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Notes by Alkebu | export

 Just got stopped, searched, bag strewn on the airport floor on arrival to Germany. 

I’m a bit ... 
 A Black man with one leg? Bruh, they don’t give a fuck about Black men with two legs or no legs. 
When you see US Blacks “paraded” and promoted before the world know they are compromised. 
Doesn’t matter where you are you are the target. People are also finding out that EVERYONE is a target for control or elimination as this corrupt world shitstem swan dives into collapse. 
Rhetorical question; What do you put your faith in? 
 That many?!?  Most of them prob’ly lying. 
 One of the best answers I ever heard about #Bitcoin was someone who asked a hardcore bitcoiner, ... 

A little late to whine about who has BTC; UK 3+  billion USD; USA 13+ billion. 
With the other 296 listed entities there is ~46% of BTC on this chart. 

Thanks M. Kratter 
 What’s everyone’s game of choice these days? #gamestr 
 “What can I do to disrupt the empire today? 
 Years ago, I saw a drawing of the Michellin Man as an infant suckling at Africa’s breast. 

It was a “cute” (if one is soulless) depiction of how France engorged/es itself on, in this particular case, raw rubber. 

I’ve been searching for it but come upon nothing.   This is very interesting given France by popular of the people and their govts. has recently had their military kicked out of former colonies.  (We also got our walking papers.)

Anyone know of this pic and/or where to find it?
 Gresham's law exists. Now would be an excellent time to pay attention.  
 Looked it up. Investopedia uses basic definition then starts crapping about the dollar as good money. 
Hope against hope. Stuck in the past. 
 “Mama didn’t raise no bitch…”
But she apparently raised an idiot. 

 Thanks to some analysis from our intern nostr:npub17plqkxhsv66g8quxxc9p5t9mxazzn20m426exqnl8lxnh5... 
 Possible helpful framework;

-what is the purpose?
-who is the primary target?
For them, what is “value?”
How is that delivered?
-who are your supporting non-targets?
“Value” to them?
Delivered how?
-what are the goals and indicators that help reach them?
-who will do what with what human/material resources by what time?

1. What is your mission?
2. Who is your Customer? Your Supporting Customers?
What is “Value” to these groups?
How will that be provided?
3. What will be considered “results?”
4.  Goals, Objectives…?
5. What is the plan?

This is very condensed.  I can answer questions. 
Strategic Thinking and Planning. 
 Fiat Reckoning 

“Will all these [victims of his greed] not take up a taunting song against him, And in mocking derision against him Say, ‘Woe (judgment is coming) to him who increases that which is not his— How long [will he possess it]? And [woe to him who] makes himself wealthy with loans.’ Because you have looted many nations, All peoples who are left will loot you— Because of human bloodshed and for the violence done to the land, To the city and all its inhabitants.”

‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2‬:‭6‬, ‭8‬ ‭AMP‬‬