elect them to take action. That means when we give them the power to subpoena, refer criminal charges, impeach, or cut off spending and shut down the govt, they do that and we vote for more of them.

But instead all they do is talk. 

You make two points, people who are "knowledgeable" and those who "read".

Most people don't read, watch or listen to anything that challenges their perceptions of reality.

And those who do are often limited in their understanding, and forced to rely on the credibility of the sources.

The DS is very good at blurring facts, science and perceptions with bogus sources. 
 I think a good measure of whether an America is awake or not, is whether they accept that our govt brought down the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.

Once a person accepts that as a fact, then the premeditated murder of tens of millions of people will be for more believable. 
 9/11 defied the Laws of Physics.

Or did it?

If the collapses were intentional, they would have required controlled demolition of the internal supporting structure to allow for free-fall of the buildings.

 nostr:npub1ptmc89knq87ntjwhcehfzexgu6uvfjh3skrtn2pkcc60smljm5ys696rn8 nostr:npub1d7rv3453exqf300w... 
 nostr:npub1npgn5lawy8n94fcpxeh9dxghxsytn5tr8gvh7n9xv7nc2s8vfhqsvfnt5c nostr:npub1d7rv3453exqf300w... 
 @0af78396 @98513a7f @6f86c8d6 @3a75fee0 

Biden is a prop. Nothing more.

A distraction.

The "squirrel" to get the dogs' attention. 
 As an engineer raised Catholic,  I struggled with what the word "faith" meant my entire life. In my 50s, I finally grasped what it really meant and have lived my life in the unproven belief of the Divinity.

The word faith today, means more than a devine intervention, but that God has established forces among us, that have not been taken by surprise now.

These forces will wield weapons that none of us may understand, but they are readying the endgame for humanity's enemies.

I have faith in it. 

Couldn’t agree with you... 

This is my position, as of today, about what's happening.

I can't prove it, but I am thoroughly convinced that what we're witnessing is a show to awaken as many Americans as is possible. Not to engage them in the fight, but to prepare them for an outcome that none of us can anticipate.

I refuse to accept that this situation is naturally occurring, or has not been allowed to happen.

We are witnessing the greatest sting in the history of mankind. 
 nostr:npub1g8x3flt9vyqwzla5jjy5r5qt5dxjey7tve58ueea9d0nsetv82rqs2ey02 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzc... 
 @0af78396 @41cd14fd 

Agree, and was always their plan.

I suggested years ago that Covid was released from multiple locations, and various variants were released initially.

By February 2020 there were already 6 identifiable variants being tracked, meaning they were already at levels where they could be tracked.

We were being fed Wet Market and travel from China causing the spread.

That was ALWAYS BS.

Variants were out their since 2017, but the DS MSM planned the public release for 2020. 
 I've said this over and over.

The greatest weapon the DS Cabal has is the inability of people to believe their eyes. Their inability to accept that such evil can exist again. One that is currently in the act of killing BILLIONS, and knew before they started that the level of pushback we see today would come.

What has been done to stop this?


What is the GOP doing?


We're either DOOMED, or more is happening than we see. But it's out of our hands. 
I know that... I was talki... 

There are natural mutations. Always are. But the DS goal is to keep Covid in the headlines forever so they can bribe, coerce and threaten people into pumping more Lipid Nanoparticles into their bodies. Lipid Nanoparticles that contain more than mRNA to create the Spike Protein.

Western Civilization is being murdered right before our eyes. 

I fear we've not begun to see the real carnage that awaits us from these slow-ticking timebombs. 

China? I've never bought that diversion.

Covid was invented by Ralph Baric at North Carolina Chapel Hill. Funded by DARPA and the NIH, including Fauci.

Then shipped to covert DS-run labs around the world, mutated and released per a plan.

David Martin is screaming the history of this Democide.

And now mandates, like Providence Hospital in NY, are demanding health workers self-poison themselves again.


Covid is man-made. The variants are man-made. The releaseS are intentional. They are willful. They are premeditated to spread death and injury around the world with viruses made in labs around the world.

This didn't START in Wuhan. That was but the narrative we were told to focus our attention there. Even the proximity to the wet market was part of the operation to keep people distracted with that debate while it was being spread worldwide starting in 2017. 
Imagine that... Viruses ar... 

China? I've never bought that diversion.

Covid was invented by Ralph Baric at North Carolina Chapel Hill. Funded by DARPA and the NIH, including Fauci.

Then shipped to covert DS-run labs around the world, mutated and released per a plan.

David Martin is screaming the history of this Democide.

And now mandates, like Providence Hospital in NY, are demanding health workers self-poison themselves again.

 No surprise here! Covid variants are NOT natural, but the DS Cabal is creating them and releasing them.

"Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa wanted to trace the historical evolution of the omicron variant...

They found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural processes. The existence of these variants seems to provide definitive proof of large-scale lab creation and release of Covid viruses."



"this changes everything
If the observations and inferences in this paper are correct - and barring a pure hoax, involving fraudulent depositions to sequence databases, they certainly seem to be - then they provide indisputable evidence that the entire history of SARS-CoV2, at least subsequent to the emergence of the original strain, is artificial.

Someone, somewhere, really is doing all this deliberately." 
 Can I prove there's a plan in the works to defeat this evil?


Do I believe there is? 

100% yes.

What evidence do I have? 


But if there isn't one, there's nothing we can do to stop what is coming, and we're done.

So there better be one, or it's over. That's my proof. NCSWIC. 

I'm done tolerating the denial of it. There's no future surrendering to that outcome. 
 Sounds like Bannon and Kash Patel have given up on the RINO Congress.

Laughable. They've known the uselessness of the Republican Party from the start.

This is a marker in the revolution against the World Order. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 nostr:npub16nefft85cck8cxq9... 

Then we better get ready to do it ourselves. You ready? 
 Bank reserve requirements moving from 0% to 20%-30%.

Basil 3: "the increased capital costs and estimates that it will increase capital requirements for banks by approximately 20%, and asserts that those increased costs will be felt by American consumers and businesses."

That's the housing bubble popper and the end of small to medium banks. 
 If Pelosi had the evidence against Trump that Comer has against the Biden Crime Family, Joementia would be impeached in a morning and convicted in the Senate in the afternoon.

The fact the Kevin McCarthy had to be blackmailed by Matt Gaetz into action PROVES that McCarthy and the RINO GOP will do everything they can to do NOTHING on impeachment, except fundraise and LIE about holding this DS regime in power - of which the GOP is part of. 

If we actually knew how completely useless and corrupt our election system is, we would either rise up in revolution or we would slink away and never vote again. 

Our election system is an absolute disaster, and unless the military steps in next year and takes control, history is going to repeat as it has repeated for decades with this totally corrupt election system. 
You are more correct than ... 

I'm knowing more every day.

Believing it possible is now easy. Believing what reality is is not as easy. 
 I'm beginning to understand what a mouse would feel like after a lifetime living in a maze, suddenly released from the maze into the real world.

Is it possible that our entire existence has been managed and manipulated?

Everything really is a lie. 
 After listening to Clif High on Man in America last week, this Q post means more today. He sounds crazier than a loon, but...

what if he isn't?

Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
 Sept 13, 2023


The U.S. House of Representatives, after months of Biden impeachment theater, will NOT vote to impeach the criminal, but will have raised hundreds of millions of dollars in their fraudulent attempt to remain in office after Nov 2024. 
 Real Economic Data for America:

Inflation: 12%
GDP: -2%
Unemployment: 25%

This is where conversation should start. Not with the official LIES from the DS. 

If the "science" is correct that is pouring out about amyloidosis and IgG4 transformation, the next decades will be horrific. 

And what will the Senate do about it?

Talk. Talk some more. And then... talk some more. 
 Imagine if every politician that challenged the Constitution and lost was LOCKED UP in prison for violating our God-given rights?

This BS would stop overnight. 
 @Caleb James DeLisle 

"After transferring Russian assets into CBDCs, Bkinken says he can do whatever he wants with it."

True or false?

Stay tuned for the Central Banks doing this to your money. 
 nostr:npub1xd3kd9vvvudk2qzcnqjr9w0x878vf9qwju3mwu3w2m40tasz986qka9tk9 Omg. I really don't know ho... 

They thought it because they control the powers of accountibility.

If you're living in any number of Central and South American countries, and Canada, they stopped wondering the "how" a long time ago. 
 Good to know, but I don't need details anymore, and that bitch, Hobbs, is staying for now. 


And the signature match issue is only one of the cheats. 
 Megyn Kelly Publicly Says She REGRETS Taking the COVID Vaccine

The Vigilant Fox

'I regret getting the vaccine...

... for the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got COVID within three weeks? And she said yes. Yes. I wasn’t the only one she’d seen that with.”

Event not found

He won't stop until he's stopped. 
Event not found

And they've got 90% of elected Republicans working with them. 
Event not found

Yeah, the wh, CIA, and FBI are so afraid of the courts. They might get busted by the DOJ. 
Event not found

This corrupt traitor, like the thousands working to enslave us, knows her life is literally on the line.

Her desperation, and that if the DS, is to save her life.

And she will burn down America, poison and kill babies, to save her life.

It WILL get worse until our pathetic, sleeping, family and friends wake up.